
Change Google Maps polyline z-index

Hi. I'm using the Google Maps API v3 directions service to calculate a route between two points. There are a lot of markers on my map and I want the polyline of the route to overlap the markers, so that the route is always visble. How can I do that? I tried to use PolylineOptions.zIndex, but this z-index value is calculated with regards...

Getting the bounds of a polyine in Google Maps API v3

Is there any easy ways to find the bounding box of a polyline using Google Maps API v3? I'm working on a project where I need to update the bounds as data is added and removed from the map. This is pretty easy by just doing bd.extend(point) where bd is the bound object and point is a LatLng object. The problem is when I start removing da...

Google Maps API: Calculate Center/Zoom of Polyline

I have an overlay that is dynamically generated from user data, so I need to know how to find the center of that overlay. Currently, I am just using the first coordinates from the overlay, but that really does not represent the center of the overlay. Therefore when I load the map, it is not centered on the overlay. Does anyone have a ...

How can I create a parallel polyline without self intersections?

The simple algorithm to create a parallel polyline to an existing polyline is simple: you can calculate the normal of each vertex (as the average of the segment's normals) and displace the vertices using the normal with whatever amount you want. However, there's a graphical problem when I try to use this algorithm on a curved polyline, ...

google maps api v3: add point on polyline beetwen two existing points on click polyline event

How can I add point on polyline beetwen two existing points on click polyline event? Thank you! ...

Why are MKPolyline and MKPolygon working in iOS 3.2.2 (on an iPad)?

As far as I can tell, technically MKPolyline and MKPolygon should not be functional/available when running on an iPad or any other device prior to iOS4. Nevertheless, when I installed 3.2.2, on the device, and updated my build tools with the latest (non-beta) iOS 4.2 SDK, they both work just fine, along with their associated views. Wha...

Customize rounded corner radius of a WPF polyline

Hello, is it possible to set the corner radius of a WPF polyline to a custom value. For a WPF border it is possible. In my opinion, the polyline can only set StrokeLineJoin="Round", but not the radius: <Polyline Points="0,0 0,100 200,100" StrokeLineJoin="Round" /> For border: CornerRadius="..." is possible: <Border CornerRadius="8" ....

Hiding an MKPolylineView causes blurring rather then hiding.

I use MKPolylineview to show a route on a map. I have two buttons, one to display the route, one to hide the route. On an iPhone with ios 4.0.2 the route hides and displays perfectly fine when I click the buttons. On an iPhone with ios 4.1 installed the route displays fine. When I click the button to hide the route the line expands in...

Drawing polylines over Image in UIImage View

Hi! I want to draw polylines over and image loaded in an UIImageView. Can someone give me some tips on where to start? Thank you ...

WPF: How to set offset to PolyLine

I have 3 PolyLines that have same geometry. I would like to set offset to two of them, so they would appear right next to each other. How can i do that? thanx. ...

Polyline using DataBinding and PointCollection for continuous update

Hi there, first of all I describe my objective I want to achive. I want to visualise a continuous data stream (maximum 1000 values per second but could be reduced). This data stream should be visualised as a chart - being more precise it's a visualisation of an ECG among other things. My first idea was using polyline and bind it to a po...