
Finding lat/lng for based on postalcode

I have a dataset of thousands of full addresses of business (specifically in the netherlands, but I guess the question can apply everywhere). I want to find the lat/lng so I can do distance calculation, but because of the size of the dataset I'm worried it's not a wise idea to do this using for example google maps. Is there a webservi...

Using MySQL GeoSpatial Data Types in .NET

I'm looking for information on how to use MySQL geometry types in .NET. I'm using Sub-sonic for ORM, and don't really need to support much more than MySQL's POINT type. The MySQL .NET connector seems to return point data as a byte[] array in OpenGIS WKB format. What libraries are recommended for working with this WKB format? Alte...

PostGIS and JPA 2.0

Hi *, I like to map datatypes from PostGIS with JPA 2.0. I googled for solutions or examples, but all I can find is, that JPA does not support mapping of custom data types. Is it still in JPA 2.0? Has anybody a hint for an example? Thanks & regards Patrick ...

Spatial index for geo coordinates?

What kind of data structure could be used for an efficient nearest neighbor search in a large set of geo coordinates? With "regular" spatial index structures like R-Trees that assume planar coordinates, I see two problems (Are there others I have overlooked?): Wraparound at the poles and the International Date Line Distortion of distan...

How can I create set of small bounding boxes given a large area?

Given a large bounding box (say 1 km square), I want to divide this area into a set of smaller bounding boxes to form a grid pattern. I know there are some Earth geometry issues to contend with where. Can anyone help? I'm doing with with Ruby and I'm working with the excellent GeoKit library. Thank you! ...

Is there a function in mysql to get the MBR(Minimal Bounding Rectangles) of Geometry?

I found that some result of MBRContains(g1,g2) and other functions seems not right to me. and I want to find out why. how to see the mbr? ...

Geopraphic Charting controls for Websites

Hi All, I need to create dash boards showing geographic regions and show sales, hot spots etc on a map. What have you tried and what do you recommend? I like the look of both Fusion Charts and Dundas I will be using for the site but any control's or library's including flash or javascript are good options. Most important is ...

Using Latitude & Longitude to get a place with Yahoo

I am using Google Map API to add markers to a map when the user clicks a location on the map. I want to add an info window for the new marker when its clicked, the info window will be populated with details of the location. The Google map API returns the latitude and longitude so I just need a way of taking this info and getting a locat...

Is there an extensible SQL like query language that is safe for exposing via a public API?

I want to expose some spatial (and a few non-spatial) datasets via a public API. The backend store will either be PostgreSQL/PostGIS, sqlite/spatialite, or CouchDB/GeoCouch. My goal is to find a some, preferably standard, way to allow people to make complex spatial queries against the data. I would like it to be a simple GET based re...

How can I extend this SQL query to find the k nearest neighbors?

I have a database full of two-dimensional data - points on a map. Each record has a field of the geometry type. What I need to be able to do is pass a point to a stored procedure which returns the k nearest points (k would also be passed to the sproc, but that's easy). I've found a query at

IPhone geo tagging data (SQLite or CoreData)

Hi. I'm about to build an app that has a database of places that has a location (lon/lat) and i'm about to build the dataModel. Actualy the app is very simple and all i want is to be able to fetch all places around the user (say in a radius of 30miles). Is it better to user SQLite (is there any geo-spatial extension out there)? I'll ha...

Image manipulation

Hi, I am just wondering what kind of computing/programming language/frameworks are needed to produce images such as the one in ? Programmatically, how does one produce the general spatial analysis images ? ps: I use java most of the time. Thanks ...

Do I need a spatial index in my database?

I am designing an application that needs to save geometric shapes in a database. I haven't choosen the database management system yet. In my application, all database queries will have an bounding box as input, and as output I want all shapes within that database. I know that databases with a spatial index is used for this kind of appli...

Google earth GEOdata ?

Question: Is it possible to use/retrieve Geodata from Google-Earth ? What I want to do is take a little area, get terrain information (coordinates, height, elevation) and simulate how the selected area would be flooded at specified amounts of rain for a specified amount of hours. ...

Change Projection in OpenLayers Map

I want to set "EPSG:4326" as the projection of an OpenLayers map, but when I try it, I always get "EPSG:900913". function init() { var options = { projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326") // ignored }; map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', options); var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Osmarender("Osm...

Does Android platform support SpatiaLite?

Is it possible to use SpatiaLite database on Android platform (1.6)? I am trying to program a google buzz-like app which need to take advantage of SpatiaLite functions, like calculating distance between 2 points, etc. Any external library needed? Thanks. ...

Caching view-port based Geo-queries

I have a web app with a giant Google Map in it. As users pan and zoom around on the map, points are dynamically loaded through AJAX call which include the viewport bounds (NE and SW corner coordinates) and some other assorted parameters. How do I cache these request for points? The problem is that the parameters are highly variable and ...

Query to find shortest route in Oracle

Hello, fellow developers. I'm starting studies in Oracle 11g Spatial Databases and I want to know if is there a query that returns the shortest route (or path) between two points, or between a point and a linestring. I have a map with some linestring (hiking trails) and Polygons (geographic accidents) and I want to find the shortest ro...

SQL Server 2008 Spatial Clustering

I am trying to group points of geospatial data based on density and relative distance. Is there a way that this can be done in SQL Server 2008 using the spatial features or would it be better to translate the data into graph data and use a graph clustering algorithm? ...

Is this feasbile with GIS?

I'm just getting myself to familiarize with GIS but i like to know before hand if the following is feasible with current GIS apps/tools... I get the point for an address by geocoding. Easy part. Now if the point falls within a boundary (may be a city/county/state) then i need to get the data (any id/flag) associated with the boundary. ...