
How to move all coordonate from a WPF PolyLine object?

I have a graphic made dynamically with a polyline object. It produces something interesting but I would like to keep only the last 10 coordonates and once we have reach the 10th position, every coordinate would move to the left by X pixel and the new value will be added at the end. In the Add function of my drawing class I tried this ki...

Determining if a point is on a road

If I have a polyline that describes a road and I know the road width at all parts, is there an algorithm I can use to determine if a point is on the road? I'm not entirely sure how to do this since the line itself has a width of 1px. thanks, Jeff ...

Smooth polyline with minimal deformation

I've got a 2D closed polyline, which is reasonably smooth. The vertices that define the polyline however are not spaced equally. Sometimes two will be very close, sometimes as many as four will be very close together. I'd like to smooth the polyline, but a regular averaging algorithm tends to shrink the area: for (int i = 0; i < (V.Len...

Google Maps v3, polyline mouse events

Is it possible to detect when the mouse has entered and exited a polyline region in Google Maps v3? As a particular use-case, I would like to change the color of a polyline when then mouse is hovering over it. Polylines allow registration of a "mousemove" event, but it doesn't seem to allow notification of mouse over/out events. This s...

WPF Polyline relative point values and stretch for drawing a graph

I'm trying to create a pretty simple graphing component that consists of a series of Polylines within the same grid cell that represent graph lines. My strategy is to look at all the points in my set, determine the min and max, and then calculate a number between 0 to 1 accordingly and use Stretch="Fill" to stretch each Polyline to fill...

Polyline in WPF

Hello, I have a polyline in WPF, which contains some points. When the user clicks on a segment line it should drag the whole poly. when the user clicks on a single "knot" or point of the structure, it should be possible to drag only that point, reconfiguring the shape. I've been able to detect when the user clicks on a segment. I am try...

Calculating in which country a coordinate is?

Is there somewhere a base of polylines for download, I need polylines of european countries and a solution in php for calculating in which country a certain coordinate resides. I used google maps api for this till now but it's too slow and I make many requests frequently so I need to do this locally. ...

Why the Path and Polyline have different renderings in WPF?

Why the Path and Polyline have different renderings in WPF? This is happening both in code and blend, maybe a I missing something or this is just a anti aliasing effect. <Window xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" x:Class="GeometryMonky.Window1" x:...

Prevent two google maps polylines overlapping

I'm making a google maps app that displays GPX tracks. Some of the tracks do overlap for a distance. They do not have identical points, but the polylines seems identical when they are drawn. This makes one of them disapear behind the other one. The solution would be to draw overlapping tracks next to each other, like subway maps do. How ...

how to create a Polyline in google map v3 , and make it enableDrawing..

this code is in v2: var polyline = new GPolyline([point1,point2], "#ff0000", 5); map.addOverlay(polyline); polyline.enableDrawing(); and how to do in v3 ?? thanks ...

How to add markers on Google Maps polylines based on distance along the line?

I am trying to create a Google Map where the user can plot the route he walked/ran/bicycled and see how long he ran. The GPolyline class with it’s getLength() method is very helpful in this regard (at least for Google Maps API V2), but I wanted to add markers based on distance, for example a marker for 1 km, 5 km, 10 km, etc., but it see...

How do I draw the points in an ESRI Polyline, given the bounding box as lat/long and the "points" as radians?

I'm using OpenMap and I'm reading a ShapeFile using com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeFile. The bounding box is read in as lat/long points, for example 39.583642,-104.895486. The bounding box is a lower-left point and an upper-right point which represents where the points are contained. The "points," which are named "radians" in OpenMap, ...

Why does only the last initially loaded latLng get updated when dragging the marker?

I'm trying to load a number of predefined markers on a map. I also want to allow clicking to create a new marker. I want the markers to be connected via polylines and I'm trying to get the polylines to redraw after a marker is dragged and dropped. The following script seems to work for the last stop that is preloaded, as well as all n...

Google Maps geocoding (address to GLatLng)

I am trying to draw a geodesic polyline with Google Maps JavaScript API from two address points. var polyOptions = {geodesic:true}; var polyline = new GPolyline([ new GLatLng(), new GLatLng() ], "#f36c25", 5, 0.8, polyOptions ); map.addOverlay(polyline); if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) { map.addOverlay(polyline); } Could so...

GMap Polyline position of center

When I create Gmap she needed to establish the center and zoom Once we've created a map via the GMap2 constructor, we need to initialize it. This initialization is accomplished with use of the map's setCenter () method. The setCenter () method requires a GLatLng coordinate and a zoom level and this method must be sent ...

Google Maps - polyline depending on map zoom?

Hi, I'm new in google maps programming, i have two encoded polylines and i want to show them depending on present map zoom. For example, first polyline is shown in first half of the zoom scale, second polyline is shown on the rest of the scale. Only one polyline at a time. What is the usual way/approach to do this? Kuba ...

Parsing Json to display polyline/markers with google maps v3

I'm using Jquery getJson() to generate a json to be displayed on the google maps 3 api. I would like to display the poly line as per the : polyline-simple example function initialize() { var myLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(0, -180); var myOptions = { zoom: 3, center: myLatLng, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapType...

WPF line, polyline fast rendering

Hi, I have a problem and found something about it here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1150060/how-to-draw-line-of-ten-thousands-of-points-with-wpf-within-0-5-second We need something like this, but a little more. We have to draw a route from gps coordinates (around 20.000 coordintes) on a map. (The map rendering is fast. Basically...

Is it possible to change the size of a dash of a line?

Hello, I am drawing a dashed line on the TImage Canvas and found out that the size of dashes is way too big for the drawing area. Is there a way to change the size of dashes of lines drawn on canvas? This is what i do to be able to draw dashed lines. Canvas.Pen.Style := psDash; Canvas.Polyline(myPoints); And i didn't find any Pen pro...

SVG Polyline (and Path) Scaling Issue

I have written a mathematical software that is able to plot graphs (among other things). First it creates the graph itself, i.e. a set (or list, call it whatever you want) of points { (x0, y0), (x1, y1), ..., (xn, yn) }, and then lines are drawn between these points. On-screen, using either Windows GDI or OpenGL, it looks great, if onl...