
Can you run glassfish with JRockit?

Has anyone tried running glassfish with JRockit? I see some references saying it's not possible but they are very outdated. Anyone tried this? ...

WebORB for Java or BlazeDS?

I'm in the beginning phases of a project that uses a flex front end with a java/glassfish back end. I'm curious which technology is better to connect the two, WebORB or BlazeDS. At first glance WebORB seems a little bit easier to deal with, but BlazeDS has a larger support community. ...

Switching from Tomcat to Glassfish

In response to this error where pages are delivered incorrectly, we're considering a switch from Apache + Tomcat to Glassfish. This is inspired not by features, but by frustration with a fault that just won't go away. The questions are: Should we use Glassfish in cooperation with Apache, or replace Apache entirely? The interface betwe...

How many EJBs is too many?

Hello, I'm currently developing a large piece of software base on JavaEE. We have followed the general guidelines of JavaEE that says that each related set of operations should go into their own EJB. We currently have over 275 different EJB classes (Stateless Session beans). This number is most likely going to grow to at least double th...

Glassfish with Apache. Why SSL?

I have been looking around to figure out how to configure Glassfish front ended with Apache. And most of the tutorials using the load balancing plug in is making me enable SSL on Apache. I am trying to understand the connection. I should be able to do non SSL communications when I dont have a need for SSL. ...

Spring + JPA (Hibernate) on Glassfish --> ClassVisitor problem

I'm trying to write a simple web app with Spring 2.5 (core + MVC) and JPA (using Hibernate for the persistence mechanism). Every time I deploy, I'm getting a "Class not found exception" that points to ClassVisitor. This is a known version problem with the asm library. In a stand-alone app, I can make sure that the proper asm version i...

Deploying a WebService in glassfish with init parameters

I've created a WebService using the JAX-WS API. This service runs without any problem using an Endpoint class. main(String args[]) { (...) MyService service=new MyService(); service.setParam1("limit=100"); service.setParam2("hello"); service.setParam3("max-value=10"); Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.create(service); endpoint.publish("http:...

Netbeans ejb project glassfish to apache geronimo

Hi, I have created a project using Netbeans with glassfish. It is a java ee and I have created some ejbs. I need to run this on Apache Geronimo but I don't know how to do this. Any pointers? thx ...

Is GlassFish Admin console (port 4848) secure?

With understanding of secure Internet connections limited to SSL, I'm doubtful about the security of GlassFish Admin console. Normal secure HTTP connections use http**s**://domain/ URLs but in GlassFish http://domain:4848/ is used to login to Admin console. Is there some kind of encryption going on between the browser and the server when...

File Security Authentication in Glassfish

How do I secure http files in Glassfish on Linux so before someone can see it they have to enter password. I know it is possible in Apache Server. ...

Deploying multiple Java web apps to Glassfish in one go

I have multiple (8) WAR files and 1 EAR file that I want to deploy to Glassfish without having to redeploy each application through the Admin Console. Previously in Tomcat the WAR files could just be dropped into the webapps directory, is there something similar for Glassfish? Using the asadmin command to grab a bunch of apps to dpeloy?...

Hibernate in Glassfish - Ejb3Configuration NoClassDefFoundError

I've put the Hibernate libraries in both the Glassfish domain and in the library collection of my project in Netbeans. hibernate-entitymanager.jar contains both HibernatePersistence (the last class in the call stack) and Ejb3Configuration, so I'm rather stumped as to why I get the missing class error for Ejb3Configuration. java.lang.NoC...

Manual Installation of Glassfish on Ubuntu

I just installed Glassfish on my Ubuntu server (No GUI) using THIS tutorial. Everything went well. But now when I'm trying to play with ASADMIN tool it's telling me this: The program 'asadmin' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: apt-get install glassfishv2 -bash: asadmin: command not found So, in order ...

How Glassfish AMX MBeans monitoring dotted names are build ?

Hello, Does anybody know how Glassfish AMX monitoring dotted names are build ? For instance for X-MonitoringDottedNames : *server.applications.__ejb_container_timer_app.ejb_jar.TimerMigrationBean.bean-pool.numthreadswaiting-upperbound=0* ? It seems that these dotted names are build algorithmically, but it beats me. PS: these can be ...

Liferay Cluster

Do you know any step by step tutorial about installing Liferay cluster in Glassfish ? ...

What component do I need to get this Calendar?

I'm trying to get the Calendar from here running. I've no experience working with GlassFish or the JavaServer Faces components, and so I'm lost when I read the tutorial saying that the Calendar should appear on my Palette? Is it my Netbeans Palette or is elsewhere? I downloaded GlassFish and ran the .jar but I don't see any changes on m...

How to persist the same JPA Entity at multiple databases (distributed system)?

(How) is it possible to persist a JPA Entity at the databases of multiple servers without copying everything to DTOs? We have a distributed system. Some applications do have DBs for caching purposes. The JPA Provider throws an Exception in which it complains that it cannot persist a detached object. But I would like to preserve the ID ...

GlassFish on Windows vs RedHat

Wondering if it matters (reliability wise) choosing Redhat or Windows 2003 Server? Assume equal skills in both. Thanks ...

Problem with deploying bookstore1 tutorial application on netbeans

When i deploy bookstore1 application from java ee 5 tutorial onnetbeans 6.7 rc1 and glassfish 2.1 i get error : Deploying application in domain failed; Error loading deployment descriptors for module [bookstore1] -- UnsupportedClassVersionError: Class com.sun.bookstore1.servlets.CashierServlet has unsupported major or minor version num...

Glassfish IDE integration

I am an Eclipse user. I am going to be using Glassfish on a project. Is the Glassfish IDE integration substantially better in NetBeans (or some other), or is the integration the same as Eclipse? ...