
Why this kind of function invocation is wrong in JavaScript?

I'd like to create an anonymous function and then invoke it immediately. 1) This will bring a syntax error. Why? function () { alert("hello"); }(); 2) wrap the function definition with () and it works. (function () { alert("hello"); })(); 3) or, assign the anonymous function to a variable. It works. var dummy = function()...

Fade in multiple LEDs with Arduino

I need to figure out how to fade in and out of multiple LEDS in a function with an Arduino. Can't use delay() because other things need to run while the light is fading. This is what it has so far, but does not work. int value = 0; // variable to keep the actual value int ledpin = 9; ...

How to defn a function from string in Clojure?

Hi, I'd like to do this (in REPL or anywhere) (defn (symbol "print-string") [k] (println k)) and then be able to do (print-string "lol") Or, if there is any other way to create defn from custom strings in macroses, could you push me into the right direction please? ...

CPAN modules for computing integer hash keys based on short strings

I'm looking for a CPAN module that will take a short string: my $hash_value = hash_this('short string not too long'); And hash it into an integer key: say $hash_value; 12345671234 # an integer key ...

How to find the name of the current function at runtime? (C++)

After years of using the big ugly MFC ASSERT macro, I have finally decided to ditch it and create the ultimate ASSERT macro. I am fine with getting the file and line number, and even the expression that failed. I can display a messagebox with these in, and Abort/Retry/Cancel buttons. And when I press Retry the VS debugger jumps to the ...

Emulating named function parameters in PHP, good or bad idea?

Named function parameters can be emulated in PHP if I write functions like this function pythonic(array $kwargs) { extract($kwargs); // .. rest of the function body } // if params are optional or default values are required function pythonic(array $kwargs = array('name'=>'Jon skeet')) { extract($kwargs); // .. rest of t...

Change color of a dynamic textfield problem

I have this code that should change the color of a dynamic textfield when I rollover the link movieclip, and then back when I rollout. I get no compiler error, it just doesn't work. function textColor(mc_function:MovieClip, tf_text:TextField) { mc_function.onRollOver = function() { tf_text.textColor = 0x7cb0b7; }; mc_function.onRollOu...

Pass strings to function in a loop

I have this code that activates when rollover, rollout, and release. I functions for rollover and rollout works, but the release function does not. I'm trying to pass some strings with url's to the function within a loop. var url1:String = ""; var url2:String = ""; var url3:String = "http://www....

How to apply moving windows to a 2D matrix in MATLAB?

Hi, I'm doing feature extraction from an image in Matlab. I'm having to apply many functions over nXn windows for this purpose (such as to find the variance over each 3X3 window, etc. Is there an easy and efficient way to do this in Matlab other than looping over the matrix and collecting the window elements each time? For some function...

Calling Member Functions within Main C++

#include <iostream> using namespace std; class MyClass { public: void printInformation(); }; void MyClass::printInformation() { return; } int main() { MyClass::printInformation(); fgetc( stdin ); return(0); } /* How would I call the printInformation function within mainline? The error tells me that i need ...

Hashing function used in Java Language

Hi all I know that Java has beautiful inbuilt support for the HashMaps or HashTables. Does anybody have knowledge that what kind of hashing functions or techniques are employed by Java language? Is it possible to tweak those functions to be able to make them more specific to one's application in order to improve performance and redu...

How to pass arguments to function referenced by variable

I have a function 'foo' and a variable '$foo' referencing it. function foo { param($value) $value + 5 } $foo = foo $foo I can call $foo without args, but how can I pass parameters? This does not work: $foo 5 $foo(5) Actually the goal is to write such code: function bar { param($callback) $callback 5 } bar(foo) ...

Finding used functions in a library project

We have several library projects which are referenced as using statements like this: Using XYZ.Controllers; namespace test { Public partial class testing: System.Web.UI.Page //... Private void aTest() { string Fred=AController.GetAName(); } //... } The controller AController would be created in another project...

How do you obtain the maximum possible date in Oracle?

Is there a function built into Oracle that will return the highest possible date that may be inserted into a date field? ...

C# function that accepts an Enum item and returns the enum value (not the index)

say I have the following declarations: public enum Complexity { Low = 0, Normal = 1, Medium = 2, High = 3 } public enum Priority { Normal = 1, Medium = 2, High = 3, Urgent = 4 } and I want to code it so that I could get the enum value (not the index, like I earlier mentioned): //should store the value of the Complexity enum member ...

How to get the memory a function consumes

Our application consumes lots of memory and we need to identify which function cause the maximum usage of the memory. Is their any way or even any existing tool to do this(Windows, Native)? Here is the environment: Windows Xp VS2008 Native C++ (MFC Based) Thanks so much. ...

Writing a vim function to insert a block of static text

I'd like to be able to do something like this in vim (you can assume v7+ if it helps). Type in a command like this (or something close) :inshtml and have vim dump the following into the current file at the current cursor location <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "

Any way to specify optional parameter values in PHP?

Let's say I've got a PHP function foo: function foo($firstName = 'john', $lastName = 'doe') { echo $firstName . " " . $lastName; } // foo(); --> john doe Is there any way to specify only the second optional parameter? Example: foo($lastName='smith'); // output: john smith ...

Best Practises for locating a function definition in PHP

Is there a simple way to find the file path to where a function is defined? I currently use dreamweavers FIND in an entire directory. Would be nice to have something that doesnt require downloading the entire site tho. Any suggestions? ...

P/Invoke function call problem

I am working on a system that requires interaction with a native C API using P/Invoke. Now I've (yet again) stumbled upon a problem which I cannot seem to solve in any way. The original function is designed to return 2 kinds of structures, based on a parameter that specifies which structure to use. The C header file defines the structur...