
git-svn: how do I create a new svn branch via git?

I have a git repository which tracks an svn repository. I cloned it using --stdlayout. I created a new local branch via git checkout -b foobar Now I want this branch to end up in …/branches/foobar in the svn repository. How do I go about that? (snipped lots of investigative text. see question history if you care) ...

git-svn: is there a way to get it to play nice with submodules, or ignore them?

once you have a commit that contains a submodule object, you pretty much cannot get git-svn to commit past it. Any ideas, workarounds, anything that is not "don't use submodules with git-svn"? So far the answer seems to be a big NO. Is there any way to at least allow existing git commits containing submodule data to be committed to sv...

What does your ~/.gitconfig contain?

Hi, I am looking to pimp up my ~/.gitconfig to make it really beautiful and take maximum advantage of capabilities git can offer. My current ~/.gitconfig is below, what more would you add? Have some nice ~/.gitconfig you want to share? Any recommendations for merge and diff tools in linux? Post away and let's build a nice ~/.gitconfig ...

git-svn: what's the equivalent to `svn switch --relocate`?

An svn repository I'm mirroring through git-svn has changed URL. In vanilla svn you'd just do svn switch --relocate old_url_base new_url_base. How can I do this using git-svn? Simply changing the svn url in the config file fails. ...

git branch naming best practices

I've been using a local git repository interacting with my group's CVS repository for several months, now. I've made an almost neurotic number of branches, most of which have thankfully merged back into my trunk. But naming is starting to become an issue. If I have a task easily named with a simple label, but I accomplish it in three ...

Combining multiple git repositories

Let's say I've got a setup that look something like phd/code/ phd/figures/ phd/thesis/ For historical reasons, these all have their own git repositories. But I'd like to combine them into a single one to simplify things a little. For example, right now I might make two sets of changes and have to do something like cd phd/code git com...

Why is Git telling me "Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 11 commits." and how do I get it to stop?

I'm a Git newbie. I recently moved a Rails project from Subversion to Git. I followed the tutorial here: I am also using to store my code. I make changes on my Mac laptop on the train to/from work and then push ...

Can I use Git to search for matching filenames in a repository?

Just say I have a file: "" in multiple subdirectories within a Git repository. I would like to issue a command to find the full paths of all the files matching "": For example: /path/to/repository/ /path/to/repository/but/much/deeper/down/ /path/to/repository/please/dont/make/me/sear...

Resolving a Git conflict with binary files

Hi, I've been using Git on Windows (msysgit) to track changes for some design work I've been doing. Today I've been working on a different PC (brian) and am now trying to merge the edits done today back into my regular local version on my laptop. On my laptop, I've used 'git pull brian master' to pull the changes into my local version....

Git - how do I view the change history of a file

How can I view the change history of an individual file, complete with what has changed ? I have got as far as : git log -- filename which shows me the commit history of the file, but how do I get at the content of each of the changes ? Thanks - I'm trying to make the transition from MS SourceSafe and that used to be a simple right cli...

Partial sharing of git repositories

I am new to git. I am wondering whether the following scenario is supported, and if so how (i.e. git commands for setup and update). A repository is available from three different places: 'local', 'mirror' and 'github'. 'mirror' mirrors 'local' completely and 'github' mirrors 'local' except for a 'copyrighted' directory. Thanks. ...

How to update a git repo containing a submodule?

After some time I wanted to update my git repo, and then something went wrong. What is the proper way out of this situation? mblsha@siruba:~/src/psi/ $ git status iris: needs merge # On branch master # Changes to be committed: # (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) # # modified: src/common.cpp # # Changed but not updated: #...

Clone multiple SVN projects with git-svn

I have a large Java app that is split up into multiple projects. Each project has its own folder in a Subversion repository like so: AccountingCore trunk branches tags Common trunk branches tags WebCommon trunk branches tags etc... I want to start using git-svn locally instead of subversion. This may be a stupid question...

Deploy PHP using Git

How can I deploy a PHP website using Git? I have a hunch it has something to do with using git hooks to perform a git reset --hard on the server side, but how would I go about accomplishing this? ...

What is a git topic branch?

What is a git topic branch? Does it differ from an ordinary branch in some way? Are there any branches that are not topic branches? ...

Git recommended workflow

I have been using git for several months in a project developed only by myself. I have a local repository and push it regularly to github for backup purposes. I want to add another developer to this project, however I will have the responsibility of integrating the whole project. What is the recommended workflow? Do we need a private...

Git - pulling changes from clone back onto the master

I cloned a Git master and made a lot of changes on the clone. I have since committed these changes on the clone and now want the master to be a carbon copy of what is on the clone. I've tried Git push on the clone to push the changes to the master - but nothing I do updates the master. How can I make the master an exact copy of what is...

Git - master working copy the same as clone working copy

I've made lots of changes on a cloned git repository. Now I want the master to look exactly like the cloned copy - what command do I need to execute to that the master syncs with the clone? Duplicate of: ...

What's the difference between git pull and git fetch?

What's the difference between git pull and git fetch? ...

Automatically stashing

The section Last links in the chain: Stashing and the reflog in recommends stashing often to take snapshots of your work in progress. The author goes as far as recommending that you can use a cron job to stash your work regularly, without having to do a stash manually. The beaut...