
Parsing MSDN Geometry Data Type

Hi, I have a database where one field gives spatial coordinates. I have learned the field is a serialised MSDN geometry Data Type ( I want to access this database from Python and was wandering if anyone knew the format of the Geometry Data Type, or any libraries capable of parsing ...

How to write GeoTIFF files in Delphi, possibly compressed

Hi there, I'm looking for a way to write GeoTIFF files in Delphi. If possible, I would like to write DEFLATE-compressed GeoTIFFs. Any hints on where to start? Thanks for your insight :) ...

mobile j2me map viewer library

Is there any open source gis library for mobile devices to work on J2ME? I need to create simple gis application on mobile device and to be apple to retrieve and enter data. ...

Image loading in OpenGL for use in GIS appliation.

I am currently working on an in house GIS app. Background images are loaded in OpenGL by breaking the image down into what I guess are termed texels and mipmapped, after which a display list is built to texture map each texel onto rectangles. This sounds pretty standard, but the issue is that currently for images that do not divide nea...

GIS mapping tool on detailed scale

Hi all, I'm looking for good GIS solutions that work on a relatively smaller, detailed scale. Specifically, I was wondering what APIs or toolkits are available for mapping out spaces in a building (like rooms, hallways, shelves). This need not be a 3D solution, like one might envisage for architectural CAD-type drawings. Something relat...

How does one implement the Google Maps 3D API (or similar) for Flex with a local map cache?

I am writing a Flex application for use on a private intranet with no external Internet access. I want to use Google's 3D Maps Flex API, but it must be connected to the internet to download map tiles on demand. Is there a way to locally cache the 3D map tiles and data so that I can run this app without an internet connection? And if no...

Loading a local .kml file using google maps?

I created a hello world program to load a local kml file (borrowed from google's docs): var ctaLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer("http://localhost:8080/kml/cta.kml"); This does not work (nothing gets loaded). However, when I change that line to: var ctaLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer("

Retrieving population density data

I need to figure out whether not a given location is considered urban or rural. I take it that the best way to do this is by looking at the population density of the city/state or province/country combination. The kicker is that we're using this for data mining. Generally, mapping APIs that could do this have a requirement that each req...

GRASS GIS: How do I run a batch (bash?) script?

I am in a GRASS database (in command shell), where I want to run a loop function. For example, I want to do an operation on many raster files that are in the database. I know this must be done through a txt file. What i am confused about is where I should put this file, and how exactly I should call it. I am also a bit confused if I sh...

geodjango syncdb errors. From geodjango tutorial.

I have followed the geodjango installation(windows XP) and tutorial to perfection I am running django 1.2 When I get to syncdb and run I receive the following. raise ImproperlyConfigured(error_msg) django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured:'django.db.backends.postgis' isn an available database backend. Try using django.db.backend...

Updating a For Each Loop in Python

The below python code takes a list of files and zips them up. The only File Geodatabase (File based database) that I need to have is called "Data" so how can I modify the loop to only include the File based database called Data? To be more specific a File Geodatabase is stored as a system folder that contains binary files that store an...

how to get co-ordinates of vector layer line points from openlayers ?

I am not able to find out how to get lat-lon values of all the points in the drawn line in the openlayer vector layer, like this openlayer-example. please help me where to search...? ...

displaying data from a WFS (vector) layer using getFeatureInfo

Hello!! As the title says... I trying to access that data associated with a vector layer but not having any success. I get the following error: "No QUERY_LAYERS has been requested, or no queriable layer in the request anyways " I am using geoserver, openlayers and and the script shown below....'click',...

tinyows fid returned as table_name.null ?

Dear friends, i am trying to use tinyows for wfs-t in my app along with openlayers and postgis. i am using osm tables and myown tables for storing geom. tinyows working fine with osm tales, but returning table_name.(null) as fid for requested features. so i am unable to do wfs-t on my tables. How to solve this error, where is my mistake...

How do I plot the points (data) from the database to the OpensStreetMap?

Hi! I wonder how the mapping thing works in the OpenStreetMap. I'm building an app that uses my own database(which I will build using OSM dumps using Osmosis; same as in the OpenStreetMap website). I have really no idea how it works. Thanks in advance! :D ...

How do you generate the non-convex hull from a series of points?

I am currently trying to construct the area covered by a device over an operating period. The first step in this process appears to be constructing a polygon of the covered area. Since the pattern is not a standard shape, convex hulls overstate the covered area by jumping to the largest coverage area possible. I have found a paper th...

Geo-region data for countries/states/oceans

I'm developing an application where entities are located at positions on Earth. I want to have a set of data from which I can determine what region(s) a point is contained within. Regions may be of types: Continent Country Lake Sea DMZ Desert Ice Shelf ...and so forth. I'm envisioning representing each region as a polygon. For an...

Country name for GPS coordinates

Is there an easy way to get the name of the country on whose territory a given point is located? I don't care too much about accuracy nor about ambiguities given by political disputes. Just need a good enough approximation. ...

Disambiguate overlapping lines in SQL Server spatial or OpenLayers?

I have records in a table representing bus routes, with SQL Server spatial columns for the actual route geometry. (They're stored in a Geography column type.) I use OpenLayers to display these bus routes on top of an OpenStreetMap layer. In instances where the bus routes overlap, currently you cannot see anything but the top route. I'v...

Lookup country for GPS coordinates without Internet access

I need to find out in what country given GPS coordinates are, on a device that has no Internet access (e.g. this, but without the easy on-line solution). Having no experience with GIS, I guess I'd need some kind of module that would statically store shapes of countries and match current location against them. I'd therefore like to ask w...