
git: Is it possible to save the packed objects of a dry run and push them later?

I'm trying to push a bunch of commits that contain a lot of code and a few thousand MP3 and PDF files besides (ranging from 5-40 MB each). Git successfully packs the objects: C:\MyProject> git push Counting objects: 7582, done. Delta compression using up to 2 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (7510/7510), done. But it fails to send ...

Unable to push to git Repository. It hangs after "Writing Objects: 100%"

I am running git daemon with the following command. c:\cygwin\bin\git daemon --reuseaddr --base-path=/cygdrive/S --export-all --verbose --enable=receive-pack I am able to clone and pull updates but when I try to push I get $ git push origin master Counting objects: 6, done. Delta compression using up to 2 threads. Compressing objec...

How to specify which SSH key to use within git for git push in order to have gitorious as a mirror?

Hi, I have a project hosted on (alioth) and I'd like to configure a post-receive hook to update a mirror of the repository on I suppose I'll have to use git push --mirror gitorious Now, I'll need to have Alioth authorized on gitorious for the push to succeed. How do I do that? I suppose I need to c...

Git receive/update hooks and new branches

Hi, I have a problem with the 'update' hook. In the case of a new branch, it gets a 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 as the 'oldrev'. And I don't know how to handle that case. We have the requirement, that every commit message references a valid Jira issue. So I have installed an "update" hook on our central repository. That ho...

git delete branches not on local

There's a bunch of branches on one of my git repo's that I got when I forked it on github. I don't really care for my github fork to have these branches. Is there any way that I can push that will delete all the branches on my github repo that are not in my local repo? ...

git push hangs and does nothing

I'm new to git and testing it out. I've been able to clone a friends repository make small local changes and commit. I'd like to now test pushing my local changes to the remote repository but unfortunately when I try to do a push $ git push <my friends remote repository> <---- hangs here waiting ..I break out by ctr-c Here is some ...

Unable to create Gitosis remote branches

Hi, When pushing branches to a gitosis hosted repository, although I get the expected response from the push command, the remote branches aren't listed when I do git branch -a. Even after a fetch, the branches still do not show up in the list. Interestingly, I find files with names that correspond to the branches I have been trying to p...

Git push -f origin master UNDO HELP :S

Hi, I just committed the wrong source to my project using -FORCE. Is it possible to revert? I understand that all previous branches have been overwritten using -f, so I may have screwed up my previous revisions... I'm a bit of a newbie with GIT. ...

Why do I have problems pushing new branches to my Git repository?

As a followup to my question about unavailable branches after svn to git migration, I have a different problem: I'm unable to push new branches to my central Git repository. $ git clone ssh://server/opt/git/our_app.git $ cd our_app $ git branch my-test-branch $ git checkout my-test-branch $ echo test > test.txt $ git add test.txt $ git ...

Git push error: ssh: Could not resolve hostname[:7555]: nodename nor servname provided, or not known

I can't seem to use Git to push to the server. However, I can SSH to the box. I can't figure out why: $ cat .git/config [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true ignorecase = true [remote "server_idm"] url = ssh://[email protected][:7555]/home/usern...

git push tag -> master

Hi, I am trying to accomplish something that is probably very simple, though I cannot figure out how, or what I'm doing wrong. So to get straight to the point: I want to push for example my tag 1.0.0 to my remote master branch. What I'm doing now is the following: git push production +1.0.0:master Yes, I want to force the push beca...