
Loading city/state from SQL Server to Google Maps?

I'm trying to make a small application that takes a city & state and geocodes that address to a lat/long location. Right now I am utilizing Google Map's API, ColdFusion, and SQL Server. Basically the city and state fields are in a database table and I want to take those locations and get marker put on a Google Map showing where they are....

Is there a Better Way to Retreive Raw XML from a URL than WebClient or HttpWebRequest? [.NET]

I am working on a Geocoding app where I put the address in the URL and retreive the XML. I need the complete XML response for this project. Is there any other class for downloading the XML from a website that may be faster than using WebClient or HttpWebRequest? Can the XMLReader be used to get the full XML without string manipulation...

Google Map API V3 geocoder not showing the correct place

I am upgrading my codes from Google Map API V2 to V3. In V2, I used GlocalSearch to get the latitude and longitude for the given address. In V3, I saw google.maps.Geocoder() and try to get the similar detail. However, the lat & long given by the V3 function is not accurate. Pls see the following screenshot here: My codes for V3 are...

Geocode IP to address in India

Any service that allows to geocode ip address to a location level accuracy in india ? please let me know. ...

Storable Geocoding/reverse Geocoding services

Im currently looking into an easy way to query and store Latitude/Longitude for a given address. There are a plentitude of services out there, but none actually allows me to store the data I retieve (i.e. Google Maps API TOS, Yahoo! Maps API TOS). As I wan't to use them for a distance search I can't really query the data on the fly. Ar...

Http Geocoder (Google) Accuracy level

I am geocoding a large amount of user entered addresses and interested in the accuracy levels returned. My GOAL is to get the BEST POSSIBLE ACCURACY score for a given address. I call the geocder api following way{address}&output=csv&sensor=false&key=xx now the accuracy levels returned for ...

Bing Maps API - How can I pass extra parameters to the GeoCodeCallback

I've been banging my head against my desk with this problem. I've got the below code working properly, however what I WANT to be able to do is add my custom Title to the newShape.SetTitle(title) and my custom Desc to the newShape.SetDescription(desc) I have tried adding the "title" and the "description" to the GeoCodeCallback function ...

Google Maps geocoding (address to GLatLng)

I am trying to draw a geodesic polyline with Google Maps JavaScript API from two address points. var polyOptions = {geodesic:true}; var polyline = new GPolyline([ new GLatLng(), new GLatLng() ], "#f36c25", 5, 0.8, polyOptions ); map.addOverlay(polyline); if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) { map.addOverlay(polyline); } Could so...

How to get the equivalent of the accuracy in Google Map Geocoder V3

Hi, I want to get geocode from google, and I used to do it with the V2 of the API. Google send in the json a pretty good information, the accuracy, reference here : In V3, Google doesn't seem to send me exactly the same informatio...

How to detect that a point is inside a Polygon using Google Maps ?

Hello, I would like to detect that a google.maps.LatLng is inside a google.maps.Polygon. How can I do that ? Cheers, ...

Most Useful services/methods for Geocoding in Augmented Reality app for iPhone?

I'm building an Augmented Reality application in the fashion of Yelp, and need to access the geodata of various buildings in as accurate a fashion as possible. What is the most accurate Geocoding service available? Price is also an factor, but less so than the accuracy of the data. ...

How, exactly does HTML5's GeoLocation work?

I know the browser shares my IP address and details of nearby wireless networks to determine my location, but what sort of info does it know about nearby wifi networks? For example, where I live are no public wireless networks, and from my home I can see about 5 private networks, yet my location is determined within 20 meters. With ther...

Suggest a public API for nearby amenities?

I'm looking for an API for finding nearby amenities (schools, community centres etc) by latitude/longitude. Thanks ...

Is a point inside or outside a polygon which is on the surface of a globe

How do I determine if a point is inside or outside a polygon that lies on the the surface of the earth? The inside of the polygon can be determined via the right hand rule, ie. the inside of the polygon is on your right hand side when you walk around the polygon. The polygon may Circle either pole Cross the 180 longitude Cover more...

Can I provide addresses instead of latitude and longitude to Google Maps?

Hi, I'm building an application where users provide the addresses for their listings. It's certainly not practical to ask a simple user to provide the latitude and longitude for each address he provides! Can I provide addresses to Google Maps API instead? If so, how? Thanks. ...

free api for place names area names etc.

Hi, I do not think there is something like this but I give it a go anyway. Let us say I have a square defined by two points (latitude, longitude combination). Is there a (free) API (gazetteer?) which returns the country/countries in which the square is located and possibly place names, cities, admin area names within the square? Anot...

Find Location of Iphone (GeoCoding)

Hi friends... I am using for getting the location using Iphone.(It gives Latitude & Longitude) Now i want the cities/zipcode based on these Latitude & Longitude in Iphone. So please suggest me for the above. Sample code/tutorial will be much better(if possible) I am ...

Geographic grid search algorithm

Many of the location based services provide APIs for finding places/venues/spots around a given latitude longitude pair. I'm looking into how I can search for these places across an entire city. I can build a grid for a city by getting its bounds from the Google Maps Geocoder and then incrementing the lat/longs to lay down points to fo...

improving query times a sql ip lookup database

Hi, I have a table in sql server 2005 which holds an ip range and the corresponding info (country / city / etc). There are approximately 3 million rows and it currently takes just over half a second to return a record based on the query below. DECLARE @ip BIGINT SELECT @ip=3561360969 SELECT TOP 1 id, ipfrom, ipto, countrycode, countr...

Python geocode filtering by distance

I need to filter geocodes for near-ness to a location. For example, I want to filter a list of restaurant geocodes to identify those restaurants within 10 miles of my current location. Can someone point me to a function that will convert a distance into latitude & longitude deltas? For example: class GeoCode(object): """Simple cl...