
EJB remote application-client

Hello guys! I am starting a new enterprise project and use Glassfish 3 as an application server and NetBeans 6.9 as an IDE. I have some EJBs which I want to access remotely from a desktop Swing application. AFAIK there are two options - either use plain JNDI lookup or run the Swing application in an application-client container and use ...

GlassFish v3 - portability of settings

Hey there, Is there any way to simply copy the GlassFish v3.0.1 server settings (ie connection pools, resources, realms... ) to another GlassFish, so it is not needed to set them manually? This way it would be a lot easier to set up the same development environment. Environment: NetBeans 6.9 + GlassFish 3.0.1 Thanks in advance, Daniel...

How to convert file separator in maven

I have a property defined like this: <properties> <main.basedir>${project.parent.basedir}</main.basedir> </properties> Since I use Windows as OS, it contains backslashes. I want to add this path to a glassfish domain as JVM option (using glassfish maven plugin). The problem is, that asadmin can consume only slash as separator, and...

glassfish connection pool additionnal delay while re-creating after idle timeout

Hi, We are currently deploying some applications on a glassfish 3.0.1 using a postgres database through postgresql-9.0-801.jdbc4.jar Our actual configuration regarding the connexion pool is : Idle Timeout : 120 seconds Max Wait Time : 60000 millisecondes Initial and Mimimum Pool Size : 1 Maximum Pool Size : 1 Pool Resize Quantity : 1 ...

Install log formater in glassfish

Hello, I don´t like the output of the com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.UniformLogFormatter which might be uniform but not very helpfull. So in a first step I just replaced it with the java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter. This actualy works fine but for a java.lang.ClassCastException exception: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.log...

Different client cert per "customer" for web service client with Glassfish and Metro WS

There is a system (Web service server) we should call "in the name of the customer" with different client certificates. How can I use different client certificate per thread or "customer" in web service client? What is the best practice to do suchlike stuff? Could you provide some description or sample code? Where to store certs and how ...

glassfish file descriptor recommendations

Hi, on glassfish v 3.0.1, I use to get a too many open file exception raising after a while. The file descriptor limit is set to 1024 for the glassfish user that launch the server. I wonder if there is a recommended file descriptor limit to avoid this annoying exception. Just met me know. Thanks ...

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'beans'.

Hey guys, I've built a simple Spring WS (1.5.9) and I'm trying to deploy it to Glassfish v3. Unfortunately the deployment fails for the above reason. I've struggled to resolve the issue myself but it clearly not able to resolve the "bean" element. Heres me spring-ws-servlet.xml (bean definitions): <beans xmlns="http://www.springframew...

Spring-WS and Straight-JPA (EclipseLink) Configuration and Deployment

Hey guys, I've implemented an EJB3/JPA web service without any major problems, and now I've moved on a Spring-WS/JPA web service. Both are being deployed to Glassfish. My understanding of JPA is limited, but by default transactions are container managed? How do you change this? With EJB3 things were straight forward as I could just inj...

Basic Authentication in Glassfish

I am having trouble getting BASIC authentication to work with Glassfish. I am developing an application and I need to be prompted for a username and password. I have gotten the application to prompt me for a password when I attempt to access the application, but after entering the correct login information, I get HTTP Status 403 - Acce...

Glassfish, EJB3, SOAP web service and basic authentication

Hi all, I'm setting up a glassfish server with a single EJB3 as a mocked up backend for a POC. Everything was working fine until I went to add some basic authentication. Just plan text userid and password, nothing sophisticated for this job. I added the following annotations to the EJB: @WebService(name = "Banking", serviceName = "Banki...

glassfish autodeploy gives 404 with simple app

Hello I've got a vanilla glassfish v3 install, and dropped my .war in the C:\glassfishv3\glassfish\domains\domain1\autodeploy folder of my Windows PC. The war contains a small web app built with java, JSF, richfaces. The glassfish server was already started. The browser comes back with: The requested resource () is not available. ...

JAX-WS binding to existing Java classes problem

Asking and answering my own question here, because I had a dickens of a time finding this online: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at Trying to call a web service from inside Glassfish v3. Works fine from JDK1.6.0_21 ...

Tomcat 6 conversion to Glassfish v3: servlet-api, el-api jars

Hello I used ant when building my web app from eclipse to deploy to Tomcat 6 and referred to servlet-api.jar and el-api.jar within the Tomcat 6 release tree rather than pulling them in to my deployed library folder. I am trying to deploy to Glassfish v3. I've pulled the jars from the website. Was this the right place ...

Glassfish v2.1.1 Deploy error

Error: Undeploying ... While undeploying, trying to stop application in target server failed; com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.IASDeploymentException: com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigException: I/O error while loading deployment descriptor for: hello2 cause: C:/eepassion/UnZip/servletbasics/samples/hello2/build/web com.sun.en...

why GlassFish and JBoss present different WSDLs?

Hi. I have a web service built by Java, and deployed on two application servers named "GlassFish" and "JBoss". now when we get the WSDL from them, each application server produce different format of WSDL, that .NET wsdl.exe tool generates different object models and proxy classes. so i can't use same client .NET codes to invoke both app...

What is the problem with Glassfish Embedded container?

This is my pom.xml (part of it): [...] <dependency> <groupId>com.sun.jersey</groupId> <artifactId>jersey-server</artifactId> <version>${jersey.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.sun.jersey.jersey-test-framework</groupId> <artifactId>jersey-test-framework-embedded-glassfish</artifactId> <version>${jers...

What are some alternatives to using Tomcat for Jruby Rack apps??

We're looking at some alternatives to our Tomcat based stack for a JRuby on Rails app. So far I've read about the Trinidad gem, which is actually Tomcat based, and the Glassfish gem. I can't however for either of these find production examples. Both of them it seems allow you to just run the command on command line, which is fine fo...

log4j error on glassfish even though properties file available

Hello I have dropped a war into the autodeploy of a Glassfish 3 domain and it has exploded fine, showing a subdirectory tree domain1>applications>myApp under which is a WEB-INF>classes>myApp folder tree which stores the classes for myApp. The app deploys, but I've got this problem about Log4J: [#|2010-10-14T16:18:04.433+0100|SEVERE|gl...

Content unparsed through Glassfish 3 though deployment descriptors appear correct

Hello I have dropped a war into the autodeploy of a Glassfish 3 domain and it has exploded fine, showing a subdirectory tree domain1>applications>myApp under which is a WEB-INF>classes>myApp folder tree which stores the classes for myApp. The app originally used JSF1.2 and facelets (1.1.15) and was deployed to tomcat 6, but I'm now try...