
SQL Server 2005 Fulltext indexing prevents backups

Whenever I try to backup a database it goes until 90% and gets stuck there until I manually kill (because it doesn't stop if I try to stop it) the msftesql process. That clearly means that something makes a conflict between the fulltext indexing and the backup process. So, have you seen anything like this? If not, how would you go abo...

Can't view full-text catalogs in SQL Server 2008 with Advanced Services

Hi, I'm using SQL Server 2008 with Advanced Services on my Vista Home Premium. I'd installed Full-text searching during installation, The SQL Full-text Filter Daemon Launcher is running thorough an admin user account. When I go to a database through the SQL Server Management Studio, I don't see the "Storage" option under the database, s...

Ranking method used by SQL Server for Fulltext indexing

I'm having some problems with the ranking used by fulltext search in SQL Server. Suppose a user searches for two words, "foo bar". We assume the user intends to do an OR search, so we pass "foo OR bar" to our CONTAINSTABLE call. What we're finding is that an row that contains "foo" 10 times but does not contain "bar" will have a much ...

Retrieving SQL Server Full Text Index terms

Using Lucene, one can retrieve the terms contained within in an index, i.e. the unique, stemmed words, excluding stop-words, that documents in the index contain. This is useful for generating autocomplete suggestions amongst other things. Is something similar possible with MS SQL Server full text indices? ...

Handling MySQL Full Text Special Characters

When using MySQL full text search in boolean mode there are certain characters like + and - that are used as operators. If I do a search for something like "C++" it interprets the + as an operator. What is the best practice for dealing with these special characters? The current method I am using is to convert all + characters in the dat...

SQL Server - Fulltext search for %book%

Folks, I'm trying to wrap my head around how to search for something that appears in the middle of a word / expression - something like searching for "LIKE %book% " - but in SQL Server (2005) fulltext. How can I do that?? It almost appears as if both CONTAINS and FREETEXT really don't support wildcard at the beginning of a search expre...

Does anyone know if there is a list of German words used in the Fulltext word breaker?

SQL Server Full Text Search uses language specific Word Breakers. For the German language this is used to break/split words including compound words. However, it appears not all known compound words are included in the Word Breaker. I would like to know if a list is available of the words the Word Breaker does know about. ...

mysql fulltext search "all but" query

I need to query the table for "all but keyword". Using just "-" doesn't work, and in fact mysql manual says: Note: The - operator acts only to exclude rows that are otherwise matched by other search terms. Thus, a boolean-mode search that contains only terms preceded by - returns an empty result. It does not return “all row...

MSSQL 2005 Fulltext search setup

I'm beginning my foray into fulltext search for MSSQL2005. This is a new, in-dev database, so I can monkey around with it. Let's say I have a "Form" table that has a one-to-many relationship to two other tables, "Answer" and "Comment." I want the user to be able to enter one search term and have it peg all three of those tables via full...

Is SQL Server's Full Text Search the right tool for searching phrases, not documents?

30 million distinct phrases, not documents, ranging from one word to a 10 word sentence and I need to support word/phrase searching. Basically what where contains(phrase, "'book' or 'stack overflow'") offers. I have an instance of SQL Server 2005 (32 bit, 4 proc, 4gb) going against several full text catalogs and performance is awful for...

How can I manipulate MySQL fulltext search relevance to make one field more 'valuable' than another?

Suppose I have two columns, keywords and content. I have a fulltext index across both. I want a row with foo in the keywords to have more relevance than a row with foo in the content. What do I need to do to cause MySQL to weight the matches in keywords higher than those in content? I'm using the "match against" syntax. SOLUTION: Wa...

Get query terms from Lucene query for highlighting

My Lucene queries will usually exist of a bunch of AND combined fields. Is it possible to get the queried fields out of the Query object again? ...

Why does full text searching for string 'FDR' yields no results in MySQL?

I am trying to perform a search for users based on a full-text search. SELECT * FROM users WHERE MATCH ( name ) AGAINST ( 'FDR' IN BOOLEAN MODE ); However the query yields no results. I can replace the search value with other strings and yield results. I have even tried using a null stop word list with no success. The problem seems ...

Attaching DB with full-text catalogs under a different name?

I have a database with regular full-text catalogs. I want to detach this database, copy it to a different server and attach it under a different name (same name but with '_BAK' appended to it). I am using SQL Server 2005. Here is the error trying to attach DATABASE with full-text catalogs under the name DATABASE_BAK Warning: Identity ...

Full Text Search in Linq

There's no full text search built into Linq and there don't seem to be many posts on the subject so I had a play around and came up with this method for my utlity class: public static IEnumerable<TSource> GenericFullTextSearch<TSource>(string text, MyDataContext context) { //Find LINQ Table attribute object[] info = typeof(TSour...

Alternatives to MS SQL 2005 FullText Catalog

I can't seem to get acceptable performance from FullText Catalogs. We have situations where we must run 100k+ queries as quickly as possible. Some of the queries use FREETEXT some don't. Here's an example of a query IF EXISTS(select 1 from user_data d where d.userid=@userid and FREETEXT(*, @activities) SET @match=1 This can take bet...

Can SQL Server 2000 be made to populate a fulltext catalogue without blocking the tables it is reading?

I have a database server on SQL Server 2000 (yes I know...) with fulltext catalogues on some of its tables. I'm currently doing a full population overnight in quiet time, and I'd like to be able to update the catalogues during the day so that new data can be considered in searches. The problem I've noticed is that when an incremental po...

How do you get your Fulltext boolean search to pick up the term C++ ?

So, I need to find out how to do a fulltext boolean search on a MySQL database to return a record containg the term "C++". I have my SQL search string as: SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE MATCH (field1, field2, field3) AGAINST ("C++" IN BOOLEAN MODE) Although all of my fields contain the string C++, it is never returned in the search resu...

Help! - SQL - IF Else IF logic for returning Containstable selection

Hi guys, I'm trying to use IF else If logic inside an inline table valued function for SQL and returning a containstable based on that logic. but i'm having syntax problems with the IF Else IF block. thanks for the help. since i can't parametrize the columns in the containstable i have to resort to using if else statements. here's the co...

SQL Problem: Using CONTAINS() doesn't work, but LIKE works fine

I have a Products table in a SQL Server database and I am having to troubleshoot a legacy stored procedure that uses Full-Text indexing. For our purposes here, lets suppose that the Products table has two fields ID, Keywords. And the Keywords field is populated with the following: ROLAND SA-300 This Roland SA-300 is in MINT conditi...