
How can I determine a CLLocation or MKPlacemark from an address?

I've seen API documentation and demo after demo on how to do a reverse geocode - to get an address, given a Lat/Long location. I need to do the reverse. I'm assuming that this is already solved problem since Apple's MapKit API avoids it entirely. ...

More batch geocoding questions with the Google Maps API v3

I'm trying to figure out a nice way to limit the rate at which I send geocode requests to the Google Maps API v3 geocoder service. I know that Javascript does not have any nice wait or sleep because its execution is, for the time being, single-threaded. Each geocoder request is sent inside of a jQuery each function. So, the general code...

Is there a way to access the Bing Maps geocoding API via REST?

Is there a way to access the Bing Maps API via REST to obtain geocoding information from an address? This is something that's trivial to do with Google and Yahoo; what I'm looking for is functionality like this, from Yahoo: (Specifically, see the sample request URL on that page, but...

Proximity search with Google maps

I'm developing a store location application. Looking up a store, it currently shows the location in googlemaps based on address and zip code. Now I want to build a function which also shows other shops within 500 meter radius. To do this, I have to do a proximity search / calculation. My biggest question, is how I should approach this...

Geo IP database query problem

I'm running this query SELECT country, countries.code,, countries.lng, countries.zoom, worldip.start, worldip.end FROM countries, worldip WHERE countries.code = worldip.code AND '' BETWEEN worldip.start AND worldip.end ORDER BY worldip.start DESC on a tables with these fields, worldip ...

Yahoo Maps Geocode

How Do I work around a problem with the yahoo map geocode result set? The result set being returned is wrong. The city field contains the city, region and postal code. As seen below. Is there a way to work around this issue without breaking scalability. -33.924320 151.187057 203 Coward St MASCOT NSW 2020 Australia ...

jquery submit *after* third-party ajax validation

I've got a form to get an address from a user, and send that address to my server. The goal is to use Google's geocoding to ensure that the address is unique and geocodable prior to bothering the server with it. I can successfully bind form.submit, geocode, get my placemarks, insure that they're unique or not.. but I'm totally incapa...

Geocoding - Grouping multiple addresses into major cities

Been hunting through previous questions on Geocoding and while many are helpful I'm not finding one to my needs. I need to group multiple addresses to the nearest city centers. My only address information is city, country, and state (if applicable). For example, all addresses in San Francisco and within miles should be listed as San ...

parse google geocode

I am using the google geocoding api in my app but im finding it hard to parse the returned address information reliably. Im hoping someone has a library or way of parsing the info to prevent me from having to write this my self and cover every case. Im using the json api and can extract the address line and the coordinates easily enough...

Getting Easting & Northing Values from geopy

I have a table full of longitude/ latitude pairs in decimal format (e.g., -41.547, 23.456). I want to display the values in "Easting and Northing"/ UTM format. Does geopy provide a way to convert from decimal to UTM? I see in the code that it will parse UTM values, but I don't see how to get them back out and the geopy Google Group has g...

Given a latitude and longitude, and distance, I want to find a bounding box

Given a latitude and longitude, and distance, I want to find a bounding box where the distances are less than the given distance. This questions was asked here: I donot want this partcularly accurate, so I have modified and simplif...

Designing a grid overlay based on longitudes and latitudes

I'm trying to figure out the best way to approach the following: Say I have a flat representation of the earth. I would like to create a grid that overlays this with each square on the grid corresponding to about 3 square kilometers. Each square would have a unique region id. This grid would just be stored in a database table that would...

Customize OpenLayers Control

How can I easily customize OpenLayers map controls? Or at least, how can I minimize the controls' height? Thank you. PS. Is there any CSS override? ...

Geo question: How to generate a .wld file given some ground control points?

OK, so I have a jpeg and a bunch of ground control points (x/y pixels and corresponding lat/lon references). I'd like to generate a .wld world file to accompany the jpeg, from the command line. My coordinate system is Google Maps, i.e. EPSG:900913. I know that I can use gdal_transform to generate a .vrt given the gcps, but what I need...

What is the best way to geocode large sets as a background process in Ruby on Rails?

I am implementing a contact importer and will be geocoding the contacts that are imported. If a user imports 1000 contacts, geocoding is way too slow. Essentially I would like to start a background process to geocode the contacts after they are imported and somehow report the status to a log. Does this sound like the best way to do ...

Given a latitude and longitude, find users interested in that position

Given a table, +-----+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | user| min_lat | max_lat | min_lng | max_lng | +-----+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | a | 46 | 407 | 6 | 367 | | b | 226 | 227 | 186 | 188 | And a Point(x, y) Find users where the point is within the m...

Need help geocoding town names to their coordinates in a loop

Hi, Ive read similar posts, but still didnt find a solution for myself. Basically I have an array with countries+towns in PHP and I need to show them on the map with markers. Here is my code: function showAddress(markers) { var address = "<?php echo $Fcity[$j], " , ", $Fcountry[$j]?>"; if (geocoder) { geocoder.getLatLng(address, f...

Geocoding using Google Earth

Dear all, I would like to get a pair of coordinates (longitude, latitude) from a postal address. I am coding VBA in an Excel workbook. I can assume that Google Earth is installed and registered as COM server. Thus I have been looking for a way to use the Google Earth COM API to achieve this, however I have not managed to find anything....

Location based information

Hi, I would like to show information on my website based on user's geography. In my current design would not want the user to enter their location/zip code. Using IP I can find user's location but how do i leverage this information to show relevant events/information from surrounding cities/town. Thanks ...

Maxmind GeoIP Country/City MySQL Open-Source Alternative

Is there an open-source alternative to MaxMind GeoIP Country/City that I can use for MySQL? ...