
Merge two gridded data layers

i have two difrent sets of xyz data of different resolution for eadh i have used GMT's pscontour i would like to merge these data frames(add them up an counter the, together) does any body know a good utility to do this ...

getting wrong latitude & longitude from geocoding

Hi, I have a geocoding fucntion that is pulling the address values entered into a form and putting them into the geocoding call. The response is supposed to write the latitude & longitude values into the DB - unfortunately, my lat & longs are all coming back as Antarctica. Thoughts? //Set up our variables $longitude = ""; $latitude = "...

Work flow for georeferencing imagery using open source tools?

Does anyone have a recommendation for a work flow for georeferencing high resolution aerial photography using open source tools? I have GPS coordinates for control points and would need to associate them with the imagery (I do not know the pixel x,y values). Also, any open source options that can perform more sophisticated correction l...

Converting latitude/longitude into city name? (reverse geolocating)

Hello SO, I'm working on a job board in Codeigniter PHP + jQuery where employers enter their location and we use Google Maps API to plot it. While this has had awesome usability results, the problem is when we try to display these locations to job seekers they are muddled and hard to visually discern (they read like this: "02905, 2 mil...

using Python to import a CSV (lookup table) and add GPS coordinates to another output CSV

So I have already imported one XML-ish file with 3000 elements and parsed them into a CSV for output. But I also need to import a second CSV file with 'keyword','latitude','longitude' as columns and use it to add the GPS coordinates to additional columns on the first file. Reading the python tutorial, it seems like {dictionary} is what ...

Need Google Geocoding to return City name in English

Hi, I have this code for requesting google to correct the typed in address, and need it to return the English name for the city: function gmap_query_xml($in_address) { $base_url = "". KEY; $request_url = $base_url . "&q=" . urlencode($in_address); ret...

Can you use Google's geocoding service in a commercial iPhone application?

Is it legal to charge for an iPhone app, lets say .99 cents, for an app that uses Apple's mapkit and a request to google to use their geocoding service? The geocoding is not the main part of the app and it is not advertised to be a geocoding app. Is it ok to do this? Someone mentioned that google has an iphone terms of service, but I c...

SQL Server 2005 Column Type to store LatLng Coordinates

In SQL Server 2005 what column type should I use to store a LatLng Coordinate? For example a Lat coordinate like 135.0058554 I know there are new types in SQL Server 2008 but I'm stuck with SQL Server 2005 for the time being. thanks ...

How to perform Batch Geocoding on google or some other geocoding service provider?

Hi All, How to perform Batch Geocoding on google or some other Geocoding service provider. I dont want batch address processing where the application uses a JavaScript to break the address batch into single address in a loop and perform geocoding like the sample provider here (

How do I supply a British National Grid reference as WKT to GeoDjango?

I'm trying to insert some National Grid references into a Django PointField defined as follows: oscode = models.PointField(srid=27700, null=True, blank=True) However, I don't know how to format them correctly in WKT. This is what I get if I try simply using a basic National Grid reference, TR3241: INSERT INTO places (placeid, struct...

Get latitude and longitude based on location name [google maps api]

I have a textbox in my page which gets a location name and button with text getLat&Long. Now on clicking my button i have to show an alert of latitiude and longitude of the location in the textbox. Any suugestion. ...

Finding location by zip and object name

I wanted to create app that will longitude, latitude by zip and name of object (for example mcdonalds). I tried to do that via google maps geocoder but my idea was wrong because geocoder returned weird results. Maybe someone know a service or strategy of getting location by zip/name please let me know. ...

Retrieving population density data

I need to figure out whether not a given location is considered urban or rural. I take it that the best way to do this is by looking at the population density of the city/state or province/country combination. The kicker is that we're using this for data mining. Generally, mapping APIs that could do this have a requirement that each req...

how to get US Highway exit geocodes using Google maps API or through some other means?

Hi, For our application, we need to get all the US interstate highway exits along with their Geocodes. Can you please explain how to get these using Google Maps API or Google Local search or otherwise? So far I have no clue as to how to proceed. I greatly appreciate if you can point me in right direction. ...

Android: Nothing past onCreate is happening.

Hi guys, I got this class, and nothing inside the onCreate is happening? Does it not automatically get called upon initialization? Code is below, Thanks alot! - Micheal package com.michealbach.livedrops; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import; public class AnyClass ...

Ruby geocoding library compatible with latest Google maps, Yahoo maps, Bing APIs

What Ruby / Rails geocoding library is compatible with (can fetch data from): latest Yahoo PlaceFinder api latest Google V3 API Bing maps API Please also comment on the compatibility with Rails 3 and Ruby 1.9 ...

search an address using google maps javascript API

i have created the following function to show and address in JS: function showMapForm(idDiv, divWidth, divHeight, idLat, idLng) { document.getElementById(idDiv).style.width = divWidth+'px'; document.getElementById(idDiv).style.height = divHeight+'px'; if (document.getElementById(idLat).value=='' && document.getElementById(id...

Android; Geocoder, why do I get "the service is not available"?

I want to use the Geocoder in an android application, I've got the following piece of code to sample it : public class LocatorGeo extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView...

User defined function for SQLite on iPhone.

Hi everyone! I'm working on the n'th application locating zip's. Everything works fine in PHP while I worked along the docu on OpenGeoDB. Now, I'm trying the implementation on the iPhone-SDK, but SQLite doesn't have the ACOS, SIN etc funcs. Can anybody point me to an example of how to expand the SQLite with userfunctions in order to use...

Geocoding with Timezone information

Is there a good way to get Timezone information with DST information from a lat/long coordinate or a physical address? I've found some web services that seem to offer this service, but I can't tell how reliable they might be, or if they might disappear at some point. I need something for my application that will be around long term. ...