
Globalization vs. Localization

Possible Duplicates: Terminology used for language and culture-aware software What is system.globalization And whats the difference between it and localization What is the difference between Globalization and Localization? ...

ASP.NET MVC - Local Resource Issue

Hello, I am having an issue when attempting to override the DisplayNameAttribute in ASP.NET MVC to provide a localized string. The code itself is straightforward and similar to that in another Stackoverflow post link text The code works for global resources but not so well for local resources. I have a registration screen and used the ...

CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder doesn't exist

Okay, this is a strange one. I'm trying to create a custom culture using: using System.Globalization; ... var x = new CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder(); But I get the nasty red Resharper error with no options. The type or namespace name 'CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Globalization' What's going ...

Why my webpage is displayed with question marks, if i switch encoding to UTF-8?

Within the web.config file i have the following, regarding encoding info, since the website is availiale only to Greece. <globalization fileEncoding="windows-1253" requestEncoding="windows-1253" responseEncoding="windows-1253" culture="el-gr" uiCulture="el"/> What changes should i implement if i decide to add the English version of th...

How to handle time difference in ASP.Net (MVC)?

Hey! I've published a web application to a server in the USA. The app is actually for swedes (people in Sweden) and I am looking for the best way to hadle the time difference. There's a +7 hour difference. Should I store the DateTime.Now in DB as it is, or should I use DateDiff to change the time before creating each record? What's t...

How to Globalize SCSF application

hi. I have been assigned a task to globalized an existing SCSF application.. this project has a number of modules. some of them are loading dynamically. as far User controls and forms there is no problem with them while globalization.. each module adds its menu using ToolStripMenuItem pluginsMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(Resources...

Display correct currency dependent on browser culture

Hi My website will target UK and US markets, and i need to display a different price/currency for both markets - what is the best way around this? 1) a simple drop down box asking users preference? 2) Using culture class in asp .net to auto detect eg System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture ...or is there another better ...

Setting CultureInfo in Tests project?

I've got an MVC app that I've set the globalization in the web.config. All is well in the web app. But in my tests project I'm getting an issue in my service layer. I'm asking for date of birth in the following format dd/MM/yyyy. I'm passing this as a string to my service layer. I've got a RegEx to check that it is formatted correctly bu...

How do I feed the language culture thread into the helper class

Hi everyone, With MVC 2, I have been trying to get Matt Hawley's Localization helper to work in my web application, but I am getting stuck feeding a null into the Language string variable. I can't figure out why I am doing this. namespace MvcLocalization { public abstract class LocalizedControllerBase : Controller { public ...

Country agnostic academic level representation

Hi guys, my product owner came to me with this problem: Our application supports multi-language and is used by users in different countries. OK! On a form the user is asked to supply the academic level of a person. OK! The problem is that academic levels do not exactly match between countries. I suggested we define agnostic levels and...

Change language/culture in Ajax enabled ASP.NET web application

I've implemented an ASP.NET web application that supports 5 different languages. The web application has 5 .resx files that contain the resources required in order to display the website in the languages it supports. To display the site in the language that the user has selected, I've been setting the Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICult...

Getting the browser culture in a WCF service using ASP.NET and globalization

I have a website calling a WCF service and I want the service to run with the browser culture. I am using the service in ASP.NET compatibility mode. This is working so far - It is possible to set the culture of the WCF service using the culture and uiCulture of the globalization section. My problem is that enableClientBasedCulture shows...

Problem with globalization of ASP.NET MVC routes.

I tried to use the solution explained at to localize my application using the language parameter in my routes. Here's the code I have in my Global.asax: public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) { routes.I...

culture fallback

I assume the following code is Correct, CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.GetCulture("en-US"); Assert.IsTrue(culture.GetConsoleFallbackUICulture().Name == "en"); but it is not, culture.GetConsoleFallbackUICulture().Name is still "en-US", I want to know what is the API to get the fallback culture. Thanks Jeff ...

Globalization in Masterpages

Hi to All, As i know, In ASP .net web forms, we can get text (or any other attributes of controls) value of the control directly from a resourse file in App_GlobalResources folder through expression attribute of the control without writting any code. ( selecting the control going to its expression property selecting the text s...

Can I create non-language based global .resx?

So here is the scenario. I have an internationalized application using .NET MVC in English and French using the global resources. For certain clients using the application, the terminology used to reference an object such as "User" is different. One client might see that User as a "Subscriber" but another client's mental model of the U...

Synchronizing the .NET and Oracle Database Locale Environments

Where can I get a complete list that maps the .Net Culture ID (used in the CultureInfo class) to Oracle's NLS_LANGUAGE and NLS_TERRITORY parameters? Oracle's .NET Developer’s Guide makes a start at this but want a complete list so that I can set this automatically for my database session in my code. ...

What cultures are supported by the CultureInfo class in .NET 3.5?

I need a list of cultures that are supported by .NET 3.5, regardless of the OS used. This seems to be quite a struggle to obtain, though I am not sure why! Edit: Arghh, I was not aware that it is dependent on the OS, that would explain the lack of documentation. Any ideas on what is supported by Mac/Linux OS as well? Thanks :) ...

What Should I Know and Consider To Create Multi Language Web Site

I'm Creating a Multi Language website with at least 5 language, what should I consider ...

C# Set specific culture for class

I have a class in C# which has various methods. I want to use en-US culture in all the methods in this class. Can I set the culture for a specific class? Background: I have a List<object> and some of the object's are numbers and some are strings. I would like all the numbers written using US culture, but I don't know which items are nu...