
ZIP / Postal Code + Country to Geo Coordinates

What is the most complete, precise and reliable way to get the coordinates (latitude / longitude) of a given ZIP / Postal Code of a given country? I need to make a lot of requests, so a high API limit rate (maybe even absent) would be useful. GeoNames dumps would be cool, but it seems to have way too many duplicate coordinates (example)...

Android: Nexus One - Geocoder causes IOException - works perfectly with other devices and emulator

The code below works perfectly for real devices running on 1.5, 1.6 and 2.0 as well as the emulator running on 2.1. However, executing it on the Nexus One (running 2.1) raises an IOException: Unable to parse response from server at android.location.Geocoder.getFromLocation( That's the code snipp...

Retrieving "businesses" with Google Maps API?

This is an example of a Business on Google Maps It has elements attached such as: Reviews from various sites (qype, viewlondon, etc...) Details provided by various sites Photos and other content I don't know how to go on about retrieving such Business and associate any items generated on my website. What I have...

ArcGis and GeoCortex

Hi, we are tying to set-up GeoCortex with our ArcGis server but can't seem to get it right. We do see some of the requests that have been made to the application, but we don't have a lot of details about it, only the number of image requested, I was wondering if you guys had any problem with this (if you ever tried it) and if I could ...

Map GEO API Services

Does anyone know of a good even paid API for mapping to get GEO stuff. I am really frustrated with google map giving poor results even though it beats all others. I have tried so far. Google Yahoo BING Mapquest Multimap Can anyone suggest other good services ? Hope ya CAN ! ...

How to actually query Chinese address in Googlemap API geocoding??

I'm following the demo code from article of phpsqlgeocode.html In the db, I inserted some Chinese addresses, which is utf8 encode. I found after urlencode the Chinese address, the output of the address will be wrong.Like this one:

Locating Businesses by Latitude and Longitude (API?/Webservice?)

I am looking for a free database (csv, tab delimited, xml, etc) or even a web service or API which will allow me to query for business listings within a certain distance of a latitude and longitude. A global scope would be perfect, but I would settle for Canada/US information. Does anyone know of anything like this? ...

Google search API for nearby restaurants

I need a Google search URL which can give me all nearby restaurants within 1 mile in JSON format. The input is co-ordinates of my current position. ...

Can't execute query on geocoding service

Hi, I'm building Flex 3 application and I have a geocoding service (http://.../GeocodeServer) on a ArcGIS server (ESRI). I'm trying to execute a query on this service in order to retrieve some informations. Unfortunately, when I execute the query, I get this error : [RPC Fault faultString="" faultCode="400" faultDetail="Invalid URL"] ...

Rails geocoding gems

I've used GeoKit and acts_as_geocodable in the past. I like GeoKit, but its missing nicer features like named_scopes. I'm not a huge fan of acts_as_geocodable because it duplicates address data into its own table. Lately, these gems seem under-maintained. What are some actively maintained gems out there? ...

PHP - How can I lookup the Zip Code using the City & State

I need to lookup the Zip Code for a list of addresses (which include the city/state). Is there a master zip code list for download (that is free) or are there any web services that will return the full postage info for an address. Ie, lookup query: 386 Bread & Cheese Hollow Rd, Northport, NY ====> 386 Bread And Cheese Hollow Rd, Northpo...

How can you tell when an Android device has a Geocoder backend service?

According to the Geocoder documentation, the class provides methods into a backend service which may or may not exist on the device. If the geocoder doesn't exist on the device, theoretically a geocode request will return no results. However, how can one differentiate between no results due to there being no backend geocoder service vs...

Entity resolution for venues and other geo locations

Say I want to build a check-in aggregator that counts visits across platforms, so that I can know for a given place how many people have checked in there on Foursquare, Gowalla, BrightKite, etc. Is there a good library or set of tools I can use out of the box to associate the venue entries in each service with a unique place identifier ...

Reverse Geocoding Using J2ME

Hi, My project runs on J2ME and requires me to get the user current street address. I am able to get the user coordinates using location based. But how do i go about getting the street address?? I know google map does the reverse geocoding. But how can i link that to my application?? And will there be any legal issues too?? Any guida...

mapping latitude and longitude values onto an image

hi, i'm trying to geocode values and map them to a satellite image of a city (new york city to be precise). i've successfully done this before using a geospatial image of the world, and then mapped/scaled longitude and latitude values from the max lat/lng range (-90,90 & -180,180) to the max width and hight of the image (0,width & 0,he...

Can anyone recommend a free geocoding service?

Whatever service that would allow something as simple as 100 geo transcoding requests (from street address to geocode) would be ideal. I know that google maps allows 15000 daily, but it is written in Javascript. I was wondering if I could get something written in a language that at least allows for database connections. ...

How do I get the location type (apartment building, house, office complex, etc.) from confirmed address?

I built a web application that uses Yahoo Geocoding API or Google Maps API to validate the user's address. Now I want confirm if the user need to enter an apartment (or suite) number by the exact address I have. Maybe there is an API that provides both services. Right now, my application asks the user if he is in apartment building, ho...

Where can I get the UK geo coordinates for locailty / areas?

I'm looking for the coordinates for UK area's, locality, state/province (part of the problem finding them may be that they don't have a definite name). I know that postcode coordinates can be obtained under license, but is this the same for area's (e.g. borough's of London). Surely Royal Mail can't charge for these too? I want to creat...

List of GeoCordinates to Postal/Zip Code

Is there a publically available List or a database that has geo-coordinates to Postal/Zip Code mapping ? ...

How to determine if a PHP string ONLY contains latitude and longitude

I have to work with strings which may contain Lat/Long data, like this: $query = "-33.805789,151.002060"; $query = "-33.805789, 151.002060"; $query = "OVER HERE: -33.805789,151.002060"; For my purposes, the first 2 strings are correct, but the last one isn't. I am trying to figure out a match pattern which would match a lat and long ...