
Changing your online repositiory from another computer

Hello, I created an online repository on I was adding/removing/modifying files on that repository normally from a computer I was using. Now, I am using a different computer and I do not have the original local repository that was stored on the other computer I was using. So, I created a folder whose name is the same as the...

Is this how you normally would use SVN or GIt?

In all the tutorials I see of using SVN or Git, they always show them updating individual files. I may work on 100 files in 1 day, is it normal to work on many files and at the end of the day, just do 1 commit for all the files instead of doing each file individually that I modify? ...

Forbidding pushes on Git/Mercurial

Is there any plugin for distributed SCMs that forbids pushing code that doesn't fulfil a certain criteria (e.g. min test coverage)? ...

How to conclude your merge of a file?

After I merged a file in Git I tried to pull the repository but error came up: You have not concluded your merge. (MERGE_HEAD exists) How does one conclude a merge? ...

Git big commit best practices

I'm using git and been working heavily on my local repository the last week. I like to make many small commits (like 2 o 3 files) instead of big ones, but this time between time pressure and that the change involved many files, I've got a whole lot of files unstaged. My question is, what is the best practice in this scenario? Is there ...

Hudson Build is Frozen Using GitHub

I am running Hudson and the build just froze at the following line: Fetching changes from the remote Git repository Fetching upstream changes from [email protected]:azamsharp/EStudy.git [workspace] $ "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" fetch -t [email protected]:azamsharp/EStudy.git +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* The build is started ...

Migrate repository from github to local filesystem?

I have a git repository on github. I would like to migrate the master version of the repository to a local filesystem, and clone from this local filesystem copy. How do I do so? ...

git difftool to give directory compare?

Is it possible to get the git difftool command to open a directory compare between the changed files and the staging/checked files? So ideally, if 2 files have changed, they would be the only 2 shown, but within a directory compare. I've read posts about getting git to give all file diffs in parallel, so tools like BeyondCompare has al...

Where does git config --global get written to?

Using the git config --global command to set things up, where is the file? eg : git config --global core.editor "blah" Its not at these places :- C:\Program Files\Git\etc\gitconfig C:\myapp.git\config I have not env set? git version on Windows7 ...

bzr send is the same as git push?

send directive in Bazaar is the same as push in GIT? ...

Images in a rails app not getting pushed to git

I have a simple app that I push to github. It contains images under public/images folder. Images are of extension .png I've pushed the code onto git hub and it got pushed w/out any errors. However, when I go to my repository from the browser...I do not see the images folder under public. Why are they being ignored? My .gitignore fil...

Reduce git repository size

I tried looking for a good tutorial on reducing repo size, but found none. How do I reduce my repo's about 10 MB, but the thing is Heroku only allows 50 MB and I'm no where near finished developing my app. I added the usual suspects (log, vendor, doc etc) to .gitignore already. Although I only added .gitignore recently. Any s...

Gitosis installation error

I am trying to install gitosis on my server but keep getting the error "Username contains not allowed characters" sudo -H -u git gitosis-init < /tmp/ with the username "[email protected]". Any fix for this? I am on a Mac and trying to install gitosis on Snow Leopard. Update I changed the us...

git init error: unable to create directory for .git/HEAD [inside htdocs/]

Hello, when I try to create a repo inside htdocs folder of my Apache installation (using Zend Server CE) git gives me the error: $ git init error: unable to create directory for e:/WORK/Zend/Apache2/htdocs/gittest2/.git/HEAD It works well outside htdocs/, but i would like to have repos inside this dir in order to work on them ...

Split a commit of a copy+modify into a copy commit and a modify commit using git

I copied a file and made a bunch of changes to it at the same time (i.e. in one commit). I then carried on making changes in subsequent commits. I now want to split that commit into two - one that just copies the file to its new location and one that modifies that file. How would I do that? If it was the most recent commit it would be ea...

How to identify conflicting commits by hash during git rebase?

When I encounter a merge conflict using git rebase, how can I identify the source of the conflict in terms of commits, rather than just file differences? I already know how to make (basic) use of git mergetool or git add before git rebase --continue, but sometimes the differences between files just isn't enough: I want to see the commit...

Windows file permission error (IO Error 13) with Android SDK (and Titanium) and git - help needed

Running Titanium Appcelerator 0.8.1 on a Windows XP Virtual Machine, with Android SDK 2.1 When running build/install app, getting the following error: [TRACE] f = open(os.path.join(dest, dest_file), "w") [TRACE] IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'C:\\Documents and Settings\\firstname.surname\\Desktop\\MyApp\\build\\android\\.class...

How to use SVN locally and push changes to a remote Git server?

I use Versions on OS X to manage all my code in Subversion. I'm not interested in significantly changing my current workflow until Git has a great GUI app like Versions. One of my clients wants me to push my code to a private GitHub repository. There are many questions and articles about running Git locally and pushing to a remote Sub...

Changing the message of the first commit? (git)

There's ways to change the message from later commits: git commit --amend # for the most recent commit git rebase --interactive master~2 # but requires *parent* How can you change the commit message of the very first commit (which has no parent)? ...

How to wrap git commit comments?

Is there a way to wrap git commit comments (when viewed via git log), so they are not cut off at the end of the line? It seems like there should be a pretty simple solution, but I haven't been able to find one. Thanks. ...