
Do you know any free satellite imagery for GIS?

Hi! do you know any imagery that i can get satellite images of places for free?? i thought people who is related to GIS would know it? i searched but i could not find.. i have a terrain editor which uses GIS data for heightmap but i want to texture it with satellite image... i hope one of you know?? ...

Why are my ESRI:Tool items having their images reset when I select any other tool on the page?

In my default.aspx page, I have some ESRI tools (and some commands) in a toolbar, so something like this. <ToolbarItems> <esri:Tool ClientAction="MapPoint('Map1','%toolbarItem%',false,'crosshair') DefaultImage="~/images/default_tool.gif" EnablePostBack="True" JavaScriptFile="" Name="TestTool" SelectedImage="~/images/selected_to...

Idea Wanted: Raster Online Map (Possibly with ESRI API and some geoprocess model)

(I hope this is a valid question) As I stated in my title, I'm looking for a fairly easy to moderately easy idea for some sort of online raster analysis map. I'm familiar with ESRI and their really awesome API, as I'm hoping to tackle something on that front. I'm also open to using the mapstraction lib. Does anyone have any ideas f...

Encoding problems with ogr2ogr and Postgis/PostgreSQL database

Hi! In our organization, we handle GIS content in different file formats. I need to put these files into a PostGIS database, and that is done using ogr2ogr. The problem is, that the database is UTF8 encoded, and the files might have a different encoding. I found descriptions of how I can specify the encoding by adding an options param...

How can I draw a road using bing maps api?

Is it possible to draw a road using bing maps js api? Ideally I would supply two georeference points and the trajectory/road would be always on the same road. Basically, I want to highlight a road. ...

Calculating bounding grid coordinates to a user click on google maps/google earth

Hello, I have a requirement to calculate the centroid or geodesic midpoint of when a user clicks in between the lat/long grid crossing. The crossing forms a square in most parts of GE and sometimes elongated rectangles. This is due to the shape of the earth of course. I'm looking for a valid mathematical formula that would allow a ...

PROJ.4 library and OSGB36

Hi all, hope you are well I am trying to convert lat/long coordinates to OSGB36 x and y using the proj.4 library. Has anyone else successfully done this? I need to fill the srcPrj4String and destPrj4String variables, e.g. string srcPrj4String = "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"; string destPrj4String = "+proj=utm +zon...

rescaling ranges

hi, for example i have two ranges (1) 0 to 3 (2) 10 to 15 in range (1) i have numbers between 0 and 3, where 0 is minimum and 3 is maximum value...(it has also values 1 and 2)... now i wanted to rescale both ranges (1) and (2) to range 0 to 1. Can you show me how to do it or at least poi...

How do I utilise longitude/latitude values efficiently in Mysql ?

Thanks to Wikileaks, here in the UK we can now access our longitude and latitude co-ordinates for each post code wikileaks postcodes uk IMPORTANT. Do not use this data in public applications - There's concern that the data has been deliberately corrupted and you could be held as being in breach of copyright law. Try using data from an op...

Where to get Terrain Data - both free and paid?

Where can you get terrain data? What resolution data can you get for free? What resolution data can you get when you buy the data? How much is that data? I found this site that has free terrain data. The resolution is 30m x 30m. Is that the best that can be found for free? ...

Closest grid square to a point in spherical coordinates

I am programming an algorithm where I have broken up the surface of a sphere into grid points (for simplicity I have the grid lines parallel and perpendicular to the meridians). Given a point A, I would like to be able to efficiently take any grid "square" and determine the point B in the square with the least spherical coordinate distan...

What is the Best Development platform for GIS application?

Reviewing a new GIS product development requirement and its in a requirement gathering phase. This application needs to run on a Desktop and some part of the application on a mobile device which then can sync to the desktop or the server. This product will deal with imagery, defining boundaries, analysis using layers, polygons, importing...

Boss doesn't believe my time estimate... advice/backup?

First of all I'm not 100% sure if this question is really meant for SO (sort of subjective) so feel free to remove it if necessary. Thanks in advance for answering, though. For the sake of introductions, I belong to a startup software company -- 3 developers, less than 15 employees including the CEO. We deal exclusively with Windows Mob...

Help plotting Geographic Data in R using PBSMapping and Shapefiles

Using O'Reilly's Data Mashups in R as inspiration, I'm trying to plot a handful of addresses on a shapefile of Salt Lake County, Utah found here. I have data frame geoTable: > geoTable address Y X EID 1 130 E 300 S 40.76271 -111.8872 1 2 875 E 900 S 40.74992 -111.8660 2 3 2200 S 700 E 40.72298 -111.8...

Overview of how to develop LBS/GIS app in Java

I need to develop a location based extension to an existing app that will allow users to see all other users that are around them (within a fixed aerial distance). The existing app was developed using Axis (Web services) + Spring + Hibernate + MySQL. Requirements are: Java framework (preferably open-source unless commercial solution ...

How to round a decimal to the nearest fraction?

Not sure if that is the right way to ask this or not but here is the problem. Given a latitude of 26.746346081599476, how do I find the number 26.75 as the 16th greater than the number and 26.6875 as the 16th lower than the number? 26.0 26.0625 26.125 26.1875 26.25 26.3125 26.375 26.4375 26.5 26.5625 26.625 26.6875 My Number: 26.746346...

Furthest distance between any two points with GeoDjango

I have a collection of Point objects. I want to find the furthest distance between any two points. Imagine a circle enclosing all of these points. I want to know the diameter of that circle. How can I do this in GeoDjango? edit: this is what I have so far: >>> r=Route.objects.get(pk=1) >>> a=Airport.objects.filter(routebase__route=r) ...

How do you know what SRID to use for a shp file?

I am trying to put a SHP file into my PostGIS database, the the data is just a little off. I think this is because I am using the wrong SRID. The contents of the PRJ file are as follows: GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1983", DATUM["D_North_American_1983", SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137.0,298.257222101]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0], UNIT["Degree",...

Creating custom Google (or OpenLayers?) maps

Hi all, I'm currently working on a project which maps items to a physical location within a building. We have a map created in our GIS system (ArcGIS), and are able to resolve items to the appropriate shape ID on this map. We want to create a web map using one of the APIs such as Google maps or Open Layers in order to display this info...

SQLite + SpatiaLite problems

Hi, I'm trying to access a SpatiaLite from C# using System.Data.SQLite provider. When I try to load the SpatiaLite extension, I always get the System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException: SQLite error The specified module could not be found. error, even though the spatialite's dll has been copied to the bin directory. I even tried specifying...