
Searching full-text fields in SQL Server to detect plagiarism

I'm storing papers in SQL Server 2005 and am looking for a way to paste in the text of a paper and then search for potential plagiarism (copied content) in the database. What's the best way to go about this? Is there a way to get a gauge for the extent to which something is similar to something else using full-text indexing, for several...

Google Desktop or Indexed Text File Search Within ASP.NET application

I have a folder with thousands of text files and I'd like to paste and search content into a web form and return matches in those files. Is there a way to do content indexing of those files and do these searches from within an ASP.NET application? What tools and techniques are available? ...

Full text search with embedded DB in Delphi

We are creating an open source Twitter client and are looking for an embedded DB with the smallest footprint possible that works with Delphi and that lends itself well to full text search (I know that doesn't go with small footprint very well). Ideally it should be free or open source too (demanding I know). I am leaning toward SQLite...

full text search using sql server 2008

hi, i had installed sql server 2008 express edition with tools but i need to use full text search which i understand is missing in the edition that i have. how do i go about upgrading to get full text search feature?? as it was an online installation i dont have any installation media stored on my computer can i use something else??? ...

PHP-based search frameworks

I'm going to make a small site which requires advanced search capabilities. Since reinventing the wheel isn't such a worthwhile activity, I've done a little googling and found there are some PHP based search frameworks, one of which is integrated into Zend framework. What I would like to have in the framework: Both full-text and catal...

MultiFieldQueryParser only gives results when fields don't include the class name. is it possible to include them?

I'm working with hibernate search and I think I'm almost done implementing it except for this one issue. The problem is I don't get any results if the fields I pass into the MultiFieldQueryParser include the class name. I get the expected results when the fields just include the field name. String[] fields = {"bar.title", "foo.descript...

Adding words to SQL Server Full Text Stemmer

I've dug around for a few hours now and cannot find an option to do this. What I would like to do is to add words to the stemmer used by Full Text in SQL Server. I work for an agency that would like to search on variations of names. In other words, if an officer enters the name of "Bill" I would also get a hit on "Will" or "William". ...

What searching algorithm/concept is used in Google?

What searching algorithm/concept is used in Google? ...

How can you use parameterized statements with DB2 Text Search?

I've tried this: select * from ourschema.mytable where contains(mysearchablefield, @searchTerms) = 1; Where @searchTerms was set to "search terms" Unfortunately, it only produced an error: ERROR [42610] [IBM][DB2/NT] SQL0418N A statement contains a use of a parameter marker that is not valid. SQLSTATE=42610 Is there a way to us...

How do you search for a & (ampersand) in the tsql contains function?

I have a table T which has a column C which contains text that have the character & within it, but if I do the following query, it returns nothing, although I may have 10 rows. SELECT * FROM T WHERE Contains(C, 'a&b') ...

Full Text search on a Varbinary Column - Is it possible to use a mime type rather than a file extension as my Type Column?

I am setting up full text search on an existing database. We have Document table with the following schema: ID int Not Null, Data varbinary(max) Not Null MimeType varchar Not Null I want to use full text search on the data column, using the mimetype to specify the document type. I was hoping it would be possible to register new types...

Parsing search queries for SQL 2008 FTS.

We want to use SQL SERVER 2008 Full Text Search and seem to run into a lot of problems handling the search query. If the user types in "blue dog" it just crashes sql unless we parse the search terms to include the "" around the words but that makes it a phrase instead of keywords. I want results where blue or dog are included but that ...

Best way to literal phrase search a text column in SQL Server

I thought full-text search would let me do exact phrase searching in a more optimized way than a LIKE predicate, but I'm reading that it doesn't do that exactly. Is "LIKE" the most efficient way to search thousands of rows of TEXT fields in a table for a literal string? It's got to be exact matching... ...

Pros & cons of full text search engine Lucene, Sphinx, Postgresql full text search, MySQL full text search?

I'm building a Django site and is looking for a search engine. A few candidates: Lucene/Lucene with Compass/Solr Sphinx Postgresql built-in full text search MySQl built-in full text search Selection criteria: result relevance and ranking searching and indexing speed ease of use and ease of integration with Django resource requirem...

How do you search a database column that allows markup?

The text could be stored in the database using either markdown, bbcode, html, etc. Should I remove any allowed tags from the search terms? Does your markup parser have any method to assist in that task? I was going to use like '%searchword%' queries. Does full text search offer any advantages for such a simple text search? Update: It s...

Webapps: Storing and searching through user submitted blocks of text.

Background: I'm building a poetry site with user submitted content. The relevant user actions for my questions are that users can: a. Go to fancysitename.com/view to see all poems so far b. Go to fancysitename.com/submit to submit your own poem. c. Go to fancysitename.com/apoemid to view a particular poem you've bookmarked befo...

What are some good resources for learning the Perl port of Lucene?

For learning about the Perl port of Lucene, what are some good documents, resources, or books? As people note on CPAN, the documentation is a little lacking. On Amazon all I find is Lucene and Java, but I understand the port is fairly good. Is buying a Java or Lucene book the best approach? ...

Can I use SQL Server Partitioning to Optimize Fulltext Searches?

I have a very large table with a fulltext indexed column. If I partition this table sensibly (for me, sensibly is by date), will it speed up queries? Or will the full text clause still search through the whole table, even if the query limits to a single partition? From what I've seen so far, I think the answer is partitioning won't help...

Adobe PDF x64 ifilter

Getting a weird error box when using the 64bit version of adobepdf ifilter for sql server 2005 x64 on a x64 windows server 2003. The exact message box contents: MessageBoxHeader: MsFTEFD.exe - Unable to locate component MessageboxContent: This application has failed to start because adobepdfl.dll was not found. Re-installing the appli...

mysql full text search with null columns

I am trying to get a full text search on a mysql database. The problem is that some of the fields can be left null. For example I have a basic address table with columns StreetLine1 StreetLine2 City State Zip Now none of these are going to be required so any one of them could be null. When I do my full text sear...