
How to commit after removing a directory from GIT

Several posts talk about removing a file or directory from GIT - but they don't go as far as explaining how to PUSH those changes into the main repository. For example, this works just fine to remove the directory but when I try to PUSH this change to the main Git repo, I am denied: ! [rejected] master -> master (non-fast forwar...

How to create API documentation for projects in GitHub?

I have several ruby and rails projects hosted in GitHub. I wonder how I could create API documentation for these automatically? Examples: Are there tutorials for creating this API docs in Ruby? ...

git repositories

Git is distributed source control system, right. How to connect two developers without a centralized repository. Our team uses Github and if two developers want to work on the same branch it seems that branch needs to be pushed to the remote before they both have access to it...or does it? Can a developer pull from another developers l...

Keeping git remote the same as local repository.

So, i decided to try git as my first vcs. There's actually no serious need(i'm a single developer of the project), just for self-education. I can't find out, how do you properly keep remote up-to-date. Do I really need to rm each file I delete at he local, to delete it from remote? Can it just look which files are missing at local repo a...

git delete branches not on local

There's a bunch of branches on one of my git repo's that I got when I forked it on github. I don't really care for my github fork to have these branches. Is there any way that I can push that will delete all the branches on my github repo that are not in my local repo? ...

Can git store the mime-type of a file, like SVN does, for browsing html?

I've just pushed my first repo to github but when I browse my html it is served as txt. Is this something that I can set similar to svn's props? Or is this simply a github inadequacy? I can't seem to find anything on git, github or here that helps. ...

customize gem from github

I am trying to customize a gem called "gem_name" from github. I forked the project and cloned it to a directory. I changed in the "spec = do |s|" block in the rake file to a custom gem name "gem_name_myname". I also changed a line in the rails/init.rb file called "require gem_name" to require "gem_name_my...

Do repository sizes increase within time and revisions?

Hi, All source code hosting services have size limits. I am wondering that does that mean my files can be up to that size -- or that the repository is limited to that size? Say I have 5 files of 100 kB, if I keep changing them and committing, will the repo size get larger? For example, smallest plan has a limit of 0.30 GB, a...

Closing multiple issues in Github with a commit message

I know you can close issues by putting closes #1 or fixes #1 in the commit message. What is the best way to close multiple issues in the same commit message? Also, it appears that using fixes rather than closes doesn't create a link from the commit message to the issue, but it does close the issue. What's up with that? ...

Bundler: `bundle package` with a :git source

I'm trying to get my app to package my gems before deployment (to heroku) One of my gems in my Gemfile is a custom gem that I've written and I'm using the :git option of bundler to use the specific tag of my interest as such: gem "my_gem", :git => "[email protected]:my_username/my_gem.git", :tag => "v0.1.0" When I run bundle package how...

Can't import Rails plugin from GitHub

I want to use the Typus plugin in my rails application, but i can't install it. $ script/plugin install git:// Initialized empty Git repository in /...../vendor/plugins/typus/.git/ $ script/generate typus Couldn't find 'typus' generator $ ls -al vendor/plugins/ total 0 drwxr-xr-x 2 *** staff 68 Aug 23...

How can I add a directory in GitHub?

I'm working through the Rails Tutorial. Anyone know how to add a directory in GitHub? see section 1.3.4 I can only get my README file and not the whole directory ...

Set up a github repository for an existing LAMP set up

I have a webserver setup using the standard linux, apache, mysql, php config and I currently don't have a way of doing revision control - I just backup the whole thing every now and then. I'd like to set up a github repository for just the php and html files - basically everything in public_html. Not really sure where to get started or...

Backup / Mirror Github repositories

Hi all, I'd like to periodically create a backup of my github repositories. Is there a quick way to pull all of them without knowing what the entire list is? Walter ...

How long should I keep my fork projects on github?

When I have a feature request on a library in github, I would either try to contact the author and/or implement it myself on a local copy, and when I am done, fork the project and push my changes. More often than not, the original authors are happy to see the enhancements, and they'll either pull them as is, or merge them manually af...

The process for contribution to git packages?

Until now I have only used git packages with gem: gem install <package> Haven't contributed to correcting things to git-hub. I wonder how you all do it? Eg. when I have installed the gem package, should I manually create a folder where I do: git clone <repo> Then when I find the gem package behaving strangely, I just correct the ...

A RubyGems with documentation, source management and API documentation?

I have been wondering why so many coders have bad organization in their documents. I think I know why. As usual it has to do with standardization. If no standard it out there, everyone has to reinvent the wheel all the time. So I upload a gem at But that was only 1/4 of it all. I have to write a tutorial for it, making...

How do I apply a patch from gist to the Django source?

I want to try out a patch on gist that modifies the source code of Django: gist: 550436 How do I do it? I have never used git so a step by step instruction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ...

How to clone Railscast episode 170: openid with authlogic

Here is the Github link: Running: git clone Gave me an empty folder with .git folder. ...

Amend username for a pushed commit on Github

I made a push to a newly forked git repo on Github but after committing i noticed that my username was incorrect. The username I pushed was "Brock Woolf" but it should have been brockwoolf which is my username on github. I already changed the default locally like this: git config --global "brockwoolf" But how can I change t...