
Google gadget/spreadsheet: Grab spreadsheet key for gadget.

So I'm working on a google gadget(really only gadgetizing so I can get a datastore for this) that I want to be embeddable in a google spreadsheet (after this point, I'm going to skip the word google - you can just imagine it's there). I want to use the spreadsheet that I embed the gadget in as a key/value store for the data I enter with...

Embed Google Docs PDF viewer in IFRAME

When I upload PDF to Google Docs (using Python's gdata library), I get link to the document: >>> e.GetAlternateLink().href Out[14]: ' id=<veery-long-doc-id>&hl=en' Unfortunately using that link in IFRAME is not working for me because PDF viewer is redirecting to itself, breaking out of IFRAM...

Google Docs API. Upload file using curl.

Hi. Anyone know how to post file using curl to the google documents. I write this code: $header[] = "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=seсretkey"; $header[] = "Content-Type: application/pdf"; $header[] = "Slug: testdoc"; $header[] = "Content-Length: ".$_FILES['file']['size'].""; $url = ""...

How can I integrate Google Documents List Data API with coldfusion page?

Can someone please tell me the step that I should take to integrate google docs in .cfm page. It is a multi-user web application with single log-in , one username n password. Thanks. ...

Tool to Convert External CSS to Inline CSS in Ruby?

I am messing around with GoogleDocs and it has very very primitive CSS support. If you upload an MSWord .doc or an HTML file and export it as HTML, all styles are applied inline. They have a style block in the html file, but when you upload the HTML file back to google docs, it doesn't apply any non-inline styles. So I was thinking "m...

How can I create a default template for google docs presentation?

I want to upload or create template for my presentation in google docs once only. Whenever I log in my google docs again I should we able to use the saved template to create my presentation. Could anyone guide how to save my own template ? Thanks ...

How to authorize to download PDF document from content got from google-documents list-api

I have list of google docs which i got by authorizing myself with below code: <cfhttp url="" method="post" result="result" charset="utf-8"> <cfhttpparam type="formfield" name="accountType" value="HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE"> <cfhttpparam type="formfield" name="Email" value="[email protected]...

Is the google docs embeddable previewer out of beta and will it have an have an API? is awesome, but there are some customizations I need to make, and documentation would be helpful. Discovered here . Haven't seen any public documentation that would help. covers the Google docs - where the above is mor...

Import Data into Spreadsheet - Refresh Automatically

I would like to import data into a Google Document each day automatically without having to do it manually. I have about 50 numbers I need to import, each from a different page. One looks like this: I want the 244,604 imported into my document and to refresh automatically. Once I get...

Confusion between 'publish/embed' and 'view this item without signing in' in google docs

I don't want to appear my document in google search results, but I want to embed google document pdf in my website and user should be able to view them without sign-in. I am sure that publish/embed option in google docs will make my document searchable. Is it safe to use 'view without signing in' option and embed document in website? ...

How do see subfolders when selecting files from a folder in Google Docs API?

Google provides the ability to search for folders with specific names. While this does search all folder trees for a folder with that name, I would like to search for a folder name that is already under a particular folder. Yet when I use the code that they show as an example on their site: function retrieveDocsInNamedFolder($gdClient, ...

can we increase the size of embedded google presentation?

I am embedding google presentation in my website. But the slides in it are very small and hard to view. Is there some way by I which I could increase the display area of that embedded google presentation. Or, it can't be done at all and I should not waste time searching for it? Thanks ...

Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets gives 'Namespace Error' on inserting data?

I'm trying to insert a row in my Google spreadsheet. While other functions like counting rows, columns etc work fine; inserting a row gives me 'Namespace Error'. An exception of type DOMException was thrown, but did not get caught during the execution of the request. You will find information provided by the exception along with a stac...

How to Edit a Google Doc

There doesn't seem to be (to my knowledge) an API to edit Google Docs (not spreadsheets, their HTML based documents). Has anyone done something like the? Maybe by downloading the HTML version, editing and uploading the changes? ...

What's the right tool for this job in Google Spreadsheets?

Is it possible to nest simple programs within a Google doc spreadsheet, similar to how you would w/Basic in Excel? Or alternatively a simple = syntax using regex, if there is a way to do that in google docs? I want to take a list of multiple names(name1, name2, name3) in a single cell from across multiple identical sheets and transpose ...

Can't upload from my php form to google docs - getting error...

Hi guys I'm building a form that uploads documents to my google docs account however its not working I keep getting an error - the following is my code; $service = Zend_Gdata_Docs::AUTH_SERVICE_NAME; $client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient($username, $pww, $service); $docs = new Zend_Gdata_Docs($client); $newDocumentEntry = $do...

accessing variable sheet ranges within Google spreadsheet?

I've been trying to keep this little project entirely within Google docs, but I may have hit a wall. The spreadsheet is being used as a way for multiple users to record individual events with a Template they duplicate. I want to be able to compile a list of names of those attended onto a "report" sheet from all of the unique sheets, whic...

Retrieve Access Control List of Documents for Specific User on Google Docs?

I have a large website at There are 1000 new documents per month and 100 new users per week lets say. I need to be able to programmatically do the following: user goes to user sees list of all documents they have access to (not ALL of the docs) I know you can retrieve an ACL for each doc...

Fatal Error in uploading to google DOcs using Zend_GData

Hi guys I'm trying the code samples from zend frameworks site on how to upload a document to google docs but I keep getting this error. PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException' with message 'Expected response code 200, got 415 Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded is not a valid input type.' in C:\......

Interacting with google docs after logging into my google market apps - how

Hi guys I have a google apps account set up and even set up a simple hello world application from the available samples on the tutorial however I need to set it so I am able to interact with the google docs account associated with the account which has added my application. To interact with google docs I am aware that a token is reques...