
commiting to git repo from a second machine [Github]

Hi, I am new to git. I could setup my git repository and started to using it a couple of days ago. (I am using Github) Now I want to be able to commit from my other computer, so I setup git, try git clone [email protected] but I got The authenticity of host ' (207.97.___.___)' can't be established. RSA key fingerpri...

I am not able to push on git?

git push origin master shows an error failed to push some refs to '[email protected]:xyz/abc.git' To prevent you from losing history, non-fast-forward updates were rejected Merge the remote changes before pushing again. See the 'Note about fast-forwards' section of 'git push --help' for details. What is this? How to recover thi...

Auth problem with Egit and Github

I've installed Egit plugin at Eclipse Helios and i'm trying to use it with my github account, but when i try to configure it i get an "Auth Failed" error. I'd been googling it but no luck... it seems to be a problem with my passphrase but AFAIK Egit is looking at the right place (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa) and i've no problem in connect by...

Hide password when checking config file in git.

Possible Duplicates: What is the best practice for dealing with passwords in github? How can I track system-specific config files in a repo/project? Hi, I would like to hide DATABASE_NAME = '' DATABASE_USER = '' DATABASE_PASSWORD = '' DATABASE_HOST = '' Line 13 to 17 of the default Django file when checking...

Get collections of diffs

Hello, I have project on All summer i made commits. Now i need to get all pathes. I know that i can: git log -p > project.path But this variant write all pathes in one file. How can i make: I have 3 files in github repository: test.c test1.c test2.c How can i get 3 files with all pathes? test.diff test1.diff test2...

mass-change email addresses on git with github

I have recently cloned an hg repo to git so i can post it on github. Lots of the email addresses are wrong and I would like to use git rebase to change them before anyone forks this project. If i change them how do I go about pushing the new, completely rebased repo to github? can I just rebase and then git push? do i have to delete the...

Forking vs. Branching in GitHub

I'd like to know more about the advantages and disadvantages of forking a github project vs. creating a branch of a github project. Forking makes my version of the project more isolated from the original one because I don't have to be on the collaborators list of the original project. Since we're developing a project in house, there is ...

rails 3 plugin install declare a specific branch

I want to install from a particular branch on a git repo, how do I do it? ...

Search code inside a Github project

Is there a way to grep for something inside a Github project's code? I could pull the source and grep it locally, but I was wondering if it's possible through the web interface or a 3rd-party alternative. Ideas? ...

github: newbie problems -> Permission denied (publickey). fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

Hi, i have followed this instructions below to upload a project. Global setup: Download and install Git git config --global "Your Name" git config --global [email protected] Add your public key Next steps: mkdir tirengarfio cd tirengarfio git init touch README git add README git commit -...

How do I store a password for my key so I can commit and pull from repository when using git on windows?

Can someone point me in the direction I need look so I can configure my GIT client with the password needed for my private key? Every time I push and pull from my repository it asks me for the password for my key. I use command line and have the windows GIT client installed to use ssh. Thanks for any pointers. ...

Who decides what goes into "gem install <gem_name>" and how do you decide which fork to use?

Such as for delayed_job, there is tobi's version and collectiveidea's version. Who decides what goes into gem install delayed_job? (Does's contain all the official ones?) And if we use anything directly from GitHub, how do we decide w...

How do I filter comments for git push commands?

I like to commit locally at every opportunity - ending up with all sorts of comment spam in my git repository. Changes may get reverted multiple times, never mind that late night commits contain interesting expletives. Is there an easy way to filter my git push to a public repository to remove all of the comment spam? Ideally, I would l...

How to push with git to github on Windows?

Simply, I can't: HTTPS push Eclipse git plugin doesn't support it (here) msygit UI consumes all existing memory and hangs turtoisegit consumes all existing memory and hangs SSH push generated the keypair, but it turns out github does not support putty, only ssh I don't want to install cygwin ...

Do I need to create my own license agreement

Hi Guys, I'm currently publishing my simple PHP framework in GitHub. Do I need to make/apply for any License Agreement/EULA (or any other legal stuff)? I'm not really particular if other people would use it. I just want to be credited(if there's some) and also have some disclaimers. The MIT license is pretty much what I need but I don'...

Making a git project read only

I just finished an open source project for the company I was interning with. There, SVN was used to manage the project and I made all commits to the repository I was assigned to. I am now interested in hosting the work I did on Github. Even though I can easily add the project to Github, I am concerned about licensing issues. I had a ta...

Create new Git repo at GitHub through restful API?

Is it possible to create a new Git Repo at GitHub through restful API and not manually through their site? ...

Authenticate user through GitHub API using Ruby?

I have to authenticate user through GitHub API using Ruby to be able to create a private repository. The manual shows how to do it with curl. Could someone show me how to do it with Ruby gem like: rest-client or octopussy

Add a folder in $LOAD_PATH and require all libraries automatically?

How do I tell Ruby to add a path in $LOAD_PATH and require all libraries automatically every time the interpreter fires up? That is to say, I don't want to load my libraries manually. Eg: cd /my_libraries git clone <git_repo_to_thor_gem> Then I want ruby to use that one instead of the gem I installed because I want to change the sou...

Basic_auth with rest-client?

Anyone that knows how to do basic_auth with rest-client? I need to create a private repository on GitHub through their Restful API. ...