
Localization of OS dialog boxes e.g. FileOpenDialog, etc.

Hello, I am localizing my winform application for french and japenese. We have fileOpenDialog used at some places, when I change the CurrentUICulture to ja-JP or fr-FR, application displays the localized screens But the dialog boxes are shown in English, i.e default OS setting. Is it not localizable ? or there is any alternative to i...

How do I set a custom culture before the page is rendered?

I have created a custom culture for client-specific language, i.e. I have resx files for that culture. The issue I have is that I can't seem to set the culture early enough in the page cycle. By the time I call Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = culture and Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = culture the page seems to already have...

WCF Globalization

I have a WCF service using netTcpBinding (the protocol should not be relevant but included it anyway). I am having Culture issues with parsing dates. Previously, using HTTP and System.Web, we can use the globalization element. Unfortunately this has no effect in WCF. I Have had trouble finding information/blogs about this. Is there ...

Bundle resources of all forms of one language in one folder in .net

We are in the process of localizing our windows forms application. We are using the approach where we set the localizable property to true and generate one resx file for one locale. The problem is we have 20 forms, each to be localized in 3 languages, so there are 60 resx files. Each form shows 3 resx files along with cs and designer a...

ASP.NET MVC: When to set Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture?

I am just beginning to localize an ASP.Net MVC application. Most of the strings will be defined in resource files and retrieved via Matt's Localization Helpers. Other strings must be stored in a database. My Question: Should I set CurrentUICulture early in the request pipeline and use that throughout the application, or directly use ...

Globalization in C#

Can somebody explain to me what is the use of globalization in C#? Is it used for conversion purposes? I mean I want to convert any English word into a selected language. So will this globalization or cultureinfo help me? ...

What is the Crystal Report Localization best practice?

We have windows applications in VB.NET & VB6 contains crystal reports in it. Please let us know what is the "best microsoft practice" to localize the Crystal Reports (in chinese)? e.g. Translation of the following objects present in Crystal Reports: 1 Text Objects 2 Literal text inside formulas 3 Headers / Footers 4 Column Head...

Globalization of configuration files

Hi, I have multiple configuration files describing Addins to my system. I'm looking for a way to globalize some of the tags in the configuration file (i.e - support multiple languages) for example: in the file activity.xml i want to globalize some of the attributes: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Resource type="Activity" ...

How do programming languages differ between different parts of the world?

I have always wondered how programming languages are different, if they are indeed different, to other parts of the world? How do people in parts of Asia/Europe/South America use programming? Whats the syntax like? Any examples? ...

The pains of creating a global application

Hey guys! I need to create a global application. This means it should work ok anywhere in the world, at any country (or most of them). It's a PHP website that will deal with money and time at certain points. I wish I could know a good resource for countries, related timezones, currency formatting, symbols and codes, this kind of stuff....

Rails Globalize plugin help.

Has anyone gotten the Globalize plugin to work Rails 2.3.2 or later? If so, could you direct me to some useful info? ...

Convert language abbreviation to full name, e.g. en to English?

Hello, quick question, what's the best way to convert language a abbreviation to full name? e.g. en to English? Note, it's not en-US, it's just en, fr, de C# please. ...

Implementing globalization in Rails

While I have experience developing Rails apps in English, I am a blank slate when it comes to handling globalization, so please don't shoot me in the head if my question 'doesn't make sense' :) I have been asked to add multi language feature to a part of a Rails app that I am working on. Initially its only going to be 2 languages, Fren...

change web.config appsettings based on globalization setting

Hi, I am using common code for 2 different international sites but with different web.config settings. I'd like to keep both sets of the appsettings in the same web.config file and just change the globalization settings for each installation. Is there anyway to do this? ...

determining the character set to use

my delphi 2009 app has a basic translation system that uses GNUGetText. i had used some win API calls to prepare the fonts. i thought it was working correctly until recently when someone from Malta had a problem with my app failing precisely in this area. my app is used globally. some of this code may have become obsolete since d2009...

Why is my CurrentCulture en-GB and my CurrentUICulture en-US

I have a C# application which has to run on machines with different culture settings. No problem I thought, it will just lookup on start up what the current culture is on the machine, and do everything for me. Well no, it would seam that something is not quite right. I have a Windows XP machine with everything in Regional and Language o...

Localization of HTML used in

Hello , I have a application, which used html templates to generate content and sends this in the email. The code to read the html file is as- private string LoadHtml(string HtmlFile) { Assembly asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); Stream stream = asm.GetManifestResourceStream(asm.GetName().Name + ...

db localization with ASP.NET MVC and Castle.ActiveRecord

I'm trying Castle.AR in an ASP.NET MVC 1 app. I want to store localized content on db. I'm thinking of creating a single table with int stringId, string locale, string text, and all other tables with int fields instead of strings. [ActiveRecord] public class LocalString : ActiveRecordBase<LocalString> { [PrimaryKey] public int ...

.NET DateTime object string format

This has got me really flumoxed! In the datalayer ADO.NET connects to SQL Server 2008, Default language for the login is 'british' Selects a DateTime column into a dataview and returns it. aspx page databinds this: <%# String.Format("{0:MMM/yyyy}", Eval("dbPeriodFrom")) %> The database returns 2009/10/01 (This is yyyy/MM/dd) The...

Display international currency

What is the globally accepted way of displaying international currencies? For example: US$20, $20, $20 (US), €20, 20€, etc? If there are many ways to show each currency, what is a good general way of showing currency? ...