
How to provoke a timer trigger in glassfish?

We need some consistency in our functional test cases. The best we can do currently is to wait for an estimated time before the JEE timers in the product should have been triggered. It would be much more predictable if the test cases could trigger the timers programmatically, probably with JMX. How can this be done? Is there a JMX inter...

Separating presentation/web-services (RoR/Java)

Is it a good practice to develop web-service and web-site in two different languages, on two different servers? E.g. right now I create a Java web-service running on Glassfish and Ruby on Rails presentation layer running in the same server. I'd like to leave web-service on the same server but use Ruby 1.9, running in Passenger. Is it a...

webservice using security UserNameToken

Hi guys, I am trying to resolve a problem we have using glassfish V2 to publish a simple web service using a plain UserNameToken for security reasons. Since we were using Netbeans 6.5 to archive this we were looking into this tutorial: enter code here Therefore the foll...

GlassFish v3 Prelude - admin questions

I've been mucking around with GlassFish v3 prelude this evening. A couple of things I'm not sure about is how the security works. It installed like a dream, so the first thing I did was remove the anonymous account and setup an "admin" account with "mysecretpassword" and specified the asadmin group for this user in the admin realm. At ...

Compare and Contrast Java Module/Plugin mechanisms

There are several mechanisms for module/plugin mechanisms: JSR-277 (now defunct), Project Jigsaw OSGi Eclipse plugins (currently built on top of OSGi) Netbeans plugins Android apps Glassfish plugins (also the lesser used HK2 system) java.util.ServiceLoader ... your favourite ... Inspired by this dZone article, I had hoped that we co...

Why do some setups front-end Glassfish with Apache?

I've been trying to mug up on Glassfish and one thing that keeps coming up is the "how-to" on fronting Glassfish with Apache. Unfortunately, I have yet to find a description of why you would want to do this! From my experimentation, Glassfish seems like a pretty fully featured web server-type service; but I might be missing a lot. So, i...

Mask URL in JSF

I have an enterprise application written in JAVA with JSF (using RichFaces 3.3). Currently my URL looks like this: http://localhost/WebApplication/faces/folder1/page.jsp Question is how do I mask my url to make it like this: http://localhost/folder1/page.jps Basically i want to hid "Application/faces/" Thanks ...

How easy is it to set up JBoss Seam to run on GlassFish with JPA instead of Hibernate?

Question pretty much says it all - I'm interested to find out about how to set up JBoss Seam on a GlassFish (v3 prelude) application server rather than JBoss. Also, I prefer JPA over Hibernate for persistance but it looks as though Seam has dependencies on Hibernate (or at least parts of it), has anyone got any experience with a stack li...

How to read the web.xml from a WebApp

For WebApps, web.xml can be used to store application settings. How can I read this file. My servlets run in a GlassFish v2 server. ...

JDBC and Connection Pools in Glassfish App Server

I want to set up a connection pool and JDBC connection on EAR deployment so I do not have to set it up on each App Server I deploy to manually. What do I need to do? Is there an .xml file I can put this information into? ...

Glassfish in real world

Are there any companies/web-sites that use Glassfish in production? I am new to J2EE and deploy JRuby on Rails alongside a JAX-WS Metro application in Glassfish v3 Prelude. Sometimes the quirks make me go WTF and rip my hair out. I haven't had experience with Apache Tomcat and was wondering if it makes sense to switch to Tomcat, as Glas...

How to use a property-file with GlassFish

I'm creating a web service, which run in GlassFish, and I want to have some custom properties. For this I'm using the Properties class. The code I'm using is: Properties p=new Properties(); File f=new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"), ""); p.load(new FileInputStream(f)); But how do I get the

Thread in App Server

I have a Java program/thread that I want to deploy into an App Server (glassfish). The thread should run as a "service" that starts when the App server starts and stops when the App Server closes. How would I go about doing this? Its not really a Session Bean or MDB.. Its just a thread. ...

Total number of loaded classes in Glassfish

I have enterprise app with EJB. The total size of the app is 34 meg. When i deploy my app everything is fine but when I redeploy it the number of total loaded classes increases. I'm using visualVM to see this info. So is it how it should be or it's a memory leak. How to solve this problem? Thanks ...

Problems uploading big wars to glassfish

So our war file recently ballooned from about 55MB to over 100MB. At which point, deploy by upload in admin stopped working. Deploy from the command line and deploy from the local filesystem still work. Experimenting, we've determined that the failure point is somewhere between 95 - 100 MB, as in at 95MB war deploys successfully while a ...

Java Security Framework

Security always tends to take the last place in a new project. Or you use a framework like Spring where security is already build-in and can be switched on easily. I try to find an open security framework that can be plugged-in to both Swing and Web applications (and JavaFX?), maybe easy to digest. I looked at plain JAAS, JGuard and JSec...

How to assign a unique ID to a webservice instance

I'd like to assign an unique identifier to a soap request as soon as it arrives at my (GlassFish 2) server. I suppose I use a handler for this. But where can I store such an ID? I need it to relate log-lines from multiple classes. For this I need some sort of context-object. Anyone an idea? ...

Glassfish logs on JSF Page

I have JSF with Richfaces app on Glassfish server. Is it possible to make an ajax window on the page and show info from Glassfish's log file that is located in [GlassfishFolder]/domains/domain1/logs/server.log? And also I want to clean up that log to make it look like in NetBeans. Thanks ...

Kill Quartz's thread after redeploying application

In my app i'm using quartz to schedule some jobs to run in my Java application on Glassfish. Sometimes when i'm redeploying my application i'm forgetting to turn off my scheduler and it's impossible to stop them after new version of app has been deployed. So, the question is how does one can stop/kill quartz's threads after application h...

Exception occurs with JAX-RPC handler

I have some SOAP webservices build with JAX-RPC. These work fine. But as soon as I add a handler, I get an exception. When the binding is removed from the webservices.xml, everything works fine again. The weird thing is, the handler itself isn't included in the stacktrace of the exception. I also noticed, the init and getHeaders method...