
How do I start with 3D tile based game

Hi, I'd like to write a strategy game where it's map will be 3D tiled. I've read some articles on gamedev but most of them are trying to implement 3D in 2D space. I wonder how in nowadays it is implemented using 3D cards. I wonder if using Irrlich will be an overkill (it has a nice heightmap scene node). Thanks in advance, ternyk ...

Xna game development - Game background issue

Hi, Im starting with XNA and i need an advice about the following. I have a .jpg file with my space ship game background with the following size: width: 5000px height: 4800px When i try to load the texture i get the following error: Texture width or height is larger than the device supports What is the most used techniq...

C# game design - main loop aborting - A better way than Abort() and ResetAbort()?

i have some C# threading program (a game), that stops with a boolean (as most articles recommends). while (gameContinueRun) { createRound(); line1; line2; line3; line4; endRound(); } some code lines lock the game and wait until other thread will release it. lock (stateSync) { Monitor.Wait(stateSync) } to stop the thre...

Sharing Code between Flash Apps and iPhone Apps

I am interested in writing games for the iPhone and the Web. Ideally, there would be one language that I could write my games in and it would work on both platforms. I know this is not the case, so what is the best way to leverage code between iPhone apps (Objective-C/C++) and Flash SWFs (ActionScript)? ...

Why aren't video games written in Java?

So I was just wondering, why aren't many video games (commercial 3D games, not random open source 2D ones) written in Java? In theory, it makes a lot of sense; you get a productivity boost and a cross-platform application for free (among other things, such as the vast amount of Java libraries, and built-in garbage collection -- although ...

Is it possible to secure swf files?

If we create an online SWF application, is there any way to secure it so that someone else doesn't download it and put it on their site? For instance, Webkinz is made with Flash, yet nobody is pirating it on their servers with the whole game unlocked. What is Webkinz doing that we can do? Thanks! ...

Where can I find a high level tutorial on iPhone game design?

Are there any high level explanations on how to go about designing a game for the iPhone? How about open source examples for something like pacman, etc? ...

Which is a better option, OpenGL or a game engine for developing a game for the iphone or ipod touch?

I am new to OpenGL ES, and I'm about to begin a 3D game for the iphone in which we are showing some car pursuit or racing. Is it possible just with the OpenGL ES or UIKit only, or do I have to use other tools for it? I am comfortable with UIKit but newer to OpenGL/OpenGL ES; which would be better to start this game? Or should I use a ga...

What is the most secure python "password" encryption

Hi, I am making a little webgame that has tasks and solutions, the solutions are solved by entering a code given to user after completion of a task. To have some security (against cheating) i dont want to store the codes genereted by the game in plain text. But since i need to be able to give a player the code when he has accomplished t...

Architecture for Game - To couple or not to couple?

I'm building a simple game which consists of Mobiles -- the in-game characters (Mobs). Each mob can perform certain functions. In order to give that functionality to the Mob, I've created a Behavior. For example, let's say a mob needs to move around the game field, I would give it the MoveBehavior - this is added to an internal list of...

How to have a local position and global position in a game.

I have a base class called Component. I also have 2 interfaces I2DComponent, and I3DComponent. I am currently working on the I2DComponent. The implementation: /// <summary> /// Represtions a 2D object. These objects will be drawn after 3D objects, /// and will have modifiers automatically provided in the editor. /// </summary> public ...

How to implement an inventory system for a game?

How would I go about implementing an inventory system for a game in PHP? I've been trying to figure out a way so that items can be dynamically used instead of just sitting in your inventory, e.g. equipping weapons, using potions, teleporting, etc. The only solution I can come up with is to store PHP code in the database, and fetch it wh...

What is a good random number generator for a game?

What is a good random number generator to use for a game in C++? My considerations are: Lots of random numbers are needed, so speed is good. Players will always complain about random numbers, but I'd like to be able to point them to a reference that explains that I really did my job. Since this is a commercial project which I don't h...

How to use 16bit heightmaps with Ogre3d and PhysX

I'm using Ogre3D and PhysX. When I load a terrain from an 8bit height map, it looks normal on Visual Debugger. Look at first image: But when I save the height map as a 16bit image, I get what you see on second image. Here's the code, thats works normal with 8bit PNG: mSceneMgr->s...

Is there any game engine in Scala?

I wonder if there are any game engine written in Scala or easily accesible from Scala? ...

Getting the computer to realise 360 degrees = 0 degrees, rotating a gun turret

I'm making a game and in it is a computer controlled gun turret. The gun turret can rotate 360 degress. It uses trig to find out the angle it needs to aim the gun (objdeg) and the current angle of the gun is stored in (gundeg) the following code rotates the gun at a set speed if (objdeg > gundeg) { gundeg++; } if (objdeg < gundeg)...

GameKit in iPhone SDK 3.0

So, I was wondering if you NEED to use the Peer Picker to find peers in the new iPhone SDK 3.0. I don't really want to use it but I do want to use the peer-to-peer bluetooth connection. Is there any sample code that demonstrates the bluetooth connection without using Peer Picker? The game GKTank that Apple provides utilizes the Peer Pick...

Are there any game engines for iPhone?

Are there any game engines for iPhone? ...

How to display a popup message in Roblox game mode?

I'm trying to parse chat messages for keywords that I will use to trigger various functions. In order to use the chat I have to test in game mode, which is started by first clicking Tools-> Test-> Start Server and then clicking Tools-> Test-> Start Player. The command window is not available in game mode so I need a way to get some debug...

Drawing a UIImage on top of another within one UIImageView

I have several different color block images that are reused in my game many times (its a simple rectangle for a puzzle game). I would like to apply a transparent overlay to each one of these images on the fly (a symbol for the puzzle block) which can be one of several different images. Is there a "best" way to get this done? Creating a s...