
Multiple files uploading to FTP using SimpleFTPSample

Hello, I am trying to upload files from my iPhone to my FTP. I have found two options: one is the S7FTPRequest and the second is SimpleFTPSample from Apple. With both of them I have the same problems. 1st problem was that uploading could not start, I think it was because of Passive mode that was disabled on my FTP. After adding line: [s...

Unable to rename a file with 777 permissions over FTP

I was working with php's ftp_rename function and getting a permission denied error when renaming the extension of a file to indicate that it had been downloaded. To make sure it wasn't a php config issue, I tried ftping manually. This is where I'm stumped. ftp> ls 200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV. 150 Here comes the di...

Error in FTP upload "553 Could not create file"

import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPClient; import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPReply; import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPFile; import java.io.*; public class FTPUpload{ public static boolean uploadfile(String server,String username,String Password,String source_file_path,String dest_dir){ FTPClient ftp=new FTPClient(); try { ...

How to fix the directory that shows me a "forbidden" message when i open it in the browser?

I was using a hosting to run my site, lately it has been working fine but today i opened the site in the browser at "http://www.arquisanjose.org/ver2" and shows me the following message: i´ll appreciate some of your help... ...

I am not able to FTP to a FTP server.

I am not able to FTP a file from Iphone device(with wifi) to remote FTP server. Most of the times, i am getting "stream open error" and very few times, the file is getting FTPed. But while checking FTP server, the uploaded file is empty i.e the file size is 0 bytes. But the file which is uploaded has some definite size. Note: i use acti...

FTP too slow when sending many small files

Hi I often have to transfer 4000 small files to a remote server (around 20 MB of data), which I currently only have FTP access to. This operation takes 30 minutes but if I were to send one file sized 20 MB it would take 2 seconds or so. I am looking for an alternative which is faster, and which for example zips the 4000 files into one f...

How to change file extensions using FTP remote?

Hello, how can I change several .xsd extensions to .xml using FTP remote? Thanks in advance ...

Download file using FTP and PHP

Hi, I would like to start a upload and download website for huge files (up to 1gb). I thought that it would be better to download the files using FTP (with PHP), because this protocol is especially used for these types of transfers. The cliënt gets an email, including a download link to download the file (like yousendit.com). When the...

Connecting to a SOCKS5 proxy to do FTP/S in Java

I'm writing a job that will connect to a client's FTP/S server over my SOCKS5 proxy and I'm utilizing the Apache Commons Net package. The issue is that my SOCKS proxy is configured to not require authentication but I am still getting the following exception: java.net.SocketException: SOCKS : authentication failed at java.net.SocksSo...

Zip file getting corrupted when uploaded to server

My java program uploads a zip file from my system to FTP server. uploadfile() is a function that contains the uploading code. uploadfile("","muruganp","vm4snk","/home/Admin/GATE521/LN_RB_Semivalid2junk/Output/"+date+"_RB1.zip","/fileserver/filesbackup/Emac/"+date+"_RB1.zip"); public static boolean uploadfile(String server,...

Cannot use FTP to transfer files on iPhone 4 over 3G

I have been using FTP on an iPhone 3GS in my app for almost a year with no problems. On my new iPhone 4 FTP fails all the time when using the 3G network. I have tried on 4 other iPhone 4's with the same result. I have tried multiple FTP servers with the same result. Steps to Reproduce: 1) Turn off wifi on iPhone 4. 2) Build and instal...

A batch file to download and delete files from a server

Hi, How can i write a MS dos ftp batch file to: download files from the server to my local pc remove these files from the server after download cheers! Edit ok so far i have... Batch file: ftp.exe -s:ftp.txt FTP.txt: open domain.com usernamehere passwordhere cd /httpdocs/store/files need get, list an...

Upload or delete WP plugins without a FTP account?

Is there a way to upload or delete plugins in WordPress without having a ftp account or credentials? I would like to manage them through the WordPress interface. ...

FTP file download problem. Getting readonly file exception.

public class FtpDownloadDemo { public static void Connection(String filename) { FTPClient client = new FTPClient(); FileOutputStream fos = null; try { client.connect("ftp.domain.com"); client.login("admin", "secret"); // // The remote filename to be downloaded. // ftpClient.set...

Best Option create file and move or create on remote ftp

Hi guys, My php application must create 2 copies of 12000 optimised jpgs, 1 copy of each on 2 different servers. Am I best to create the images on my server then move them, or create them on the remote ftp's. Both would be using php ftp functions. ...

Best way to make a txt from a query from SQ Server automatic once a week in Visual Studio.

I need to make a txt and put it in a FTP server every week and it has to be automatic. So there are many options here. I can make a windows service that execute the process every week(My 1th option I think..). I can make a .exe made it run with a Task Scheduler every week. I can make a dts with a job (This does not work forme as I don...

Providing Links for Download to Password Protected FTP

I have a FTP with some file which I want give it to the users for Downloading. But the FTP is password protected and I want to authenticate the FTP using PHP and make the links available in a php page so as that when the User clicks on any of the FTP links in that page, the download should start. Please help. ...

Can I save in a ftp a txt directly from a Store Procedure in Oracle?

I need to generate a txt from oracle and put it into a ftp server, I already make the st for build de file but is it possible to transfer it to a ftp directly from the SP??? Thanks. ...

Does ftplib work in py2app?

Hi. I have a Python application that backs up to an afp server. I also need to get some information from an ftp server. When I just run my Python script from Terminal, it works just fine. But then if I compile it into an application using py2app, it gives me an error. py2app doesn't really say what the error is. If I comment out the lin...

downloading large amount of files

I'm researching solutions for a potential client. They're requesting the ability to download a large amount of MP3's (1000+) from their online catalog. I've researched/tested building a zip containing all MP3s using ZipArchive but ran into obvious memory leak issues that have ruled that solution out. I'm now trying to think out of the...