JavaScript: get value of dropdown
I have 3 HTML combo/drop down boxes. All of them have a distinct name and id. On a particular event I want to get the value of all three of them. Can any one give me a code snippet for that? ...
I have 3 HTML combo/drop down boxes. All of them have a distinct name and id. On a particular event I want to get the value of all three of them. Can any one give me a code snippet for that? ...
<html> <script type="text/javascript"> function func() { alert(document.getElementById('iView').contentDocument); } </script> <body> <iframe id="iView" style="width:200px;height:200px;"></iframe> <a href="#" onclick="func();">click</a> </body> </html> After click, Firefox returns [object...
i wanna get a price inside a page and then multiple it by 0.93 then write the result after first price. but i couldn't be able to grab the price from page. for example i want to grap "900 TL" string from "900 TL" you can see all codes of page by visiting
Maddening problem here. When my page loads: <body onload="getClientDateTime();"> It runs this function: document.getElementById('ClientDateTime').value="hello world"; Which theoretically should insert "hello world" into a hidden field: <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="ClientDateTime" id="ClientDateTime" value=""> But she no worky. If I ...
I'm having a problem with getElementbyId as follows: <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function show_links(locale) { var box = document.getElementById(locale); if( == "none") { = "inline"; } else { = "none"; } } //--> </script> ...
If I have the following HTML: <div id="container"> <iframe></iframe> </div> What is the most effective way (mainly in terms of performance) to create a reference to the <iframe> DOM element? I'm using something like the following: var element = document.getElementById('container').getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0]; IIRC, though, ...
I have a complex html-Form and am using jQ for some of the work there. And spent the best part of this afternoon trying to understand a problem which I was able to trace back to the point where jQuery failed to find an existing control. The command $("#FormView1_CopaBOM973row%18%_dkF").width(); returned null. First I thought about an er...
I am trying to make a script that when you type in a hex value and press submit itchanges the text color to the color inputted. It seems the problem is the way i am calling the variable "userInput" inside the variable new html Any Ideas? <script type="text/javascript"> function changeText3(){ var userInput = document.getElementB...
Why does refButton get null in the following JavaScript code? <html> <head> <title></title> <script type="text/javascript"> var refButton = document.getElementById("btnButton"); refButton.onclick = function() { alert('I am clicked!'); }; </script> </head> <body> <form id="form1"> ...
hello, i'd like to put in html pages around a javascript that call a remote javascript file in my server, elaborate datas by give content back to the html page where the javascript will populate a div by id with the given data. what's a possible way to perform it? the data will be calculated in php. ...
Hi I would like to do dom selection and manipulation out of the dom. The goal is to build my widget out of the dom and to insert it in the dom only once it is ready. My issue is that getElementById is not supported on a document fragment. I also tried createElement and cloneNode, but it does not work either. I am trying to do that in ...
I'm trying to toggle the visibility of certain DIV elements on a website depending on the class of each DIV. I'm using a basic Javascript snippet to toggle them. The problem is that the script only uses getElementById, as getElementByClass is not supported in Javascript. And unfortunately I do have to use class and not id to name the DIV...
Hi Gurus, I have a time tracking sheet application. In this I will display dates in a week on X axis (on top) and Tasks on Y-axis (downwards). As shown below, I will give a @ icon after every text box for entering comments against each entry. **************************************************** # | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | ...
I have a valid XML file being read by the following .NET C# windows service. The tag in question (u1_000) is absolutely in the element: <book id="u1_000" category="xyz"> Is there some reason the GetElementById() does not find the Book element with the tag? - thanks XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load("C:\\j.xml"); XmlEleme...
I'm trying to create an updating clock in Javascript. Everything is working correctly as I step through the debugger, except that it's not actually updating the span. Any ideas why? <script type="text/javascript"> // The following line of code is in a setInterval() // time is set correctly, according to my debugger document.getElement...
Hello. I am making a colour-picker using pure JavaScript and HTML. It consists of three HTML selects (drop downs boxes) and one div the background-colour of which will be changed by JavaScript. I am also trying to do this as "correctly" as possible. This means no Javascript code in the HTML. My code so far looks like this: var red ...
i have a function what does the following function test() { document.getElementById("main").innerHTML="show wait"; // do stuff document.getElementById("main").innerHTML="show finished"; } In FF the div will show "show wait", do the other stuff for 4 seconds and then show "show finished" In IE it will only show "show fin...
Hi all, I'm writing my first Firefox XUL toolbar, and am getting a strange behavior - in order to debug my code, I call the same js function from both the firefox toolbar and from a button on a very simple HTML file I created. The javascript function displays an alert window, gets an element using 'document.getElementById', changes its...
Hello. I have this: <input type="hidden" id="aid" value="<? echo $_GET['id']; ?>"></div> and var aID = document.getElementById('aid'); var postFile = 'showcomments.php?id='+ aID.value; $.post(postFile, function(data){ Why will this only work in FF and not IE? ...
I'm trying to create an array of <li> that are in a div. So I have var arr = document.getElementById('mainNav').getElementsByTagName('li'); For testing purposes, I put an alert("test"); alert(arr.length); to see if an alert will pop up and what the size of the array is. Neither of the alerts showed up, but if I place an alert before t...