
Postfix term in SQL Server Full Text Search

At MSDN I read: < prefix_term > Specifies a match of words or phrases beginning with the specified text. Enclose a prefix term in double quotation marks ("") and add an asterisk (*) before the ending quotation mark, so that all text starting with the simple term specified before the asterisk is matched. Well, tha...

MYSQL Fulltext search and LIKE

Hi, I am working with mysql full text search but find it lacking in situations where your string is part of a word within a field. If my filed is New York Times and I search for 'Time' I get no results. The hackish way to solve this is to set up two queries, one that does a full text search and the other than does SELECT * FROM ___ WHE...

mysql ft_stopword_file question

Hi, This is really embarrassing but I can't get the stopword file to function as I want in mysql. My mysql base dir in my my.cnf is /usr and my server's root directory is below that. My my.cnf file is located at /etc/mysql/my.cnf I name the stopword file stop.txt and have placed it in the /usr folder, the /etc/mysql/ folder, and...

Conditionally create a fulltext catalog in one line of SQL (from an installer)

I'm building an installer using WiX (not keyworded since WiX is not the problem here) that shall create a fulltext index for a SQL Server Express 2005 Advanced Services database. Up to now I use the SQL CREATE FULLTEXT CATALOG Foobar in path 'c:\Whereever' Now, the installer will not remove the database on uninstall as it may contai...

Performance comparison of sphinx:search fulltext vs. attribute

1.How much more efficient is sphinx doing in searching fulltext than by attribute? If attribute search is much slower,for better performance,I'm gonna prefix the attribute and append to fulltext search. But when it requires range search,only attribute search can apply. 2.How to conduct attribute range search by sphinxapi in PHP? ...

Creating Fulltext Search Optimized

Currently I have the following fulltext index setup: fulltext on: Number - Name - Suffix - Direction - City - State - ZIPCode Select id, MATCH(Number, Name, Suffix, Direction, City, State, ZIPCode) AGAINST ("Test") as Relevance from test where 1, and MATCH(Number, Name, Suffix, Direction, City, State, ZIPCode) AGAINST ("+Test...

Efficient Django QuerySet regex

I have a model like this: class CampaignPermittedURL(models.Model): hostname = models.CharField(max_length=255) path = models.CharField(max_length=255,blank=True) On a frequent basis, I will be handed a URL, which I can urlsplit into a hostname and a path. What I'd like is for the end user to be able to enter a hostname (yaho...

Dynamic or column-ized tsvector index?

I'm creating custom forum software for a site I'm building, which includes 2 tables (that are relevant to this question): topics and posts. A post belongs to a topic, and the topic contains the subject, while each post contains the body. Here is the basic table structures with the columns relevant to my question: CREATE TABLE topics (...

Lucene.NET: Best way to process keyword snippets from document text

I'm using Lucene.Net to implement a search website (to search PDFs). Once the keyword is entered, I display the results, and when one of the result items is clicked, I want to take the user to a "details" page, where I want to display snippets from that PDF document everywhere the keyword is found. So my question is, what's the best way...

Acronyms with Sphinx search engine

how can i index acronyms like 'm.i.a.'? when i search for 'mia', i get results for 'mia' and not 'm.i.a.'. when i search for 'm.i.a.', i get nothing at all. edit: solution looks roughly like: ignore_chars = -, . ...

SQL Server Fulltext - multiple columns

Hi All, I have what I think is a very basic scenario, but what I've read makes it sound like this is not easy in SQL Server Fulltext. I have 2 columns, First and Last name. I want to support fulltext search on them such that if someone types "John Smith" people with a match on both first and last come up first. Problem is, although i...

SQL FTS no results from Containstable query

Quick FTS question. I have a table(Person) with 10 varchar columns (fname, surname, hair colour, etc), I've create a FT Index on it however queries using containstable return nothing for 'AND' queries e.g. FROM CONTAINSTABLE(tablename, *, 'john AND doe', 20) or CONTAINSTABLE(tablename, *, '(FORMSOF(INFLECTIONAL, john) AND FORMSOF(INFLE...

Can MySQL fulltext search be adapted to search for partial words?

I implemented MySQL fulltext search and worked perfect. Now the client wants that partial matches be found by the search, for example the term 'base' should match 'database'. I know the whole idea of fulltext search is based on word delimiters, and searching for full words. I know I most likely will have to use an undesirable LIKE '%$ter...

SQL Performing a search/replace search

I need to search a specific column for every occurrence of a string and replace it with a different string. The column is a MySQL TEXT column. ...

Retrieving the most common keywords from a tsvector column

I'm considering adding a tsvector column to an existing table that will hold possible search terms for multiple columns in that same table (e.g. the tsvector column will equal to_tsvector(header || ' ' || body || ' ' || footer)). Before I decide to do so, one of my requirements is that I am able to find the most popular keywords amongst...

Problem with MySQL full text search in combination with OR?

I have a table Document with a full text index *headline_idx* on two columns, headline and text where the text is a MEDIUMTEXT column, there is also some other fields, one of the named lang. If I do the following select: select * from Document where lang= 'en' AND match(headLine,text) against ("test") everything works OK, the fulltex...

SQL Server 'Execution of a full-text operation failed - contained only ignored words'

Hello, I'm currently working on implementing a fulltext search engine for one of our sites, using the features that the CMS itself offers. It allows me to execute an SQL query without doing middle-tier programming. However, this also means that I can't use programming to filter or clean the search query data up. Works fine, until a use...

How to turn on the FULLTEXT mode on SQL Server 2005

Hi, I'm currently trying to create FULLTEXT indexes into my database (Microsoft SQL Server 2005). First I want to create the catalog: USE [AspDotNetStorefront] GO EXEC sp_fulltext_database 'enable' GO CREATE FULLTEXT CATALOG searchcatalog GO But that doesn't work, the result is this: Msg 7609, Level 17, State 100, Line 1 Full-Text...

Why FULLTEXT index is not being populated - MYSQL

I am trying to add a fulltext index against a table, but it does not seem to apply. ADD FULLTEXT `genre` ( `genre` ) The query executes, but the cardinality remains at just 1 (even though i ahve a few thousand records) I tried ANALYZE, REPAIR and neither seemed to update the index. If I create a regular index the cardinality is upda...

Django-haystack result filtering using attributes?

Can someone show me an example of how to filter fulltext search results with django-haystack using attributes? I went through the tutorial on their website but am still mot sure on how to use haystack. For instance, let's say I have a class Product: class Product(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=200) descripti...