
Reading Google docs spreadsheet

Is it possible to pull rows from a Google Docs spreadsheet using PHP? In SQL I would use something like: SELECT * FROM table WHERE field = 'value' LIMIT 1 Is there a way to do this? I've heard you are supposed to use a 'Zend' framework, but I haven't been able to figure that out either. Any help would be appreciated ...

Use java gdata client from appengine to call a published google apps script. Is it possible?

Hi, Google docs (for GAFYD) has a fantastic approach of allowing you to write a apps script and publish it as a web service. The Use case they are touting is to return a UI which would do things to the document or other documents in that Google account. I was wondering a couple of things: 1. Now when you take a published url for a scri...

Need help: Reading my Google spreadsheet, keeping it private

Getting super frustrated trying to get this working. Basically this is for a site ( where I can't include the zend gdata framework, so I'm trying to use the Google Data API with php cURL to access it. The most I've been able to do is return a list of the supplied usernames worksheets, using this script: <?php // Construc...

Get content of the Google Docs editor

I'm developing a Firefox extension that should work with Google Docs editor. Is there any way to retrieve the content of the opened document? ...

Calculating days to next birthday in Google Spreadsheet

I have the date of birth of a person and want to calculate the days until his/her next birthday. How to do this in a way to deal with leapyears and other "odd" things? ...

Is is possible to access Google Docs without logging in separately each time?

I am creating an iPhone app which will be using Google Docs. Is it possible for users to access Google Docs without making them manually log in each time? Is it possible for them to give their Google account info during registration with the app and then let the app do the login into Google Docs automatically? I'd like for my users t...

AuthenticationException: Error connecting with login URI

Consider the following error related to a token issue in Google Docs. How can this be resolved? Error connecting with login URI ...

Google Docs API question.

Hello! I'm interested in possibility, to export PDF files to Google Docs, and than I want them to be shown on my web page, with user friendly interface. Plus, I want to make, that registered users of my web page could download them for money using credit cards, SMS, or web payment systems. Also, I need to have a statistics of all that th...

Google Docs: Compute a folder's URL (without api if possible)

We have a client that wants to have a link to google docs folders from within their own internal intranet app. Essentially they want to create a folder tree within their app and have a link in each folder that opens the matching google docs folder. Linking to a folder is simple enough if you know the folder's id. I can use the docs ...

google docs revisions from beginning of time

I'm attempting to pull down revision time stamps from collaboratively edited documents on google docs. When that data gets thrown onto a graph, some of the points show revisions being made around the beginning of Unix time. Does anyone have any insight into why would that be. Someone suggested that the autosaves may be timestamping th...

Use existing spreadsheet formulas in a custom formula in google docs/spreadsheets

I like writing my own formulas inside of Google Docs Spreadsheets. But often what I want to do is very similar to a function that already exists. As an example, I couldn't find a function to turn a date (31-Aug-2010) into the lexical day of the week (Tuesday). I'd like to write: =LexWeekDay('31-Aug-2010') 'Tuesday' Clearly I can write...

Calculating points from 0-10 for achived time

I have a Google Spreadsheet with a value (in seconds) for a lot of teams. I want to calculate points for each team from 0-10: 10 points for the team with the lowest value, 0 points for the team with the highest value and 9-1 points for the values in between (evenly distributed). I honestly can't think of any formular to do this...and I ...

is it possible to use c# with google spreadsheets api version 3 - specifically to use the table and record functions?

I need to access a table that has been created by a java program on android but cannot find any .net documentation and the Java examples do not seem to match up to the libraries I have, is it possible? thanks, Mark ...

tool or library for Google docs file upload

I need a simple library or tool with which I can upload arbitrary files (other than the explicitly supported formats, like .doc, .docx, .xls, .pdf, .txt, .ppt etc.) to Google Docs. The Perl module WWW::Google::Docs::Upload doesn't work, I get an exception (Link not found at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/WWW/Google/Docs/ line 39; i...

Integrating google docs into website

The "publish" feature of google docs looks like a perfect way to put all contents of a site away, without need to manage pictures and other content in CMS and move it all to google docs by embedding the published documents on a website. However google allows iframe embedding and this has some obvious disadvantages (like all links will o...

A Google Docs document picker?

Working on a method to allow users to "attach" a doc from their Google account to an object in my application. Really, all I need to do is create a link in my app to their asset in Google Docs. Some sort of document chooser that allows users to browse their docs would be very helpful. Is there a standard method/interface to accomplish t...

Is there a way to access files in "Google Chrome" folder via Google Docs API?

The "Google Chrome" folder stores Chrome synchronous information such as bookmarks. I was just wondering if there is a way to access those information via the Google Docs API? I've look at the demo provided by Google but it doesn't seem you can access that folder via API. The demo that I looked is here, if you click "Folders", it returns...

How google docs shows my .PPT files without using a flash viewer?

I want to show .ppt (PowerPoint) files uploaded by my user on my website. I could do this by converting them into Flash files, then showing the Flash files on the web page. But I don't want to use Flash to do this. I want to show it, like google docs shows, without using Flash. I've already solved the problem for .pdf files by convertin...

Embedded Google Docs PDF viewer displays login page rather than PDF

I have a Web page in which I embed a Google docs viewer in an iFrame <iframe src=";embedded=true" width="750" height="960" style="border: none;"></iframe> (where URL-encoded-URL is an actual encoded URL). For many/most of my users, the Google PDF Doc viewer appears and displays the...

Open remote document and save back to remote server

I have programmed a web app for my office that runs on the server. All of our documents are on the server as well. I would like to be able to have the user browse a folder on the server through my web app, open it in an editor (online or desktop), be able to edit it and save it back to the server, in the location where it was opened from...