
Google Chrome forces download of PHP scripts' source

I'm experiencing a behaviour of Google Chrome (Google Chrome 7.0.517.41 beta) that I can't understand. In some cases, Google Chrome downloads the source code of the PHP script that is requested from my server instead of it being executed. I don't have this problem with cURL or Firefox; when I request the same URL with them the script is ...

Chrome Extensions and loading external Google APIs Uncaught ReferenceError

Right now I'm in the process of creating a Chrome extension. For it, I need to use Google's Calendar Data API. Here is my manifest.json file: { "name": "Test", "version": "1.0", "background_page": "background.html", "content_scripts": [ { "matches": ["<all_urls>"], "js": ["jquery.js", "content_script.js"] } ], "permissio...

Closing popup window created by Google Chrome extension

I'm trying to create a Chrome extension that is a replacement for the Delicious bookmarklet. I know there's already an extension that does it, but the problem with that extension is that after you bookmark a site, the popup window stays open (as opposed to using the bookmarklet, where the popup closes itself after submitting the form. I ...

Defer Attribute (Chrome)

Hi guys :) Chrome for me has always been a reference on web standards, unfortunately the defer isn't supported and IE supports it since version 5.5. Why ? <!-- js.js document.getElementById ("hi").innerHTML = "Hi :)"; --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns = "" xml:lang = "en" lang = "en"> <head> <meta http...

Custom Protocol Handler not passing argument on OSX

Hello, I'm trying to hook up a custom protocol handler to my application on OSX so that I can do test://argument In my plist I have the following: <key>CFBundleURLTypes</key> <array> <dict> <key>CFBundleTypeRole</key> <string>Viewer</string> <key>CFBundleURLIconFile</key> <string></string> <...

Page variables in content script

Hi everyone, Is there any way to retrieve a page's javascript variables from a Google Chrome Content Script? Thanks in advance! :) ...

Asual Jquery Address plugin - problem on Google chrome

I have recently used the Asual Jquery Address v.1.3 and it workes successfully with Firefox but I found the following problem in the Chrome: it can't fire the ExternalChangeFunction envent and there is no alternative from using this event because document.ready fires again when trying to change the address by this script plugin $.addres...

Chrome/Firefox: access source of an extension

Hi folks, Do Chrome or Firefox make your extension's source code open to the host machine? And if yes where are the respective folder on Mac? Cheers Parsa ...

Google Chrome extension relative path

Hello folks, I'm developing a google chrome extension and I'm running into a relative path problem. If I give a relative path to an image and open the plugin in a certain page it will look for that image in the website's path rather than the extension's. Any ideas? thanks, fbr ...

How do i provide chunked transfer encoding

Sorry for asking this again but i did n't get any answer so i am asking ,i have rails application thats uploading some large file (2gb) but these upload are only possible with google chrome but using Internetexplorer only 1 gb of file being uploaded after that meas more than 1.5 gb IE throwing saying like Internet Explorer cannot displa...

Adding Google Calendar API to a Chrome Extensions

Steps to reproduce issue: 1. Create a Chrome extension using content_scripts. 2. Add the Google JS api to your background.html file in order to use the Calendar API. 3. Try running google.load("gdata", "1"); I'm trying to use the Calendar API in my Chrome extension. I'm using content_scripts to run my js file when the page initially loa...

CSS: font-weight doesn't work.

Hi, I have this line in my code <label style="font-weight: bold" for="sedii18n_codice_paese_indirizzo">Codice paese indirizzo</label> but the label is showed normal. If i go to the Chrome Inspector I can see this: font-weight: normal !important; If i change font-weight in the inspector the weight of the font is modified norma...

Chrome developer tool warning on images

Possible Duplicate: MVC page is giving Mime type warnings for image files I am working in my ASP.NET MVC app within VS 2010 and so I use the development server for this purpose. When I enable resource traking on Chrome Developer tool I am seeing a plethora of warnings regarding the images of my app. The warning says: ...

how to supress chrome error message

i want to supress the chrome error message Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) it appears when a picture is not found. i catch that error and replace the image with a notfound.jpg pic. but i want the browser not to not this for the user... thanks ...

How do I automate Chrome using WatiN?

I've done countless Google searches on this. Despite all the promises, I simply can't find one straight-forward peice of documentation on how to automate Chrome with WatiN. Can anyone help? ...

Record what I'm doing in Firefox, Chrome or IE8/9?

Is there a way in any of the three major Windows Browsers (Firefox 3.6, Chrome, Internet Explorer 8 and soon 9) and ideally for Safari on Mac to 'record' my interactions with the Website? By that I mean recording something like Clicked Button 'btnSubmit' Entered 'bla' in input 'txtSubject' DOM Interactions that is. I'm guessing I co...

Can you use jQuery POST in a Chrome extension?

I'm trying to get my Chrome extension working with the Google Calendar API. However, the way Google has set up the extension sandbox makes anything almost impossible. I can't add the Calendar API using JavaScript because I've tried 200 different ways to include the library. Therefore, I want to try interact w...

Google chrome support for digital signature?

I have used crypto for firefox and CAPICOM for IE to sign text. does google chrome provide any support for crypto object or CAPICOM? if not then there is any other way to resolve this issue. I have install IE-tab extension for google chrome which will simply load IE in chrome. but that needs to be done on every clients pc. this not soun...

Web SQL sync using a GoogleDocs spreadsheet ?

I need to sync the WebDB of an extension I'm building, and was thinking about using a GoogleDocs spreadsheet as storage, so the extension should be able to read/write the "file" to keep the sync. (each line of the spreadsheet would be a DB record ) Is this feasible, or there are perhaps better solutions? ...

JQuery dropdown works on Firefox but not on Google Chrome

First the code might suck as I'm new with JQuery. I have this html: <select name="numberItems" id="id_numberItems"> <option value="1" selected="selected">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> <option value="4">4</option> <option value="5">5</option> </select> <fieldset class="dropdownList">...