
How to sort MYSQL fulltext search results by relevancy

Hello, I am relatively new to MYSQL and have had an issue that has been bugging me for a while. I've tried googling all over the place for the answer, but have unable to find an acceptable solution as of yet. Here is the query I am running currently to find the best possible match for a given search term: $query="SELECT * from `vocabu...

What's the best solution for huge amount of data,fulltext search?

I'm currently using MYSQL, and it becomes the bottle neck of the whole system ...

How much more performant is Postgres than MYSQL on fulltext search?

I've been a MYSQL user,never tried Postgres . But MYSQL has bottle neck on fulltext search when the data set is huge. ...

how much more performant is sphinx than MySQL default fulltext search?

MySQL's default fulltext search sucks when the data volume is big. So I'm counting on sphinx to get rid of the trouble. Is there a benchmark data available that compares these two kinds of searches? ...

Is fulltext search enabled on Google App Engine Java platform?

Seems only available in Django? But the info is not the latest ...

MySQL fulltext search isn't matching as expected.

I have a pretty simple query that doesn't seem to be giving me the results I'd like. I'm trying to allow the user to search for a resturant by its name, address, or city using a fulltext search. here is my query: SELECT ESTAB_NAME, ESTAB_ADDRESS, ESTAB_CITY FROM restaurant_restaurants rr WHERE MATCH (rr.ESTAB_NAME, rr.ESTAB_ADDRESS...

MySQL FULLTEXT not working

I'm attempting to add searching support for my PHP web app using MySQL's FULLTEXT indexes. I created a test table (using the MyISAM type, with a single text field a) and entered some sample data. Now if I'm right the following query should return both those rows: SELECT * FROM test WHERE MATCH(a) AGAINST('databases') However it retur...

[SQL] Full-text search CONTAINSTABLE

Hello, I have a question regarding a CONTAINSTABLE function. I would like to find everything that ENDS WITH the search string. I can use the * to find everything that starts with the searchvalue, but I want an equivalent for the % sign in the SQL LIKE function. What I want: find everything that ends with 123, so as searchvalue, I coul...

Wordpress uses MySQL fulltext search?

Hello Stack Overflow. I have a PHP/MySQL installation. I'm working on a program that uses a MySQL Fulltext search. I want to reduce the min word length to three. I know I can do this by changing the ft_min_word_length global variable and restarting MySQL. My problem is that the MySQL server is running several other databases, including...

Providing a "user-friendly" interface to fulltext search

We use SQL Server fulltext search for several tables on our application. We always use AND searches, e.g.: "Evil" returns "Evil Dead" and "The Evil of Fu Manchu" "Evil Fu" returns only "The Evil of Fu Manchu" We want to keep the interface down to just a single search box and button, and we don't want people to have to learn much (if ...

Full text search failing on words with no stop lists

Hi, I am working on MsSQL 2008 server, I disabled all the stoplists that exist SELECT * FROM sys.fulltext_stopwords does not returna nything SELECT * FROM sys.fulltext_stoplists does not return anything either SELECT DISTINCT u.ID, Name FROM University u INNER JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(University, (Name), '"University" AND "of" AND "Phoenix...

Can't use words like "Can", "of" in full text Search

Hi, I am using MsSQL server 2008, I am using CONTAINSTABLE with the search term "can", but the search query is not returning anything thought there are no stoplists attached to that catalog. SELECT DISTINCT c.ID FROM City c INNER JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(City, (Name), '"can"') AS city_tbl1 ON city_tbl1.[KEY] = c.ID To make sure that this ...

How do I search for a two character word using a MySQL query?

I'm using MySQL FULLTEXT search (in Natural Language mode). Example: SELECT Mem_id FROM Members WHERE MATCH (job_title) AGAINST ('".mysql_real_escape_string($keywordsWanted)."') I noticed that searching for "web developer" or "PHP coder" didn't work too well and so I added ft_min_word_len=3 to the MySQL config file (/etc/mysql/my.cnf)...

fulltext search and highlighting by PHP and MySQL?

MySQL can take care of fulltext search quite well, but it doesn't highlight the keywords that are searched, how can I do this most efficiently? ...

How can one perform full text search in Google App Engine?

It's a simple question, but I haven't found the answer anywhere. Thoughts and input appreciated. I'm using Django, too, for what it's worth. :) Cheers. ...

Can i say that one column is more important then another in a full-text search?

I use Full-text indexing in SQL Server 2008. I can't seem to find an answer to this question. Say that i have a full-text index on a table with the columns "Name" and "Description". I want to make the "Name" column much more important then the "Description" column. So if you search for "Internet" the result with the name "Internet" wil...

MySQL fulltext performance solution

How to deal with queries like : select ... from ... where match(field1) against('someA') and match(field2) against('someB') limit 50 If results returned by condition match(field1) against('someA') & match(field2) against('someB') are both huge,the entire query will be very,very slow. A solution for this? ...

Does anybody know a tool or C# API that compares two different fulltexts and display and highlight the differences and render in HTML??

Does anybody know a tool or C# API that compares two different full texts and display and highlight the differences and render in HTML?? I should be bale to give two sets of text to the tool or API and it should return me with the highlighted difference. for eg. first set of full text is "this is test text for the difference highlight...

SQL Server Full Text ContainsTable function Rank issue

Is is possible to increase the Rank of the ContainsTable results if its an Exact match. I have a fulltext query like this select iname,rank from ItemSearch_View sv INNER JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(ItemSearch_View,searchstring, '(FORMSOF(INFLECTIONAL, "google") )',500) AS itable ON sv.itemid = itable.[KEY] order by rank desc which provides ...

Problems using MySQL FULLTEXT search

I have already posted a question about this, but the situation has changed sufficiently to warrant a new one. I have a MySQL table called aromaProducts in which there are 7 columns with the FULLTEXT index, and which has three records in it. When I make a query against it like: SELECT * FROM aromaProducts WHERE MATCH (title) AGAINST ('...