
Refering objects in jQuery each

Hi all, i had asked a question about refering objects in a function that is inside jquery each function but that first function is defined before in a array. In my question everything went ok (because i was testing with one element only), when i put 2 elements, it didn't worked, it is calling the first always. I think that is because a...

User defined function for SQLite on iPhone.

Hi everyone! I'm working on the n'th application locating zip's. Everything works fine in PHP while I worked along the docu on OpenGeoDB. Now, I'm trying the implementation on the iPhone-SDK, but SQLite doesn't have the ACOS, SIN etc funcs. Can anybody point me to an example of how to expand the SQLite with userfunctions in order to use...

PHP Form Key Niggle ?

Hello again, Can someone look at my two functions below and suggest what i can do?, i have created two functions that basically creates a unique key and this is echoed in a hidden field in a form and then straight after i check if the form has been submitted the second function checks to see if the key in the hidden field matches the ke...

How to disable a jQuery function after it is called ?

I want to disable the working of a jQuery function. In my page I have a login form. After login success, it disappears and the main page is shown. But if I refresh the page, it again shows the main form. It is because all of my contents are in 1 .html file. I made all of them display: none; and after login jQuery runs the .show() method....

PHP image uploading script won't run.

I'm building a php upload script for images, and it refuses to run at all. First off, I've got a simple post form like this: <form action="variables.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" > <p>Event title : <input type="text" name="name" required></p> <p>Description : <input type="text" name="description" required><...

problem calling java function, only first finds matches.. close? reset? dispose?

I've got this java function that extracts strings from Inputstreams and returns a List. It uses java.util.Scanner and java.util.regex.Pattern. Problem is, it only seems to work the first time I call it. If I reverse my calls, again only the first one works, the second call never returns any matches. List lsphones = extract(is,pattern,0...

[edit] recursive template?

Rephrased Question I found that my original question wasn't clear enough and the repliers misunderstood my problem. So let me try to clarify: Let's say I have two classes: struct C { void(*m_func)(C*); }; struct D { std::function<void(D*)> m_func; }; Now I want to make a generic version of the two, so I do something like this: temp...

mysql: which the better one use DAY() or WEEK()?

I have a web task for counting some data inside DB. I must count this data daily, weekly, and monthly. For weekly, I am still confused to decide which MySQL syntax I should use for this case. There are two suggestions to resolve this problem: using DAY() or WEEK(). I want this syntax is not limited by a confusing thing. As should decl...

Function required and not-required variables

In PHP we can specify default value of variable in function like: function myFunction(myDefaultVariable, myOtherVariable, myCheckVariable = "basic"){ // so yeah, myDefaultVariable is required always, // same applies for myOtherVariable, // and myCheckVariable can be skipped in function call, because it has a default value al...

Haxe syntax; what does the following mean?

I have the following bit of syntax: Void -> Void //in context example private var _onClickEvents : List < Void -> Void > ; which seems to be accepted as a type definition, the same as Bool or TextField. I presume it has similar use to how Haskell defines function type signatures? ...

Problem coming up with an array function

Let's say I have an increasing sequence of integers: seq = [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4 ... ] not guaranteed to have exactly the same number of each integer but guaranteed to be increasing by 1. Is there a function F that can operate on this sequence whereby F(seq, x) would give me all 1's when an integer in the sequence equals x an...

SQL Server 2008 Field Function - Return 'ok' or 'no' depending on relation between two other fields

I am fairly new to the more advanced database features, such as functions, but I was curious how you would do this in MSSQL (or if it is possible even): If I have a table and the structure is something like this: t_test USR_VALUE MULTIPLIER TOLERANCE VALUE_OK 100 .8 85 OK 100 .9 ...

Using DAY(), WEEK(), and YEAR() at one query

i using MySQL Query for my task. And I interested using Date and time function. can i use DAY(), WEEK(), and YEAR() at one query? SELECT Object FROM table WHERE DAY(date) BETWEEN 1 AND 7 GROUP BY WEEK(date, 1), YEAR(date) i want do this bcoz i'm worry if sometimes my program have an error because of the date setting and not rec...

PHP function missed argument error ?

Hello everyone, In PHP I allow the user to enter a url and load a file, function, parameters accordingly with a simple routing file. A Url of http://localhost/user/edit/1 will call the file user.php and the function edit() inside it and pass the parameter 1 to it. If the user removed the argument 1 and the preceeding slash so a function ...

wordpress include file

I have put some php code in a sidebar-01.php i like in my template file to get that code How do u do that ? (i don't what to change the code of WP for updating purpose) i have try include('sidebar-01.php); - it don't work i like to have a function like : get_header(); for my file, something like : get_file('sidebar-01') is it possib...

How to copy html with events jQuery

Could you please tell me how to copy events, if I copy some html? I have a function to copy: function add_to_order( row, row_input_value ) { $('#buffer').html( row ).find('td:first').remove(); // add row to buffer and remove the first td element $('#buffer').append('<td class="delete"><span class="remove-from-order button minus...

C function to escape string for shell command argument?

What function should I use to escape strings for shell command argument in C? I have a string: This is a string with () characters This will be error: echo This is a string with () characters These are OK: echo "This is a string with () characters" echo This is a string with \(\) characters Is there a predefined function convert ...

access performance, mysql nested functions

I have a table in access with about 180k records. I have a bunch of sql statements that I tested and work perfectly on a smaller version of my data. With access & that amount of records, things are pretty slow, but a sql statement with a Dconcat function I even let operate overnight didn't get even close to 1/4 way through. I assumed ...

Array intersection function speed

I've written a short function for array intersection and wanted to know why one function is faster than the other. 1) Dim list2() As String 'Assume it has values' Dim list2length As Integer = list2.length Function newintersect(ByRef list1() As String) As String() Dim intersection As New ArrayList If (list1.Length < list2length...

How do Boost Bind, Boost Function, Boost Signals and C++ function pointers all relate to each other?

As the title might convey, I'm having problems seeing how Boost Bind, Boost Function, Boost Signals and C++ function pointers all play together. From my understanding, Boost Bind and Boost Function in conjunction work like Signals while Signals is an abstraction above Bind and Function. Also, compared to standard C++ function pointers...