
Uploading to google Docs - Unknown authorization header Error 401 - PLease Help

Hi guys I'm trying to upload a document to google docs but I'm getting an error namely an Unknown authorization header Error 401 to be exact.. I'm developing for google apps marketplace here - my code for uploading is: $client = getGoogleClient(); $docs = new Zend_Gdata_Docs($client); uploadDocument($docs, true, $FILES['file']['name...

Update a document onto existing google document using Zend framework

Hi guys I'm dabbling in google docs with Zend GData library - and succeeded to upload documents to google docs. However I would like to know how would it be possibel for me to upload a document and overwrite the document on google docs? Assume that I just have the docid which refers to the document on google docs. Thanks again - I'm usi...

Google Spreadsheet multiple column filter using OR

I have a Google Spreadsheet with 3 columns which are either blank or have a value. I want to get the count of the number of rows that has A and either B or C populated. If I were writing a SQL query it would be select count(*) from Table where A is not null and (B is not null or C is not null) But I can't for the life of me figure...

Online Collaborative Schema Design (leverage google docs?)

I'm looking for an online, collaborative database schema designer. App is for MySQL specifically, but generic DB designer is fine too. It's important that it can handle revisions (history of changes). This looks cool, and I could host it on a server - but doesn't look like it would handle multi-user: ...

Update a Google Doc (or file stored with Docs) with PHP

It seems Zend Gdata doesn't provide a way to interface with the PUT API for Google Docs. I'd like to clear a document with a known id and update its contents. Should I authenticate with Zend's Gdata and use an HTTP PUT request? How? ...

Downloading RGoogleDocs for R (it fails)

Hi all, I am trying: install.packages("RGoogleDocs", repos = "") As suggested here, but it doesn't work. I ended up manually downloading the file from here. What other ways are there for me to get to the file directly? Thanks, Tal ...

Open source alternative to WebEx WebOffice?

I have a client who has been using WebOffice (from WebEx) for a variety of tasks within their small organization. The problem is that they only really need a small subset of the features WebOffice provides (Contact list, Database, and Document Storage). They've asked me to develop a website focused on these three features with the ra...

Getting Corresponding Cell In Google Docs Spreadsheet?

I have a Google Docs spreadsheet for tracking my weight. I have two columns: Date and Weight. While the goal is to have the weight column sorted in descending order, that doesn't always happen in reality... ;-) The data essentially looks like this (weights changed to far lower values, of course): Date |Weight 04/01/10|195 04/02/1...

Is there a good R API for accessing Google Docs?

I'm using R for data analysis, and I'm sharing some data with collaborators via Google docs. Is there a simple interface that I can use to access a R data.frame object to and from a Google Docs spreadsheet? If not, is there a similar API in other languages? ...

Php Form data to Google Spreadsheets

I am trying to save data from my existing webform written in php to a google spreadsheet. I tried the Zend GData and can't seem to find my way around it. Does anyone have a better solution for this. Is it possible to grab the data and insert it into mysql database and to google spreadsheet at the same time? ...

Using DotNetOpenAuth AccessToken for uploading docx file to google

Hi , I am using DotNetOpenAuth Package, I am trying to upload a package to google docs, Using client credentials i am able to do it successfully using following code, DocumentEntry objDocumentEntry = new DocumentEntry(); objDocumentsService.setUserCredentials(strUserName,strPassWord); string strAuthenticationToken = objDocumentsService...

Is the google docs api incompatible with C# 4.0?

I've added references to all the required docs api dll's, but I still get missing reference exceptions when I try to compile. ...

How do you create a document in Google Docs programmatically?

The documentation for Google Documents List API, seems to say that you can create a local document and upload it. Is there no way to actually create and edit a document on Google Docs through an API? ...

Student's t distribution in JavaScript for Google Spreadsheet

Google Spreadsheets currently does not support the standard function TDIST - i.e. the Student's t-distribution. This function is critical for calculating p-values. It seems that this is related to the fact that no integral-using functions (AFAICT) are implemented either. However, Google Docs allows people to add and publish their own s...

How is the image floating implemented in the new Google Docs?

The new Google Docs allow an image to be placed in the middle of the text, something like "float: center" if it existed in HTML/CSS. As this is impossible to achieve in HTML/CSS, I was wondering how is this implemented? Some JavaScript taking over the native rendering of text paragraphs? Out of curiosity, I downloaded such document as a...

How to get previous versions of a spreadsheet with Google Docs API?

The "previous version" interface on Google Docs is very primitive. It wouldn't even allow you to select two arbitrary versions for comparison (but correct me if I'm wrong.) How can I access the previous versions via the API? ...

How can I force PHP's fopen() to return the current version of a web page?

The current content of this google docs page is: However, when reading this page with the following PHP fopen() script, I get an older, cached version: I've tried two solutions proposed in this question (a random attribute and using POST) and I also tried clearstatcache() but I always get the cached version of the web page. What d...

Google Docs viewer in IE

Hey all, I've searched high and low for a solution, but can't find one. I'm using Google Docs Viewer to view PDF files. It's a great tool, but I can't seem to get it working in Internet Explorer (7 or 8). All my images come up as a 'missing' icon. If I view the file externally, it seems to load fine and it will start working (I'm assu...

How do we read the data from a public google spreadsheet using Zend_Gdata

I have read the examples here: But those examples assume the spreadsheet to be read needs authentication: $service = Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets::AUTH_SERVICE_NAME; $client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient($user, $pass, $service); $spreadsheetService = new Zend_Gdata_S...

Downloading Spreadsheets From Google Docs

Hello, I am working on an Android app that uses the gdata-java-client to download documents for display only. So far I have an application that authenticates with the services and displays a list of user documents. When the user selects a document another query is made for the documents itself. A request for txt, html, rtf and doc file...