
Globalization and Localization in

We need to develop an ASP.NET 3.5 Web application, which should support Japanese and English languages. If the user is accessing from Japan, then our application should open in Japanese; otherwise, our application should open in English. How can we achieve this requirement? Sample code is very welcome. Thanks. ...

Word Count of .resx files

Hello, we will be processing our .resx files for translation. Since these files have lots of xml data apart from strings to be translated, I was looking for a way where we can count the words/strings that are translated. We have winform created resx file Thanks. ...

setting the side for the radio button gwt

hi, how can make the text of the radio box appear on the left side of the button instead of the right? on left to right languages the standard is the text on radio button is on the right of the radio button, i need to write ui for a right to left language so the test should be placed on the left of the radio button. any advice?? ...

Is there a way to tell if the user would prefer metric or imperial without asking in C#?

Right now I'm doing: bool UseMetricByDefault() { return TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now).TotalHours >= 0; } This works for distinguishing USA from Europe and Asia, but it ignores South America. Is there a better way? ...

GetGlobalResourceObject or Resources.Resource - what's better?

Hello, I have an application that is multilingual. I'm using the out-of-the-box .Net features for this. Each language has its own file in the App_GlobalResources (see iamge below) In the code behind what is better? GetGlobalResourceObject("LocalizedText", "ErrorOccured") Resources.LocalizedText.ErrorOccured The 2nd one uses less cod...

.NET Globalization & Satellite DLL's

I'm working on localizing an app I've written in C#. Everything seems to be working nicely, using satellite resource assemblies to translate each form's strings (as per this tutorial: However, the application will ultimately require quite a number of languages, which mea...

using localizable property method versus ResXResourceSet method

Can anyone tell me what is more appropriate for different types of .net applications? ...

Various calendars in the ASP.NET Calendar Control

Hi, I need to create an ASP.NET page that displays a Calendar control which shows a specific calendar based on value selected in a drop down. Currently I need to display HebrewCalendar and the regualr (gregorian) calendar, but in the future I'll probably need others. Of course I can't use the Regional Settings of Windows or the globali...

.net error Culture name 'az-az' is not supported. Parameter name: name

Hi, i am trying to implemnet different languages to my site and so far there was no problem with my setup. I create Language.en.resx, etc and put them in App_GlobalResources folder. Then with code blewlo i allow users to set their prefered language protected override void InitializeCulture() { if (string.IsNullOrE...

Can I have some advice about globalization in .net for a multi-language CMS?

I am building a CMS that will support 7 different languages/cultures. For images that cannot be changed through the CMS I think I am going to use different resource files. As for the content I was thinking of separate databases. If the user needs to change the current culure I have a drop down that stores the chosen culture in a cooki...

How to use resources with ActionLink?

How to integrate resources in an ActionLink? I want the title to to display a translation when I navigate to a route where I inject the culture-language. But I do not know how to get the translation into the ActionLink. ...

Currency format

Hi, i have a issue with some string formats, i'm forcing the culture when formatting specific formats: get { return String.Format("{0:###,###,###,###,##0}", Convert.ToDecimal(_monthPay, new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("es-ES"))); } so that i can get this: $300.000,01 On localhost it works fine, but when i publish to the server,...

Global Resources and Windows Azure

My ASP.Net 3.5 SP 1 MVC 1.0 web application uses Resources (resx) in several languages. The default language is English. My resources pick up the right language from the current thread, which I set before trying to display any resource. System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCulture...

How to support Multi-Languages approach in DataBase Schema ?

Hi, I want my database to support multi Languages for all text values in its tables. So what is the best approach to do that?. Edit1:: E.G. I've this "Person" table: ID int FirstName nvarchar(20) LastName nvarchar(20) Notes nvarchar(max) BirthDate date ........... So if i want my program to support new language "...

Is 'culture' (eg. es-MX, en-US) meant to localize website -content- or -appearance-?

Hi, is the concept culture (as with .NET CultureInfo) to be used solely in localizing appearance of a website (language, date- and numberformatting etc.), or can it be used for localizing website content (location-bound newsmessages, contactdetails etc..)? I need to build a website which supports both multiple-languages as localized co...

Set Accessor on class does not appear to work with TextInfo and TitleCase

Whilst playing around with an nhibernate mapping, I noticed that a property setter I had was being overloaded (or ignored). This is expected default behaviour with an nhibernate mapping. So I changed it to use the field.camelCase - so NHibernate would set the private field of the entity class and not the propety getter/setter so I could...

Implement Globalization ư

Hi everyone, im curious about doing Globalization in MVC with globalization File and a Session["lang"] the session lang can be setup quite easy to change, but the problem here is the Globalization File. What should i do and how should i do to implement this? Thank you very much PS: I've search on Google and here for some sol...

Database-pages * Sub-applications * Multi-location * multi-language: how does this work?

I'm developing (.NET MVC) a large website which has the following specifications: Database pages (HTML editors) Sub applications (/products, /search, /user-area (more mixed db-pages & apps)) Multi location (both db-pages & apps) Multi language (all: db-pages, apps & multi-location) I have problems with the following: Routes. Do I i...

globalization uiCulture="en" culture="en-MY"

HI, Im using Windows XP sp2 as my development platform, I'm having problem in displaying currency symbol. You see,for Malaysia the correct currency symbol is RM, but when I used uiCulture="ms" culture="ms-MY" the currency symbol displayed is R. After googling for this problem I've found out that there's a way to correct this problem, g...

Short method to retrieve NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute searched

Is there a better (shorter) method to retrieve the NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute of an assembly than using reflection as implemented below? Public Function GetNeutralResourcesLanguage() As String Dim assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly Dim attributes = assembly.GetCustomAttributes(GetType(System.Resour...