
.NET: Are there any differences between InvariantCulture and en-US?

Given the following two cultures: CultureInfo c1 = InvariantCulture; CultureInfo c2 = new CultureInfo("en-US"); and i were to examine every piece of information specific to both cultures, e.g.: c1.DateTimeInfo.ShortDatePattern; c2.DateTimeInfo.ShortDatePattern; c1.DateTimeInfo.LongDatePattern; c2.DateTimeInfo.LongDatePattern; c1.Nu...

Is there a way to override a specific resource value in .NET .resx file?

So i have: App_GlobalResources/MyApp.resx with a Name/Value pair of "Email" = "Email Address" In my application, is there a way to override this value? At some point in the application, I want to change the value of the Name/Value pair. "Email" = "Email Address" ... becomes... "Email" = "Contact Email Address" And have that referenc...

How to Access External Resources from Website Aspx

My current solution consists of several Class Libraries and a Website. I'm in the process of globalizing the application and I realized that my resources need to be accessed by all the projects not just the website so placing my resources in the App_GlobalResources folder didn't work. I added my resources to one my class Libraries and ...

.NET localization tool - free or full-featured trial

I'm looking for a tool to automate the process of localizing one software product. Is there any free, or trial version with no limits other than time? ...

Where is the correct place to do culture-specific date/currency formatting for mvc views?

Given a domain object: class BirthdayDomain { public DateTime Birthday { get; set; } public decimal BirthdayPresent { get; set; } } I have two options for passing this to a strongly-typed view: 1. class BirthdayView { public DateTime Birthday { get; set; } public decimal BirthdayPresent { get; set; } } and in the...

.NET Localized sitemap from database?

I have a custom sitemapprovider which loads pages from the database. Pages (pageid, fk_pageid (parent), title, url, show_in_menu) I would like to globalize/localize the title of the page. What's the best method? ...

DateTime problem in sql compact

I'm using Sql Compact3.5 as my DB with C# .NET In different systems i'm getting the datetime format differently. In an Windows XP it's retrieving the datetime in the format : MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss and in Media center it's retrieving in the format : MM/dd/yyyy hh:m:ss. Is there any way to make the datetime format free from culture or can i ...

What is the Invariant Culture?

Could anybody raise an example to demonstrate the usage of Invariant Culture? I don't understnd what the documents describe I have read. ...

Where can I set CurrentUICulture in an ASP.NET web page?

I was reading a resource that said: CurrentUICulture must be set at the startup of a application. For an ASP.NET web page, where do I set this property appropriately? ...

SQL Server Reporting Services - localize reports?

I have some SSRS 2008 reports that need to be localized. That is: Report titles, column headers, etc. all need to be in the user's locale. (Note that in my situation, the User!Language expression may or may not be useful, but that's not the major problem.) The localized strings must be retrievable from a table within the same DB as the...

Script globalization of MicrosoftAjax.js in ASP.NET MVC

Hi, Could you write where I can find (or where you found ;)) globalization files (e.g. zu-ZA.js), I can't find that files in Microsoft AJAX Library 3.5. Best regards, Michał ...

Does Java have an equivalent to .NET resource (.resx) files for localization?

Does Java have an equivalent to .NET resource (.resx) files for localization? In .NET, you can define resources as key-value pairs within a standard XML document. The resource files are named according to the culture. For example: myresources.resx myresources.en-us.resx ...

How to validate field length

I have a Abc field in the database and I want to make sure that the user doesnot cross the limit of the field in database, therefore I use validation that would say "You cannot enter more than 50 characters". Now the question is that because the memory to store Chinese,Indic script and other such languages take more than 1 byte how woul...

DataAnnotations and Resources don't play nicely

I'm using dataannotations in an MVC2 app and am a little discouraged when trying to use RESX file resources for error messages. I've tried the following but keep getting the exception "An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type" [Required(ErrorMess...

MVC Localization of Default Model Binder

Hi, I am currently trying to figure out how to localize the error messages generated by MVC. Let me use the default model binder as an example, so I can explain the problem. Assuming I have a form, where a user enters thier age. The user then enters "ten" in to the form, but instead of getting the expected error of "Age must be be...

Setting a date format in ASP.NET web.config globalization tag?

In our web.config I am using the following tag to determine the interface language of an ASP.NET website. <globalization enableClientBasedCulture="true" culture="auto:en-GB" uiCulture="auto:en"/> This works as expected: Client wo request a specific localisation get it, everybody else is happily looking at the en-GB s...

Preserving Language across inline Calculated Members in SSAS

Problem: I need to retrieve the language of a given cell from the cube. The cell is defined by code-generated MDX, which can have an arbitrary level of indirection as far as calculated members and sets go (defined in the WITH clause). SSAS appears to ignore the Language of the specified members when you declare a calculated member inline...

Globalization for ASP.NET MVC 2 Validators

Is there anyway to override the custom validation error messages from the ValidationAttributes? Basically I need the ValidationAttributes to support globalization. ...

Creating a NumberFormat for an existing .NET CultureInfo in ASP.NET application

Hi, I want to format my numbers throughout the application in a consistent way, no matter what culture is chosen. In fact, it's "non-standard" even for the basic culture that we're using. I want to format "{1500.50:c}" as: '1500.50', but the standard for my culture 'nl-NL', is: '€ 1.500,00'. We don't have the user-rights, since it's a ...

SQL Server: What locale should be used to format numeric values into SQL Server format?

It seems that SQL Server does not accept numbers formatted using any particular locale. It also doesn't support locales that have digits other than 0-9. For example, if the current locale is bengali, then the number 123456789 would come out as "১২৩৪৫৬৭৮৯". And that's just the digits, nevermind what the digit grouping would be. But the ...