
Oracle Xml Generate node null Help

Hi; My Procedures SELECT dbms_xmlgen.getxml('select * from '||i_tablename) into xml_data from dual; doc := DBMS_XMLDOM.NewDOMDocument(xml_data); DBMS_XMLDOM.WRITETOFILE(doc, 'XML_DIR/'||v_tablename); My Table ID Name SAL HIREDATE DEPTNO E_MAIL 1 xyz 23 01-JAN-00 2 2 - - - 23 - - - - - - - - - - xml out...

How to generate a strong password in C#?

Hi. I was wondering how can I generate a strong and secure password in C#. I googled a little bit and saw this formula in Wikipedia, where L is the length of the password and N is the number of possible symbols: ...but I'm only 13 years old, I have no idea how to implement it in a programming language (I don't even understand it l...

How to get php variable from url (href link) in javaScript and generate a small popup window on mouseover with passed php data

I am totally new to JavaScript or jQuery. Actually I am developing a web application under which I need to access some data in url format and I want to display a small popup window on mouseover event on this url and on occurrence of this event, url will pass three different php data IDs to javascript. Then small popup window will get som...

Permission Denied when running VBScript

Hi Folks. I have a vbs script which captures file information and then exports it to a csv file. I need to run the script on main drives such as C:\, E:\, I:\ and more, but each time I run for the main directory I get "Permission Denied" when I try to run it for a subfolder example C:\Program Files it works fine. I have tested this on d...

get loaded css between 2 div's as stylesheet.css

I'm trying to get a specific generated css for a area on one of my site's to use this css on the homepage from one of my site's. I used all types of soft and ff add-ons to get the complete css for that specific area ,however they not combine the css as 1. I still have to copy/paste , and have chance i get duplicated loaded css. My hope...

Dynamically add Multiple Instances of a Form Based on User Input - Flex

I'm trying to create a form that based on the users input would determine how many forms to generate dynamically. I have a base state with a combo box that contains 1-4. Bases on the users selection I would like to have the next state generate the number of forms. So if you user selects 2 and click next - 2 copies of the form would be ...

Auto Generate Objects in DBIx::Class ORM in Perl

Hello, I started learning DBIx::class and I reach the point where you have to create the Objects that represents tables. Should this classes be created manually ( hard coding all the fields and relationships.....) or there is a way to generate them automatically using the database schema. I read something about loaders, but i did not kn...

Alternative for PHPlivedocx?

Hello, Is there any other free alternatives to PHPliveDocx? I would like to create a Word document based on templates and user inputted data. The template will resides on the server and the client(online or c# windows application) will be used to collect user input. Once data has been collected, server-side script(PHP) will be used...

Using XML to generate SAP ABAP and/or SAPScript?

Has anyone got examples and/or experience of generating SAP ABAP or SAPScript form code from XML that came from an external application? This would help: creation of SAP-based applications in a data-driven way by automating the knowledge to do so from the export of XML from an external application automated inputting of knowledge from...

phpunit - generate tests for all the classes from a directory

Hi! I have a directoy structure, and all the classes of the business logic are placed in the app_dir/lib/ directory. I would like to generate unit tests for all the classes from this lib/ folder. The problem is, that I haven't found any option to specify the source directory, only the source file: from app_dir: phpunit --skeleton-c...

Generating Random Paired Images in C#

im trying create cards matching game. normally these type of games they match paired cards together (with the same file name "A.jpg with A.jpg") but in my case, im matching cards with different names "B.jpg with A.jpg" (correct), "C.jpg with D.jpg" (correct) but with "B.jpg with C.jpg" (incorrect answer). A.jpg-B.jpg <--correct C.jpg-...

How to create a csv Excel file from content in a gridview in WPF?

Hi! I would like to export to a csv file the content of a gridview in WPF. Which is the best and efficient way to do it? Thanks! ...

Simple way to create possible case

I have lists of data such as a = [1,2,3,4] b = ["a","b","c","d","e"] c = ["001","002","003"] And I want to create new another list that was mixed from all possible case of a,b,c like this d = ["1a001","1a002","1a003",...,"4e003"] Is there any module or method to generate d without write many for loop? ...

How to automaticly generate password if not provided with authlogic

Hi, everybody! I'm new on both this site and ruby on rails! I have a common installation of authlogic and want password to be generated automaticly for user registration if user did not set the password. What is the best way to do it? ...

Generate accessors in Visual C++ 2008

Hi, I'm trying to generate the accessors and mutators for my variables automatically, but just can't find a way. I tried the right-click/refactor... solution, but the refactor item doesn't appear. I'm not in the mood right now to learn how to write a macro to do this, and I don't have the money to buy a commercial solution (internship s...

Can I use ANTLR for both two-way parsing/generating?

Hi all, I need to both parse incoming messages and generate outgoing messages in EDIFACT format (basically a structured delimited format). I would like to have a Java model that will be generated by parsing a message. Then I would like to use the same model to create an instance and generate a message. The first half is fine, I've us...

Generating 2 random images from an array.

I am writing a Silverlight application. How do I generate 2 pictures from an array of images and display it on my screen? This is what I have now. private void PopulateCards(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List<string> Level2 = new List<string> { "1", "2", "3" }; List<string> randomizedImageList = GetRandomList(Level2); ...

Hibernate: same generated value in two properties

I want the first to be generated: @Id @Column(name = "PRODUCT_ID", unique = true, nullable = false, precision = 12, scale = 0) @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "PROD_GEN") @BusinessKey public Long getAId() { return this.aId; } I want the bId to be initially exactly as the aId. One approach i...

Getting MySQL code from an existing database

I have a database (mdb file) that I am currently busy with. I would like to know if it is possible to generate MySQL code that would be used to create this database? ...

Randomly generate sound from onClick and onShake events?

I've literally looked everywhere on the net and found very little clarification on how to do this. Pretty much, I have 8 sound files laid out in an array.xml file and I need to play a randomly chosen file ONCE per or onClick or onShake. First off, what technique should I use to achieve this? ARRAY->RANDOM- STRING->PLAY? RANDOM...