
Reorganizing hunks into commits

Hi, I have made a major refactoring of some code, and in the process I have commited several times. This has not been pushed to any public repo yet. Before pushing, I would like now reorganize the commits into logical units. The problem is that I want not only to squash commits but to reorganze the hunks into other commits. Just to mak...

How secure would github hosting be for private repositories?

I have read this thread but I'm wondering how secure such a solution would be? I know that github offers ssh/ssl support and am familiar but could someone give me a breakdown of what sort of internal security they would use to make sure my committed conf/credential files don't get hacked? EDIT: I've read

Cleanest way to checkout an earlier tag for read-only purposes in Git

I have a working tree on my local machine, and a remote repository as well. Let's say I want to quickly build an earlier version of my project at a known tag without disturbing the current state of the working version. My inclination is to checkout a separate tree, which seems to go like in this question:

How do I adapt my svn:externals strategy to git submodules?

I'm having trouble figuring out how to change my mindset to git and have run in to the following problem. I have the situation where we have a shared engine and multiple projects that use the engine. Internal development teams and second party teams may be working on projects that use the shared engine, and want to be using HEAD of the s...

Git Updating Remote Branch Information

In a git repository, a remote branch I am not tracking was deleted. When I type git branch -r the deleted branch still shows up (and I can check it out) What git command do I have to run to update this info? ...

How to handle pull requests with Git Extensions?

I have a public repository on github that I'm having trouble handling pull requests with inside GitExtensions. I've done 3 so far, and I don't think any of them have worked properly or worked where I want them to. On the 19th, I tried to handle a pull request that Yi Jiang created. In GitExtensions, I did a pull within GitExtensions,...

git precommit hook to ensure HEAD is up to date from master repo

Hi there, I am moving my team over from an old CVS repository to using git. I was hoping to add in a precommit hook to ensure before a commit is done locally (and pushed) each person has an up to date repo. For instance, in CVS everyone would do a 'cvs up' before making changes, and then committing. I want to force it so people can't c...

Mac OS X PHP IDE with Git support

Can anyone suggest a PHP IDE (preferably built in Cocoa/ Objective-C, not Java) that also has native support or an excellent plugin for Git? I am currently using NetBeans but I am not happy with the speed and the patchy Git plugin. I have previously used Zend Studio for a long time but that had stability issues. ...

Git: How to ignore files on Windows?

I create .gitignore in folder with my repository near .git project --.git --.gitignore --Source ----tmp ----scr But git doesnt see it, wouldnt ignore files in .gitignore My .gitignore file: *.tmp *~ *.pdb *.user *.suo Sources/tmp What`s wrong? Up: I created new repositiry, add .gitignore before init commit - it work! But if I ad...

git-gui reports it has 256 loose objects each time is run and suggests compression which goes fine. How to fix it?

After an unexpected shutdown, now git seemingly works fine but each time is run is asking for compression since it finds 256 loose objects. Is it possible to be cleaned? ...

Splitting one Git repository into many - branches become forks

I have a project in SVN that I'm migrating to Git. The project consists of a "core" product (under trunk), which is then branched within the same repository and used as a starting point to customize for each individual client that we roll the product out to. It seems to me that these aren't real branches as they will never be merged ba...

A little git trouble

Hello, I'm using git with my friend. I did a few commits and my friend didn't update his local repo and pushed with -f arugment: git push -f origin master Now in the git server (github) my commits are destroyed and the latest commit is my friends. But I have a history of commits locally. Can I somehow merge them back to the master? Or...

Applying same changes to diverged GIT branches

I've got a project which has a master branch and a stable branch - the branches diverged long time ago. Now I've got a couple commits on the stable branch, which I also want to have on the master branch (a bug fix). I cannot merge, as the branches diverged and there's loads of unmerged changes - I just want the 4 commits. So I tried che...

How to work with different versions of rails project at once?

With git is possible to jump back to early versions of a project. Now, to work with these early versions, they depend often on old versions of libraries. Is it possible to circumvent problems like these: /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-2.2.2/lib/rails/gem_dependency.rb:220:in `specification': can't activate haml (= 2.1.0, runt...

Show the latest commit value within a web application?

Hi Everyone, I have a few Rails applications and I use Git as the version control system. I use either GitHub or Beanstalk as the repository hosts. What I am trying to is quite simple in theory. Somehow show the latest commit ID number (hash?) in the footer of the web application. So that when I am looking at the web application I can...

Git pull into wrong branch

Myself and one other developer had been merging and pushing our work to a non-master branch called toolwork. That way, we didn't impact the rest of the team. My topic branch was called DPM-93 and my git workflow was this. # do some work git checkout DPM-93 git commit -m "did some work" # catch up git checkout toolwork git pull origin t...

git how to find commit hash where branch originated from

Pretend I branched from my master branch to a topic branch, and then I did a few commits on my topic branch. Is there a command that tells me the commit hash on the master branch that my topic branch originated from? Ideally, I wouldn't have to know how many commits I've made ( trying to avoid HEAD^5 ). I've googled and SO'd around and...

Update git remote repo on push

ON A SERVER I created a git repo in the working directory of my web-app /html. To create a git 'host' repo, I ran git clone --bare html html.git. I now have a git 'host' repo and a git 'client' repo on the remote server at /html.git (host) & /html (client). I want to push from my local machine to the server and not have to do a git p...

After git clone , does not see branch

Hello.I have the repository on github. It contains master and one branch. When I clone, I obtain only master and do not see my branch. Why is it so? How can I see all branches in the repository? Thanks. ...

git push large files fatal remote end hung up unexpectedly - apache proxypassreverse issue

Hi all, I have just setup git-http-backend on a WS2008 machine using Apache and Basic Auth for pull and push. I can create a bare repository on the hosting server and clone it down with git clone http://[email protected]/repositories/Test.git This works fine, I can add files and push them back. That all works great. I thought I had it...