
Timer alert - FIX

I have a timer alert: private var cheat:Timer; private function init():void { cheat = new Timer(2000, 1); cheat.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, cheatProtection); } private function showAlert():void { cheat.reset(); cheat.start(); } private function alrt_close(evt:CloseEvent):void { cheat.stop(); } priv...

Simple python Tkinter questions about buttons.

Can someone provide me with some example code. I am fairly fluent with python but can't figure this out. So i will be generating a list with say "x" elements from other code. I need Tkinter to display a "x" buttons that can be checked on or off. Then once the user has selected whichever ones they want, they will press GO and more code wi...

Intercepting the back button.

I'm writing an application which will have two Activities, when the user presses the back button on the second activity a dialog should pop up asking the user to confirm the action. So how do I intercept this? I seriously doubt about this coz the backstack is a part of the OS itself. Has anyone found a workaround? ...

Calling a function in parent file from child frame?

I have a function that resizes the col width ratio of my frameset in "frame.html": <frameset id="set" cols="*,*" FRAMESPACING=0 BORDER=3 BORDERCOLOR=#eeeeee> <frame src="index.html"> <frame src="index2.html"> <noframes></noframes> </frameset> The function works fine when called from "frame.html", However i want to call ...

Question about jquery hover function

hello, I make in html a dl construction like this: <dl id="faq"> <dt id="vraag1">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectuteur?</dt> <dd id="vraag1-antwoord"><p>Nullam scelerisque congue commodo. Pellentesque condimentum sem ac enim vestibulum quis mollis dolor pellentesque. Nullam scelerisque ...

Cakephp call a function from another controller returns "Warning (512): SQL Error: 1064"

Hi, I'm sure this issue can be solved rapidly, but I don't find any answer on the web, so here I am. I want to call a function from another controller, but CakePHP does not recognize it as a function but as a query, returning a warning: Warning (512): SQL Error: 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that correspo...

Javascript variable function name

I have the following code in Javascript: jQuery(document).ready(function(){ var actions = new Object(); var actions; actions[0] = 'create'; actions[1] = 'update'; for (key in actions) { // Dialogs var actions[key]+Dialog = function(){ $('#'+actions[key]+'dialog').dialog('destroy'); ...

class member function in function?

So i have this class that includes some custom functions named class.php I have another file called config.php that includes require('engine.class.php'); $engine = new engine; config.php also requires functions.php to run like: require('functions.php'); i have a function in functions.php that uses $engine eg: function login($usern...

Is it possible to overwrite a function in PHP

Can you declare a function like this... function ihatefooexamples(){ return "boo-foo!"; }; And then redeclare it somewhat like this... if ($_GET['foolevel'] == 10){ function ihatefooexamples(){ return "really boo-foo"; }; }; Is it possible to overwrite a function that way? Any way? ...

Pass by Reference v. Pass by Pointer -- Merits?

Possible Duplicates: When pass-by-pointer is preferred to pass-by-reference in C++? Are there benefits of passing by pointer over passing by reference in C++? How to pass objects to functions in C++? Hi all, I'm working to develop a large object oriented c++ application framework as part of my chemical engineering graduate...

VoteHandler in Google App Engine

I am trying to have this function limit a user to only one vote per image. However it currently lets all votes through. If I change "if existing_vote != 0:" to "if existing_vote == 0:" it lets no votes through. Thoughts? class VoteHandler(webapp.RequestHandler): def get(self): #See if logged in self.Session = Session() if ...

Why is std::function not equality comparable?

This question also applies to boost::function and std::tr1::function. std::function is not equality comparable: #include <functional> void foo() { } int main() { std::function<void()> f(foo), g(foo); bool are_equal(f == g); // Error: f and g are not equality comparable } The operator== and operator!= overloads are declared ...

Standard ML: Return different types

I need to return a different value based on the function passed into another function. So, given: fun inc x = x + 1; And: fun double [] = [] | double (h::t) = 2*h::double (t); You should be able to call the function I'm working on with either. Example call (the function I'm making is named test): test (inc, 5); - And it would return...

Speed Comparison and suggestion for wise case in Matlab

Case 1: I have a nested for loop to run large realizations and save variables generated through that loop in .mat files, which I can later use in another program. Case 2: I can make the function of the above mentioned loop and call it directly in the other program where I want to use the variables generated by the above loop. The only...

PHP / Wordpress - passing variables to create_function()

Hi How do I pass a variable to create_function() ? I have something like this: function my_hook_function(){ $var = 10; apply_filters('hook', $var); return $var; } $variable = 5; $function = create_function('', 'return $variable;'); add_filter('hook', $function); echo my_hook_function(); but it doesn't work :( theoreticall...

PHP - function name conflicts

Hi so I'm using Wordpress, which loads the theme and possibly many plugins which can have functions with the same names as the ones in the theme. How can I avoid function name conflicts between the theme and plugins, without having to rename them to something like "theme_function()"? ...

Style Question: if block in or around function?

Let's say that I have a function that should only execute if some constant is defined. which of the following would be better option 1: wrap all the function calls in an if block: if(defined('FOO_BAR_ENABLED')) { foobar(); } I figure this way the intent is more clear, but it requires checking the constant every time the function i...

Javascript function variable preset

Hello, I have a function that I want to pass an argument to, however I want it to default to 0. Is it possible todo it similarly to PHP, like: function byMonth(export=0) { Many thanks ...

C++ Access a member of a class from the pointer of a vector of the class

Sorry but this is really confusing me and I know the answer is staring at me in the face and I can't figure it out. Could someone take a look? Its for a Airline Reservation System school project. This function takes in the Flight Number, capacity, the count of the number of flights, and the vector containing all of the flights as argume...

How to create a central PHP input validation file and use it?

Hi, I have some basic validation of some variables, but it is repeated on more than one page, how can I create a validation file and call it when needed? Here is some code: $rep = ''; $clean_rep = ''; $rep = $_GET[rep]; //Basic Variable Validation switch ($rep){ case 'All': case 'Ian': case 'Mike': case 'Stan': case...