
Is it proper to use the term "global" in a relative sense?

Please assume the following contrived JavaScript: function do_something() { var x = 5; function alert_x() { alert(x); } alert_x(); } do_something(); The variable x is local to the function do_something. It isn't a global variable because it's not available in every scope (i.e., outside of either of the functions, such...

Oracle sql - global variable

Dear all, I have two sql script file which are to be scheduled as windows tasks. 1.sql contains this at the begining: column dat1 new_value DAY_NUMBER; select 2 dat1 from dual; While 2.sql contains this at the begining: column dat1 new_value DAY_NUMBER; select 1 dat1 from dual; If I am going to combine this two scri...

Initialization of object static members

Static members confuse me sometimes. I understand how to initialize a simple built in type such as int with something along the lines of int myClass::statVar = 10;, which you place in a .cpp file, but I have something of the following sort: class myClass { public: // Some methods... protected: static RandomGenerator itsGenerator; } ...

Python: Sharing global variables between modules and classes therein.

I know that it's possible to share a global variable across modules in Python. However, I would like to know the extent to which this is possible and why. For example, x = None from global_mod import * class delta: def __init__(self): print x import mid_access_mod imp...

If a "Utilities" class is evil, where do I put my generic code?

I generally live by the rule that Global variables / functions are evil and that every piece of code should live in the class to which it pertains. This is a very easy rule to follow, and I believe that I haven't ever run into an issue with this rule until now. Today, however, I need to add a function to my assembly rather than to a sp...

declare global variable in nsobject class (objective C)

Hi, I declare a variable and some methods in the global nsobject class like @interface classGlobal : NSObject { NSString *myGuid; } @property(nonatomic,assign)NSString *myGuid; and i synthesize in the .m class. but when i try to access the myGuid variable in the same class (classGlobal.m) then it shows the error "instance variab...

Jquery - The best way to set a global variable

Hi, I'm wondering what the best way is to set a global variable with Jquery / Javascript that can be used and updated by multiple functions. I've a fairly over complex site that uses sliders( , I want to add a dynamic breadcrumb and thought that restructuring the code so that the various functions can...

Provide Global Access Point to an Instance of an Object

Hello: Imagine a system (Python) where the different parts constantly interact with one instance of a given object. What is the best way to provide a global access point to this instance? So far I can only think of building the (Singleton) instance in and import the module as needed: # class Thing(object, Singl...

jQuery Global variables are not accessible by functions

I have a snippet of code, to calculate the width of some child items and instead of declaring the parentWidth and other variables in EVERY function.. I am trying to create Global variables to be re-used.. but, its not working. Here is a portion of my code: $(document).ready(function(){ parentWidth = $(this).parent().width(); // pa...

MFC: How to use C++ Global Object in C

Hello there, I have an MFC application in which I have declared a Global Object say "obj" in a file called MiRec2PC.cpp now I want to use this object in a C file. I have used an approach in which I include the header file in which the structure of that particular object is declared. I also use a keyword "extern" with that obj when I u...

On Linux, why does the destructor run twice on shared instance of global variable in C++?

On Linux I have some generated C++ code from a static library that defines a global variable. A single instance of this global variable is shared between two shared libraries that refer to its symbol. When the process shuts down and the static termination phase is run, I see that the destructor on this shared instance is run twice! Pr...

Keeping variables from dying in Beanshell

I'm trying to use Beanshell in a java application to execute "addon" files supplied by a user. Since the "main" code of the addon is called in a repeating loop, some addons need to use global variables initialized outside the scope of this code in order to keep track of things that require more than one loop cycle. I'm trying to do this ...

How to use named parameters and global vars with same name in Python?

Example code from a module: somevar = "a" def myfunc(somevar = None): # need to access both somevars ??? # ... if somevar was specified print it or use the global value pass if __name__ == '__main__': somevar = "b" # this is just for fun here myfunc("c") myfunc() # should print "a" (the value of global variable...

MS-Access Cross-Form Support

I'm a .NET / C# software engineer who's been recruited into a temporary job function I'm not thrilled with. My company uses an MS-Access application for many of it's current functions. The Visual Basic version in use for this is (v6.5). The developer that assembled it (who's on vacation overseas at the moment) has a 'login' form that ...

Possible to avoid use of global variable in this situation?

I am writing a GTK+ application in C (though the principle here is widely applicable) which contains a GtkComboBox. The GtkComboBox is part of a larger structure returned by another function and packed into the main window. I don't see how I can get the value of what is selected in the GtkComboBox other than by setting a global variable...

The best way to keep global variables in iPhone app

Hi everyone, I'm new to iPhone development so want to ask, what is the best way to keep global variables and constants which can be accessed by many classes? Shall I keep them in app delegate or there is a better way which I don't know? Thanks ...

$_GET is empty when the url has variables

Hi. I have a url that look like this reg.php?lang=no_NO&passkey=testand im trying to get the passkey variable, but it keeps showing up blank. When I try print_r($_GET); it prints Array ( ) ?! How can this happen? The site look something like this <?php print_r($_GET); include('..\libs\Smarty.class.php'); ?...

$_GET shows up blank when called from a php file within iframe

Hi. I have a a login in script that is a little to complicated for my own good. I have a php file that calls a javascript based on the $_GET variable. The javascript/jquery makes html that uses iframe to call another php file, but I need the $_GET variable in that php code or I need to pass the $_GET variables to the other php file withi...

problems with global variable shared between sourcefiles (I'm using include guards)

I'm trying to share the same variable between two .cpp files, they include the same .h file. But I'm getting linking errors, telling me that I have multiple definitions. Which I find awkward, since I'm using include guards //main.cpp #include <cstdio> #include "shared.h" int main(){ shared_int = 5; printVal(); return 0; } //sh...

Shared NSMutableString for local html filename iphone

I am relatively new to Objective C/iPhone Development. I am developing a simple app with two views using a Navigation controller. The first view contains several buttons a and the second view contains a uiwebview. The idea is that when a button is pressed it switches to the second view and the web view loads a local html file. Which h...