
How to create user-friendly and seo-friendly urls in jsf?

For example, I have class Article with methods getTitle () and getContent (). I also have ArticlesService with method getAllArticles (). How to create a list of links with meaningful names (formed with #{article.title})? Like:

mod_rewrite - need help with friendly URL

How would you mod_rewrite a url to go from directory.php?id=4 to directory/category/city/name/4/ I took a stab in the dark with RewriteRule ^directory/*/*/*/([^/\.]+)/?$ directory.php?&id=$4 But not working obviously. Any help is greatly appreciated ...

How to hide the .html extension with Apache mod_rewrite

I have a small number of static sites where I simply want to hide the .html extension: the url /foo fetches the static file /foo.html the browser still displays the url /foo The client can then send out bookmarks in the style rather than It sounds very simple, and I've used mod_rewrite happily...

making user friendly urls in a cms

Hi all. I am interested in the architecture of a CMS where i can pass a full URL instead of a query string. I would like to make a site that could handle a request to any page... Say '' and have the resulting response deliver a generic page/file. I would like the request to be passed throug...

Make URL in ASP.Net user-friendly

I'm trying to develop my first site in ASP.Net using Web Forms. I have a form with some controls and a TextBox control. While now I use GETrequest. When user submits a form his browser expects to get long URL, something like

read parameters from friendly url in Struts2

Using Convention Plugin, I am able to achieve friendly URL in Struts2. Now, I want to read the parameter from the URL. How to acheive this. Regards Ganesh ...

HTML form method with nice URL

I just want to know whether there is a way to answer this question with "Yes" without using JavaScript. What I want to do is have a search form that automatically generates URLs like or something similar when I enter my search term into a search text field. EDIT: Due to some mis-understanding (a...

Is a colon safe for friendly-URL use?

We are designing a URL system that will specify application sections as words separated by slashes. Specifically, this is in GWT, so the relevant parts of the URL will be in the hash (which will be interpreted by a controller layer on the client-side): http://site/gwturl#section1/section2 Some sections may need additional attributes,...

PHP: Parse different styles of friendly urls

Hello. I am writting my own small framework and I am going to implement friendly URLs there. mod_rewrite is great. But I want to be able to handle several types of friendly URLS at once: /index.php?ac=user&an=showprofile (fallback variant, the worst) /index.php/user/showprofile (supposedly, can be disabled by security settings) index.p...

How to transform ASP.NET URL without URL routing or URL rewrite?

I am using ASP.NET 2.0 on IIS6 therefore I can’t use system.web.routing. I’ve tried a few URL rewriters but none did what I wanted. I basically need to transform (read/parse then redirect) URL 1 into 2 with minimum IIS configuration because I don't have the full authority to reconfigure web servers (i.e. ISAP on IIS6 or install 3rd part...

How to set html button as default for ASP.Net form?

Well, I'm trying to make ASP.NET urls looking user-friendly, like it was explained in this question. So I created an ASP.Net form, and placed asp:textbox and asp:button on it. Also I set onclientclick attribute to call JS function which navigates to smart URL by setting windows.location.href. In Firefox it works well but in IE and Opera ...

URL rewriting that visibly rewrites (changes the URL in the address bar)

I asked sort of the complement of this question before: Now I actually want a rewrite to happen visibly, because I've switched URL schemes and although I want the old links to work, I want the user to see the new URL scheme. So this works RewriteRule ^oldscheme/(.*)/?$ ...

How can I create (custom) friendly URL in Wordpress?

In Wordpress, I have set the permalink structure like this: /%category%/%postname% After creating a custom search page, I now have the following URL: I have two questions: 1) How can I transform this url so that I get to e.g. ? 2) Is the...

URL Friendly Username in PHP?

On my PHP site, currently users login with an email address and a password. I would like to add a username as well, this username they g\set will be unique and they cannot change it. I am wondering how I can make this name have no spaces in it and work in a URL so I can use there username to link to there profiles and other stuff. If ...

Is it better to handle friendly/clean/pretty URLs with mod_rewrite or a language like PHP?

I'm developing my first decent-sized PHP site, and I'm a bit confused about what the "right way" (assuming there ever is such a thing) to handle clean/friendly/pretty URLs in the application. The way I see it, there are two main options (I'll use a simplified social news site as an example): 1. Use mod_rewrite to handle all potential U...

How can I forward a url to the appropriate page?

How can I forward a url such as: to the appropriate page: Is there some way to do this? I'm using a DNN CMS but if you're unfamiliar with DNN and still have a solution for redirecting that would be helpful. Thanks, Matt ...

Needing some mod_rewrite help...

I have a php script that takes in five variables from the url string like this: /dimg.php?s=250x250&tc=0-0-0&bc=204-204-204&type=jpg&t=blahText The only required variable is s. The script defaults if all the others are not set. My question is how do i get the url to look like this with mod_rewrite: /dimg/250x250/0-0-0/204-204-204/jpg...

Matching patterns in URL with a language similar to regexp, but specific for URLs

I use matching URLs in a part of my code. Now I use regular expressions for this. This is fine, but does not always produces "nice", simply readable patterns. Is there any language defined for matching URLs? It should be like this: http://** so simply wild-cards and things useful for URL would be there. The best would if th...

URL design: http://domain/app/document123/edit or http://domain/app/edit/document123?

Let's say I have an app and in that app I need to view and edit "documents". I was thinking of this URL design. To pull up the default view of document with the ID "x123": http://domain/app/document-x123 To edit the same document: http://domain/app/document-x123/edit Delete http://domain/app/document-x123/delete This is more from...

Java URLEncoder changing special character?

I want to use java's URLEncoder class to encode my url strings. However, by default it converts spaces to '+' (plus sign). I'd like it to use '-' instead (similar to how this site encodes its urls). I'm wondering what the best way to do this is? Should I just use its built in functionality and then do a string replace (from '+' to '-...