
How can I send parameters to a sub-index page?

Hello. I have a homepage, for example: There is a url like this: It's a long url, so I changed it like this: as well as I config the .htaccess file: <Files page> ForceType application/x-httpd-php </Files> Howe...

What rendering services are available to convert URLs to images?

I know some services that encode the description of an image inside on an URL. For example: for drawing UML Diagrams: or for rendering LaTeX equations: I really like these services to use them inside my javadoc to illustrate the documentation. On it's a bit tricky to encode these U...

How to use personalized urls in mvc application.

I am working on a website in which many users can create their account and have a personalized page. I wish to provide them a twitter like url to access their pages, for example or . I am using mvc 1.0. I have an understand that i can add routes to the global.asax file, but i am not able t...

Friendly URLs in Google App Engine

I'm trying to build a Friendly URL lookup method in GAE and Python. Have anyone done this? I've got it working but it feels VERY shaky. How it works is that it takes the path (let's say /foo/bar/) and splits it to a list. Takes the last element in the list and query the database for a match. Now comes some headaches. If there is more ...

Umbraco friendly URL not working after manully change the database...

Hi, As been requested, I wrote some code which basically change the document's date (the document of umbraco blog). I have changed every place I can find the date, and makes all the date displays fine, and I have adjusted the path to make it correct. Now, the url indicated in the umbraco.library.NiceUrl(id) is not working, but previou...

How to place search params in URL?

Hi - How do I get a form to submit it's params in the url, such that the rendered page will contain the query (rails 2.3)? Something like this: Simple, I know, but I'm not sure how to do it... :) thanks. ...

Handling SEO Friendly URL with Non-English Character

Hi, i have urls like this: ex: .com/topic.php?id=6 then i converted to: .com/topic/5.html it works but i want to convert .com/topic/title.html the "title" is dynamic(for example: "çağdaş") and can contain non english chars like Ş, Ğ or Ü in this case firstly i converter chars to acceptable equivalents like Ş to S or Ü to U. In short of i...

How to handle Url structure for parent/child data?

We are implementing a new Url structure for our existing site ( and I'm struggling with Url mechanics and how it relates to SEO. In our world, we deal with the parent entity: "record", i.e. world-records, e.g. "Largest Toothpick Beard" and "attempt", e.g. "George Gaspar, Feb 2009". There is only one page, but the various attem...

PHP: URL format

Hey guys, I've seen URL's like this around and I'm just wondering how it is they are used. Until now I've been using How can I use the other format? ...

django username in url, instead of id

Hello, in a mini virtual community, i have a profile_view function, so that i can view the profile of any registered user. The profile view function has as a parameter the id of the user wich the profile belongs to, so that when i want to access the profile of user 2 for example, i call it like that:

SEO Friendly URL Rewriter Parameters

I would appreciate you advice on how to incorporate parameters into SEO Friendly URLs We have decided to have the "techie" parameters first, followed by the "SEO Slug" \product\ABC123\fly-your-own-helicopter much like S.O. - if the SEO Slug changes, or is truncated, or missing, we still have the Product and ABC123 parameters; various ...

Make friendly URL in ASP.NET

how do i make my web app friendly URL? currently my app URL looks like this but I would like to display the URL to look like this what would i need to do? ...

complex URL remapping with friendly_id

I have the URL;container=aoeu but I want it to look like My models Container has many sections Section has many contents and belongs to a Container contents belong to a section with frien...

Friendly URLs with .htacces NOT working... and stackoverflow URLs style...

I know this question has been asked a million of times here at stackoverflow, but I cant get it to work so I need someone who knows to finally resolve this problem! I want that when this is inserted in the URL: It really goes to this:

Friendly URLs with .htacces weird response form my web hosting... HELP..

I just wanted that when this is inserted in the URL: It really goes to this (in background):;id=0160399;id=0160399&amp;tab=posters So I put this in my .htacc...

What is the most mature way/lib to generate SEO friendly URLs (slugs)?

I am looking for the most mature library, algorithm or code snippet that can generate SEO friendly and meaningful URLs from titles (e.g. I know one can easily write a 10-line function that does this but I am searching for a mature library that is able to h...

How to put the logged in users username in the URL?

Hello all, I am making use of Codeigniter and I currently have this URL format setup: I would like to put in the logged in users username in the URL and remove the view part of the URL. The view is my controller. So I can have something that looks like this in the address bar: How...

Nice URLs based on multiple parameters

Hi all, it is quite clear what the advantages of using nice urls in you web site are. Let me clarify what i am asking by using an example. To note that the entities here cannot be uniquelly identified by name. Say the user wants to see all the radio stations registered at your site that are available at a specific location. This is do...

Why we don't use such URL formats?

I am reworking on the URL formats of my project. The basic format of our search URLs is this:- www.projectname/module/search/<search keyword>/<exam filter>/<subject filter>/... other params ... On searching with no search keyword and exam filter, the URL will be :- www.projectname/module/search///<subject filter>/... other params ......

Friendly URLs for localhost ASP.NET websites

I Use Visual Studio 2010 with ASP.NET 4.0 and IIS7. When I open my site, the URL looks like this http://localhost:6549/Website/help/tab/contact-us I want a friendly URL: http://mysite/help/tab/contact-us or anything that will help me to get rid of the Port 6549 from URL http://localhost/Website/help/tab/contact-us I use ASP.NET ...