
My Oracle 9i package won't compile, says that a user-defined function is out of scope... but it isn't...

I have an Oracle package which contains user-defined functions and procedures, including two user-defined functions which are called from SELECT and UPDATE statements. The functions in question are defined before the procedures that call them. This piece of code compiles and works fine on Oracle 10g but won't compile on 9i. The code s...

Select from table and function

I have a function that returns a table. The returned table contains (among other things) a store_id. I can get the store_id for a particular transaction_id and city_id as follows: select store_id from table(user2.f_get_store(15, 12345)); --where 15 and 12345 are city_id and transation_id I have another table that contains a list of...

inline function in c

Can inline function be declared in .h and defined once in .c? ...

Excel 2003 - ADDRESS() function issues

I finally thought I had found a way to acutally use excel productively but the code that I followed does not appear to work. I'm thinking that the code is very limited and can't do what I want but I thought I'd ask to confirm - maybe it is my function that is the problem. I want to calculate the sum of a row of values for the previous ...

Calling jQuery method from onClick attribute in HTML

I am relatively new to implementing JQuery throughout an entire system, and I am enjoying the opportunity. I have come across one issue I would love to find the correct resolve for. Here is a simple case example of what I want to do: I have a button on a page, and on the click event I want to call a jquery function I have defined. H...

Jquery Basic Beginner Question: How do i make my function reusable?

I have spent the last few hours attempting to do this on my own, and using Google to find a solution but to no avail. So if you can help out i would super appreciate it! Basically I have a page which has 3 separate biographies in 'preview mode', which shows only the first paragraph of each bio. When you click on 'read more' for one bi...

jQuery Cycle - #next #prev, goto nextGallery after final slide of currentGallery

I am using jQuery cycle in several galleries with #next #prev navigation and a image counter output. Now I am trying to connect all these galleries together. If the user reaches the final slide of gallery A (galleryA.html), the #next anchor should point to gallery B (galleryB.html) / the #prev anchor should point to gallery C (galleryC....

Creating a function in ruby

Hello, i have some problem with creating a function to my Rails app. I want it to work like this: str = "string here" if str.within_range?(3..30) puts "It's withing the range!" end To do that i added this into my application helper: def within_range?(range) if self.is_a?(String) (range).include?(self.size) elsif self.is_a?(In...

How to call a bool function...

Hello, I did not see anything that address my particular code problem. I have a bool function in a class; the bool function is named: bool Triplet::operator ==(const Triplet& operand)const { if( (data[0] ==[0]) && (data[1] ==[1]) && (data[2] ==[2])) return true;...

Create Global ASP.NET Function?

I think this is a pretty easy question...How do I make a function global? e.g. If I have a function GetUserInfo() defined on default.aspx how do I call this function from mypage2.aspx? ...

Naming member functions/methods with a single underscore, good style or bad?

In some languages where you cannot override the () operator, I have seen methods with a single underscore, usually for 'helper' classes. Something likes this: class D10 { public function _() { return rand(1,10); } } Is it better to have the function called Roll()? Is a underscore fine? After all, there is only one func...

Is it possible to create a global stored procedure at Sql server level

I created a query that takes a database backup at certain specified location. I want to use it as a stored procedure but this should act as a global stored procedure so that whenever this SP is called. Then database backup is taken. It uses DB_Name() to take database backup of owner database. Is it possible to create any such SP or Fun...

c++ Array passing dilemma

Hi, I am writing a function that takes a string, string pointer and an int. The function splits the string based on a set of rules and puts each token into an array. I need to return the array out of the function with the number of elements in the int variable etc. I am stuck as to how I return the array as I can not use auto other wise...

XSLT+JavaScript: using classes

I'm trying to use classes in XSL (the 'msxsl:script' tag). But I get the 'Syntax error' message when debugging the file. Here's a simple code that I'm using: function Test1(str) { this.str = str; } Test1.prototype.getStr = function() { return this.str; } function test() { var newTest1 = new Test1("some string"); return...

Can you send a full result set to an SQL function?

I am working in Postgres and I need to send in a full result set with many rows and column into a stored procedure or a function. Is this possible? If so, where can I see resources for syntax? OK this is how I have it set up without being able to send in a result set, it forces me to break out comparison logic and put it in two differen...

Is there an extended function library for SQLite?

Is there an extended function library for sqlite? I am trying out sqlite and realized that a lot of the functions I could expect to take for granted in other sql databases don't exist in it, although it appears they can be added to it. Are there some ready made libraries like that for it? ...

How to call JQuery functions

Hello, I was wondering about the different ways of using a JQuery function on a variable like I know this one $.DoThis(variable); but is there a way to call it at the end like normal Javascript functions variable.$.DoThis(); haha I know this sounds stupid but I need to ask somewhere. Thanks! ...

Are functions declared before or after calling them?

I've made this a community wiki... Okay, I was looking through someone's code one day and I was annoyed how they declared all their functions first and then later called them below. I guess I'm use to Visual Studio's automatically generated functions, that are made after you call them- and I was wondering, which way do you prefer? Or is...

Call function in function arguments

I have a function, we'll call it funcA that returns an object. I want to pass that object to funcB. Can I do this? funcB(funcA()); so that funcA() is called first and the results are passed to funcB()? ...

What are the implications of having an "implicit declaration of function" warning in C?

As the question states, what exactly are the implications of having the 'implicit declaration of function' warning? We just cranked up the warning flags on gcc and found quite a few instances of these warnings and I'm curious what type of problems this may have caused prior to fixing them? Also, why is this a warning and not an error...