
Undo a git push on github

Hi all, I made a mistake .... and I don't know how to fix it. I explain the issue. I was working on my project, and I did a first commit. In this commit 2 big useless files had been added... I didn't wanted these files so I did a git rm file Then commited again. And I'm stupid, because I pulled over github hehehe :). I think you...

Private email addresses for private collaborators using github api

I want to use the github api to get a list of private email addresses for collaborators on a project. I've tried using curl -u username:password but I can only access public email addresses. Is it possible to access the private email addresses? ...

How can I make git-pull verbose by default?

Looking through the git-config variables and git-pull documentation I don't see a way to make git-pull pull verbose by default. Anybody know of a way? ...

Pre-commit hook for Git when Hudson build has failed

I'm trying to figure out how to write a pre-commit hook for Git that checks the status of my Hudson build. If the previous build failed, it should disallow anyone from committing without first writing a specific line, e.g. "fixed build." EDIT: The first answerer has provided one side of the coin: the Hudson API. I now need the other s...

How to set up your username in Git if it contains special characters?

Hey there. I'm using Git for windows (The msysgit project). And working with the GIT Bash. I'm also pushing my programmed stuff to gitHub. The problem is that my gitHub's user name contains a "č" character and the GIT Bash won't let me type that in. Is there a way of setting my --global within my GIT settings to contain that "č...

What is the "cloned repository's currently active branch"

I've been using Git reasonably successfully (perhaps that's an optimistic evaluation) for going on 2 years now, but have admittedly been doing so somewhat blindly. For whatever reason, I've begun to get much more curious about the internals and have been digging into remote tracking branches of late. They make sense on the whole, but I'm...

How do you examine the source code?

How do you examine the source code for a library you are using and want to modify. Eg. when you have downloaded a gem, I guess that you are forking the repo from GitHub and then cloning your forked repo. So now you have: the local repo's source code (which you open with IDE/text editor) the source code on GitHub (which you browse onl...

Getting GitHub and Gerrit to play nicely

I host a private repo on GitHub. I also want to use Gerrit, particularly for the Hudson Gerrit Trigger plugin. AFAICT, there isn't any simple solution for using them together. I'd appreciate any help on any of the following wants. What I want Clone GitHub repo and add to Gerrit's projects either: manually, or during init Merge ch...

Google code or GitHub for project hosting?

Is Google code similar to Github where you can put your source code for collaboration? Which is the de-facto SCM it's using? And which one is recommended for project hosting? ...

What's the best practice with git for multiple language implementations?

So I have a few private git repositories that are different language implementations (Python, Java, etc.) of an algorithm. Each implementation is functionally identical, performing the same steps and giving the same output. Currently, these are separate repos, but I was wondering if I shouldn't unify them into one repo, with directorie...

GitHub, Gerrit, Hudson workflow

I'm just getting started using GitHub, Gerrit, and Hudson together. And I need some thoughts on workflow. We'd like to use GitHub as our main remote repo. We'd like to use Gerrit primarily for code reviews, but also for build triggers in Hudson. At the moment, though, I'm having some trouble thinking through the workflow for this and w...

Workflow for GitHub-based code review

I'm considering using GitHub as our primary tool for doing code review. With features like in-line commenting and compare view, it seems to have a lot of features that tools like Gerrit have on offer. Has anyone else used GitHub for this? If so, what is your workflow? And what have your experiences been doing so, both positive and negat...

How do I protect my private keys when using github, heroku, and developing locally?

Currently, I put the keys I use to access other API's and the like in the environment.rb file. That way it is available both when I run locally, and also on heroku. However, I'd like to start to make my code available publicly via github so i can get some help. What are the steps I need to do to make this happen, particularly so that ...

How do I create a new branch based on an existing Git hub branch? (Please read - tried the beginners guide)

I have a master branch and would like to create a new branch based on it, and then switch to the new branch. I'm very very new to coda/github/terminal so I don't even know if my syntax is correct. here's what I typed in, letter for letter, with the exception of the branch names which are placeholders: git checkout -b $newbranchname ...

git push origin master failed.

hello I want to push my code to I use win Xp and git-bash And I got following success message during ssh testing. But "git push origin master" command require username and password. debug1: Entering interactive session. ERROR: Hi xxx! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provi de shell access ...

Introduction to Git and practical usage patterns

Watched Linus on Youtube talk about Git at Google dated a few years back, it was humorous and entertaining. I am finding more and more github projects and for me I think it's time for me to pick it all up. I am looking for recommendations for reading to get started with Git! I want to get up and running and hopefully contributing to s...

Is proprietary code legally safe on bitbucket or github?

I know this slightly in the legal realm but its unclear who owns the code if you put proprietary code on github or bitbucket in a private repository. From Bitbucket we have: By submitting public (non-private) Content to Avantlumiere for inclusion on your Website, you grant Avantlumiere a world-wide, royalty-free, and non-exc...

How do I add API keys and other secure stuff to heroku?

I read somewhere but cannot seem to find where to add secret keys into Heroku without needing to put it into the source code git repository? I guess that helps keep it secure when I am pushing into github. How do I do that and does that make sense to do? ...

GIT branching/forking question

So, total newbiee to GIT. Been reading through the guides and think I have the basics but am having difficulties accomplishing this one goal. I have a repo created for my generic markup source code. Just stuff I reuse for every breakout. It's called markupDNA.git I would like to have different directories in my mac sites dir "~/Sites/...

HTTPS github access

I'm stuck behind a firewall so have to use https to access my github repository. It's a new one I'm creating & am using cygwin 1.7.7 on XP. I've tried setting the remote to https://[email protected]/oharab/ExcelANT.git, but pushing prompts for a password, but doesn't do anything once I've entered it.