
Netbeans 6.8 & Glassfish 2.1.1

I am using Netbeans 6.8 with Windows OS 7. I downloaded "glassfish-installer-v2.1.1-b31g-windows" executable jar file to my harddrive. I open this jar with Java Platform SE binary by right clicking the jar file and chosing "Open." A folder called "glassfish" is placed in the same folder as the jar. The glassfish server is now downloa...

Java EE + GlassFish: Force user to logout if he/she log in somewhere else

I hope my question on the title make sense, if not, let say: machine A, via the web browser I log in as admin, I go to machine B, and log in as admin, the web browser in machine A should force a logout on user admin. I gave this some thought, and I think it will be ugly if I try to manual implement this. I have a feeling that this can be...

Is WebServiceContext injection thread-safe?

Hi, I have a web service(Netbeans 6.9.1,Glassfish 3.0.1) with webservicecontext injection. I want to know if this class is thread-safe if I use @Singleton annotation. @WebService() @Singleton() public class Proves { @Resource WebServiceContext wsContext; @WebMethod(operationName = "feralgo") public String feralgo(@WebParam...

Migration Apache Tomcat 6 project with context.xml to GlassFish

Hi. I have application originally developed for Tomcat. There is context.xml file in META-INF using for creating datasource. As was mentioned here glassfish has support of context.xml file from Tomcat. I tried to migrate this app to Glassfishv3. But I still, my app (actually Hibernate) can't find jdbc datasource resource via jndi. There ...

First connect to Glassfish v3 is slow

When trying to connect to glassfish v3 from swing application it is very slow for the first time. Takes 4-10 seconds. On the client side: public void myMethod(){ NewSessionBeanRemote facade; try { InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(); facade = (NewSessionBeanRemote) ic.lookup(NewSessionBeanRemote.class.getNa...

Does EE Server need to be installed to make a use of JMS?

Hello, I got a question about usage of JMS(Java Message Queue). Somewhere in documentation I have seen that everything I need to use JMS is jms.jar on the machine where the client is going to run. But I still not sure if I need glassfish or JBoss also installed on machine.. Anyone can me tell if it's really only jms.jar is needed or I n...

Redeploy tree on Glassfish 3.0.1

I use Netbeans 6.9.1 and Glassfish 3.0.1. I have this model: EnterpriseApplicationA contains EJBmoduleA and the BeanA that exposes a remote interface. EnterpriseApplicationB contains EJBmoduleB and the BeanB. The BeanB calls the BeanA using @EJB injection. All is working, but if I made a trivial change in a business method of BeanA (...

Elegant solution for managing .properties files in glassfish/tomcat/etc

Does anybody have a good solution for managing .properties files in a web application? Currently I have to pull apart my .war file before deploying, change the entries in my .properties file, and then redeploy to change settings. Alternatively I can ssh into the server, change the .properties file in the deploy directory and restart ...

Address already in use: JVM_Bind

I'm using Glassfish 3.0.1, JVM 1.6.0_21 on Windows XP Pro; I don't know exactly what has changed in my environment but I get this stacktrace as soon as I try to deploy an enterprise application (ejb module + app client module). There is nothing running on port 3820, except Glassfish... I checked with netstat with the server stopped and...

EJB testing strategies?

I'm working on a Java EE 6 application. When I started out, I was writing tests for my EJB classes by manually instantiating the EJB, then manually adding the members that normally get provided by dependency injection. As the application gets more complicated, I find that this approach just doesn't cut it. So I'd like to be able to start...

UDDI in Glassfish V3?

Does Glassfish V3 either ship with or provide as an extension a UDDI registry? I'm trying to revise for the JavaEE 6 beta exams and I don't any experience of UDDI so I'm trying to code some examples using the API at the same time as read up on it. I've seen there are other alternatives such as jUDDI and my enterprise book mentions that...

How to change default error page(status 404 - not found) in GlassFish 3.0.1 Community Edition?

Thanks in advance! ...

How to set a default war in GlassFish 3.0.1 Community Edition?

Now I have several wars and each runs when typing in browser localhost:8080/app1 or localhost:8080/app2 etc. When I type http://localhost:8080, appears only the default page. I want to make app1 as default app, i.e. it must appear when typing localhost:8080 and others apps as secondary i.e. they must appear when typing localhost:8080...

Manually edit Glassfish Server Path settings

I added several JARs to my GlassFish server path and now the GlassFish Admin Console won't come up. It says "HTTP Status 404 - Servlet FacesServlet is not available". I think something I added is causing a JAR conflict with the admin tool. I would like to remove the stuff I added to the path, but I can't use the GlassFish admin tool t...

Cleaning up ActiveMQ object

Hi, I am using ActiveMQ as the messaging component in our JEE application (using Glassfish). We are encountering issues with delay in messages being delivered and with memory leaks. To identify the issue I have started profiling the app. The memory profiling has revealed that the org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQObjectMessage is seco...

WCF communication with java web service

Background I'm primarily a .Net developer with limited experience in Java. I have a WCF web service that needs to communicate with a 3rd party Message Queue Server in order to send and receive files. The 3rd party has provided a Java API in order to access their Message Queue Server. I've done some research into the best way to mo...

Running Dynamic Web Project within Application Server Tomcat/GlassFish

We have a complicated setup via Maven, where different projects are packaged as wars then overlayed on each other. Today I watched a tutorial of creating a Dynamic Web Project that can run directly within GlassFish. You edit the files press save, and the changes are seen in GlassFish. Since our setup is complicated, I currently have t...

Why does my JVM heap size thrash from 2gigs to 8 gigs?

Heap memory size thrashes between 2gigs and ~8gigs about once a minute (see picture). Relevant details: High traffic site Lots of physical memory Redhat 5.5 Java 1.6.0_07 Glassfish 2.2.1 (yes, I know it's old. no, we can't upgrade. yes, i know it's unusual to use as a production app server). -XX:MaxPermSize=192m -XX:+AggressiveHeap -X...

Spring Webflow Jsf integration war not working in Glassfishv3 server.

Spring-Webflow JSF intgration war example( file from spring site is not working in GlassfishV3 server. It works in Tomcat6.0. In Glassfish, It throws following exception Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException at javax.faces.context.FacesContext.getAttribut...

Java Error Unable to establish loopback connection GlassFish server start

Hi i have new problem, at first, i was did one stupid thing, remove and install new Internet Security . And i know firewall to not allow start Glassfish Server. But i dont know how to solved this problem, i was check hosts file it ok, and ping localhost and it return well. But when i start GlassFish server 3 in Netbeans it occu...