
FxCop Suppression

I have a control on an Asp.Net page, on that page is a control with the name "PaReq" that violates the rule: CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly I've used suppression before I'm not sure how to suppress this error since it is defined in the generated file. I could do this in a custom dictionary but that would mean all the ...

hibernate how to have a field get set from a sequence?

generated="sequence_name" is this correct? what else must one take care of? ...

How to suppress Java warnings for specific directories or files such as generated code

I'm using a parser generator that creates somewhat ugly code. As a result my Eclipse project has several dozen warnings emanating from generated source files. I know I can use the @SuppressWarning annotation to suppress particular warnings in particular elements, but any annotations I add by hand will be lost when the parser generator ru...

Eclipse CDT generated getters / setters name

Is there a way (either via the UI, or in config files) to change the names of the C++ getters/setters generated by Eclipse CDT from the Java-style getSomething() to the more C++ like something() ? ...

Netbeans generated code

I have a netbeans project that I imported into eclipse. When I use my code formatting style in eclipse, it breaks the auto generated code in Netbeans. The code is similar to the following. private void customActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {// GEN-FIRST:event_customActionPerformed // aaa }// GEN-LAST:event_customAc...

Is the code generated by a gnu program is under gnu gpl too?

In my case, I am using gperf, I didn't fint it in the gnu gpl. The C code generated by gperf, is very simple, and doesn't have any licensing header. I guessed that a file without a licence at the beginning is totaly in the domain public. Am I right? ...

Is there an add-on to view the CURRENT source of an HTML page after AJAX components have been triggered?

In Firefox (Windows) when you view source from the browser it will not update the source on a page if certain AJAX components have changed. An example is you navigate to the page and it fully loads. An AJAX component triggers and changes the source, but if you click view source after this event it will not register. If you download the...

How do I specify a dependency rule in Maven between files of certain suffixes?

I have a Java program that generates Java classes for my application. Basically it takes in a simple spec for a class and generates a specialized form of Java bean. I want to integrate this into my Maven pom.xml so that if the input file is changed, Maven automatically generates the new .java file before the compile phase of Maven. I kn...

Problems by import of a multiple modules maven 2 project into eclipse workspace

Hey, I was wondering if someone has experienced the same problem as me and can help me. I have a maven project which contains 6 modules. Some of modules are depending on each other. The project is written in Java and builds to jars, wars and aar. I've been trying to import it to Eclipse with the m2eclipse plug-in. It seems to work fine ...

Nice wrappers around XSD-generated C# classes

I have some class definitions which are somewhat subject to change and which are generated by a third-party tool (xsd, supplied with Visual Studio). For example, suppose it's something like this: public class THIRD_PARTY_Fruit { public string Name { get; set; } } public class THIRD_PARTY_Apple : THIRD_PARTY_Fruit { public int Calor...

Generating custom methods in Eclipse

Hi, I want to generate custom methods in Eclipse like the way we can generate toString, getters and settlers (right click -> source ->). Could anyone tell me what is involved in doing this? Thanks, Dutch ...

WCF: Switched computers, now bidirectional serialization has stopped working

I'm using this code generator to create business objects, with bidirectional serialization attributes, that can be sent from a server to a client using WCF. This used to work, but I've switched computers, and now I seem to only have unidirectional serialization, even though the source code has not changed. This is a property that I woul...

is there any easy way to auto generated code like this?

i have a file which will be used across many app projects. the only difference of these files is the webservice reference name. code like this: public void Test(){ Kevin.ServiceReference1.Service1Client client = new Kevin.ServiceReference1.Service1Client(); // do something.... } like code above, the 'Kevin.ServiceReference1' w...

When I use WinForms (C#) designer in VS2010, it still generates code that StyleCop complains about.

Some problems that I recall (there may be more): Includes regions Does not use this. prefix for member variables and methods Includes comments like the one below ( having // by itself catches the eye of StyleCop) // // fileNameTextBox // If I make a change to the text, and then open the designer again, and screws up my previously ...

generate data class that is not exposed by a domain service in RIA

I have a silverlight app with a RIA link to a Domain service. For example I have the following data structure: User<---Posts I don't want to expose any service function related to Posts, but I still want I can manipulate it in silverlight. Now if I build the solution, there is no Posts class generated in silverlight class at all because...

Many WebReferences Using Same Class

I have a C# project which has many web references to a third party product. All of these web service calls use a 'user context' class. So each web service accepts the exact same XML snippet. Currently I have to keep many of these 'user context' objects around as I hit all the different web service calls. The generated 'user context' cla...

Location of VB.NET "source" code, similar to Java's JDK

Hello, I apologize very much if this question has already been asked, or is hard to understand. I have not been able to find the answer after much searching. Does VB.NET have anything similar to Java's JDK source code? When I used to work in Eclipse, I could right click and view the generated code, or "look under-the-hood" so to speak. I...

How to register a generated controller to the MVC framework?

I have some code that generates a model and a controller class: public ActionResult Generate() { ModelGenerator model = new ModelGenerator("c:/Upload/SampleModel.cs", "CodeDOMSample"); model.addProperties(); model.addConstructor(); model.GenerateCSharpCode(model._outputFileName); Type t = Generator.CompileDOM(model....

Designer class file generated by MSLinqToSQLGenerator has a number in the name

I was about to submit this question that I found an answer for that, anyway worth sharing it. I have a dbml file named for example sample.dbml and I expect the file generated to contain designer class to be sample.designer.cs whereas it becomes sample1.designer.cs. There is no file named sample.designer.cs already in the folder so I am...