Is there a way to use the information from Google Maps but change the icon when you use it on your website. By this I mean that there is a restaurant with information already in Google Maps that we want to use on their site, but change the marker.
I know how to create the marker and create my own info window, but I'd rather use the info ...
Whenever someone hits my site in NY, I want that map to show a spark in NY (then disappear). So, there will be sparks all over the map, as people hit my site.
Is it possible to NOT use Google Maps to do this, with a nicer-looking background map? I'm not allowed to use Google maps.
I am trying to show a google map using the following code:
<embed height="400" width="600" src=";hl=en&amp;msa=0&amp;msid=110069293083852065946.00047e2506156dd8d127b&amp;ll=27.727526,85.310855&amp;spn=0.021197,0.038581&amp;z=14&amp;iwloc=00047e251edcecb28ba7c&...
Has anyone done this, or have an idea?
I have a real estate script that for whatever reasons (google mapping limits, script itself) only gets the coordinates for half of the listings. I want to run a script that of the lat & long field are empty the script will use the address, city, state to populate the lat & long fields.
Sorry for my English.
I need custom buttons in infoWindow.
var map;
var infoWindow;
function initialize() {
var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(47.030698, 28.850098);
var myOptions = {
zoom : 15,
center : latlng,
mapTypeId : google.maps.MapTypeId...
I'm currently writing an app displaying a MapView showing a google map. i used the "hello map view" tutorial from and this works so far: the map is displayed, centered and zoomed correctly, even the OverlayItems i added are displayed correctly.
But when i click on...
I understand that if I have multiple markers on a map, and I need to handle clicks on them, I have to set up a handler for each marker like so:
// ...
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({position: new google.maps.LatLng(55, 37)});
var listener = google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function(event){
// ...
hi, i have this code
function showLocation(address) {
geocoder.getLocations(address, addAddressToMap);
function addAddressToMap(response) {
// map.clearOverlays();
if (!response || response.Status.code != 200) {
alert("Sorry, we were unable to geocode your address");
} else {
place = response.Placema...
I have an overlay that is dynamically generated from user data, so I need to know how to find the center of that overlay.
Currently, I am just using the first coordinates from the overlay, but that really does not represent the center of the overlay. Therefore when I load the map, it is not centered on the overlay.
Does anyone have a ...
How does Google Maps find out my location on my Desktop/Laptop ?
Google says it might use my IP or Wifi data to determine my location.
But how can a Browser read my Wifi data ? Is it really possible ? Can it read my Router's MAC ID ? Signal Strength ? How ? how ? how ?
EDIT: Heard back from Google, they've confirmed this is an issue on their end.
EDIT2: my contact at Google has informed me they've fixed this bug.
I've got a troublesome bug using the Google Maps V3 API.
If you set up a map, switch to streetview, close streetview, then reopen, the imagery appears blank (though the controls still displ...
Any ideas on how to bind a click event to an OverlayView in v3 of the GMaps API? The overlays seem to be buried under the map's panes so clicking on the overlay results in just a zoom. I'd ultimately like to bind an infowindow to the overlay but just being able to click it would be a fine start.
Would just changing the z-index be the ...
I'm trying to filter my google maps markers from a checkbox, based on this V3 example. My checkbox html is:
<form action="#">
Attractions: <input type="checkbox" id="attractionbox" onclick="boxclick(this,'attraction')" />
Food and Drink: <input type="checkbox" id="foodbox" onclick="boxclick(this,'food')" /> &...
Here's some background of my problem:
I am on Snow Leopard
I have RVM installed(using a ruby1.9.2-head installation)
I am using rails3
I installed the ym4r using this (and followed the tutorial)
Anyway, I added these to my controller:
@map ="map_div")
@map.control_init(:large_map => tr...
Hello guys,
I've started developing a small app which main goal is to draw a map using Google Maps API (v3), and to show business in the area drawn (bars, restaurants and so on).
I found the Google Places API that was supposed to be released this month but it hasn't been. As far as I know the point of that API is to offer results from ...
I'm receiving deserialized object using WCF (trying to get latitude and longitude using google api) however after that I need to get inside that object I received and obtain values for two properties which I'm interested in:
public double Lat { get; set; }
public double Lng { get; set; }
Those are nested inside the object.
I've got a weird problem with the openInfoWindowHtml() method using gmap. It's a bit difficult to explain so i'll provide an image.
As you can see the balloon and its content are correctly drawn. However the corners have become completely transparent and so have parts of the balloons shadow ...
Hey everyone.
Is there a way to set a max zoom level for fitBounds()? My problem is that when the map is only fed one location, it zooms in as far as it can go, which really takes the map out of context and renders it useless. Perhaps I am taking the wrong approach?
Thanks in advance!
Hey Guys,
How would dynamically draw markers on a Mapview? I've got the following code which will hardcode one point in. I'm looking to pull values from a database..
//---translate the GeoPoint to screen pixels---
Point screenPts = new Point();
mapView.getProjection().toPixels(p, screenPts);
In my project each time it run will get all of tweet information from database and point it in the map
but when i use jquery to check if it has the new tweet in database then will get it and point into the map but it's not working
function autoUpdate(){
var url= "CheckUpdate/";
$.get(url, Update,
function(jsonS) {