
How to copy data from Chrome local database to another via a web service?

Hi, I have a normal form where the user can enter data in textfields, select values in dropdowns etc. As it is now the user clicks on submit and a web service inserts the data into a server. I have added functionality so that the user enters data about a customer, click save and it is saved temporarily in safari's/chrome's local databa...

Get resource without file extension in Chrome

Hi, guys, I'm using VirtualPathProvider to respond to certain client requests. URLs like so: "http://host/SomeCategory/ObjectName" Everything works fine in IE and Opera but in Chrome and FireFox it doesn't. 1) Using the Address Bar, it is considered as a download and a file location is requested. 2) Through AJAX request, I the content...

Chrome specific issue with z-index and flash

I'm trying to get an absolutely positioned DIV to display in front of a Flash object; I can get this to work in every browser except Chrome. There are a couple of similar questions on here, but nothing pertaining to a problem with Chrome specifically. I've tried several of the suggested solutions, such as setting the 'wmode' param to 't...

Finding Javascript leak in Chrome

I do a lot of ajax calls on my site and was using jQuery 1.4.2 until I noticed that it was leaking. It was leaking with IE, Firefox, and Chrome. After some investigation I found the IE fix for it. I tried it but it didn't fix it for any of the three browsers. I then found a posting on here where the person compared Yahoo's Javascript...

Strange behaviour in Google Chrome with Prototype Library

Hi I used the Prototype library in an app mostly because its "cross-browsers" features. My fear was that everything would work fine in Firefox but crashed on IE. But for my surprise, this line of code crash (and in a very disgusting way) on Google Chrome: $('mensajes').update(""); With the message: "TypeError: Cannot set property ...

Dashcode: changing parameter of datasource does not work in Chrome

Hello, If I run the following code in runtime: var scheduleFromTo = dashcode.getDataSource("scheduleFromTo"); scheduleFromTo.setValueForKeyPath(102, "parameters.fromStationNumber"); scheduleFromTo.setValueForKeyPath(103, "parameters.toStationNumber"); it works as expected in Safari, Firefox, Opera and even IE7, but not in Google Chro...

Chrome developer tools - any way to see what CSS is used by the current page?

Using Google's Chrome Developer Tools, I sometimes run audits on my code to see how it is coming together. One of the suggestions those tools always make is "Removed Unused CSS Rules". Clicking on the arrow then shows a usually huge list of the CSS rules that are not being used by the current page. Is there a way to see a list of what C...

Is the Webkit inspector (developer tools) a suitable replacement for Firebug yet?

The Safari & Chrome developer tools (webkit inspector) seem to have become quite advanced. Although I'm very used to Firebug and rely on it for development, I'm really flirting with the idea of trying to just make a complete switch to Chrome (since I browse almost exclusively with it anyway) and just learn to get use to it's web develope...

Chrome - why is it sending if-modified-since requests?

I have a page with lots of small images (icons). When used with chrome, each time the page is reloaded, chrome requests each icon from the server with if-modified-since header. All icons are served with expires and max-age headers. Firefox loads images from its cache. Why is chrome doing that and how can I prevent it? Thanks ...

jQuery 1.4.2 fadeIn(), show() Failing in Chrome when using easing plugin 1.3

Recently notice that all fade related content is breaking in Chrome with the error Property "undefined" of object is not a function. Can anyone by looking at this error thrown in Chrome tell me what is the problem? Uncaught TypeError: Property 'undefined' of object # is not a function: swingpublic/javascripts/jquery/jquery.easing-1.3....

Google Chrome: how to see the .css files loaded in a page ?

hi, how to see the .css files loaded in a page in google Chrome? I can see the .js (Scripts) but not the .css... Regards Javi ...

Chrome kicks user out of a form when trying to preventDefault with javascript after an alert popup

I have some simple form validation going on, and it works in FF and IE. Simply put, if there is a date out of range on the form, javascript prevents the form submission. However, in Chrome, it's totally broken. When the preventDefault fires, Chrome logs the user out of the application and they get kicked back to the index/login page. And...

is it possible to open chrome debugger in separate window? How?

I would like to open chrome debugger in a separate window. Is this possible? How? Internet Explorer opens the debugger in separate window when i press F12 key. ...

Chrome extension: accessing localstorage in content script

So, i have an options page where the user can define certain options and it saves it in localstorage: options.html Now, i also have a content script that needs to get the options that were defined on options.html page, but when i try to access localStorage from content script, it doesn't return the value from options page. How do i mak...

Remove vertical scroll bar, keep horizontal scroll bar in iframe in Chrome.

I have an iframe for which I would like to enable a horizontal scroll bar, but disable the vertical scroll bar. I have the iframe styled as such: overflow-y:hidden; overflow-x:auto; This works just fine in FireFox, but not Chrome. Is there any sort of workaround to get this to work in Chrome? Update: I have transitioned into using a t...

Chrome extension to append tab index to title

I am trying to create a simple extension in chrome that appends the tab index number to the tab title. This is my first attempt at creating an extension so I don't have much experience. I would appreciate it if someone could point out what I am doing wrong. { //My manifest.json "name": "Tab Selector", "version": "1.0", "descript...

Sporadic page load failure

An issue has started recently, within Chrome and reportedly Firefox, pages would be loading fine and browsing would be as normal and then suddenly then a page would fail to load (continuing to spin as if loading). The page that fails is often not the same. If I refresh the page or try to goto another page on the domain within the same b...

Jquery animations are slow in google chrome

Hello, I am not sure if this question is really specific for SO but I still would like to ask. Has anyone noticed that jquery animations became less smooth on Chrome, if you just find a jquery plugin it seems very nice but usually on demo pages there is a little amount of tags and another javascript funcions. I am currently working on a...

Detect left mouse button press

I hate this mess with the mouse buttons created by W3C an MS! I want to know if the left mouse button is pressed when I get a mousedown event. I use this code // Return true if evt carries left mouse button press function detectLeftButton(evt) { // W3C if (window.event == null) { return (evt.button == 0) } // IE else { ...

CSS link display issue in Chrome and Safari

I'm having a CSS issue that only occurs in Safari and Chrome. I have a set of styles for links in the content of a site that I'm working on. Visited links should appear a different colour and with a dotted bottom border. In Safari and Chrome the visited links lack the bottom border though, although all other styles are applied. Does anyo...