
getting google translate api for iphone

hi, i want to use google translate api from the iphone. what i found is : but in the list i can not see the translate api. where i can found the library ? thanks. ...

Why don't Google Group pages load in a WebKit Iframe?

In Chrome and Safari, the following loads as a blank frame. <html> <head> <title>Iframe Test</title> </head> <body> <iframe src=""&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt; </body> </html> Yet the direct URL works fine. What gives? ...

Returning neighborhood based on address with Google geocoder/API

Is there any way to effectively/accurately pull out a neighborhood within a city based on a passed in address, zip, city, state to the Google Geocoder? Whenever I try to do it via HTTP (ideal solution) It returns the following info <kml> − <Response> <name>anthonys cookies san francisco California</name> − <Status> <code>200</code> <re...

can't add a jobs item in google base

Hi, when I try to add a 'jobs' item to google base I always get an error 400 bad request but if I set the type to 'test' or 'job' it works fine. Is the jobs type still enabled on google base? here is my code, if i uncomment the test line it works fine but if i uncomment the jobs line it fails GBaseService service = new GBaseService("[...

Google analytics not gathering data from .asp page

Hi, I've installed Google Analytics several times in the past without trouble. However, recently i've installed GA on a .asp page for the first time. Google Analytics dashboard tells me the tag is properly installed, but ever after several days, i can't see any data. Is there any special setup required for .asp pages or windo...

How to add Google AutoComplete/AutoSuggest feature in rails using Google Ajax API ?

I have successfully integrated google ajax search with rails application . Does Google Ajax Search Api provides api for autocomplete/autosuggest feature in rails application ? . Is there a way to integrate google search autocomplete feature in Rails ? Any body worked on the same please share your experience . Thanks !! ...

How does Google generate its OpenID claimed_id tokens?

I'm using the django_openid_auth module and have it configured to automatically create new user accounts for new OpenIDs. This makes the "sign up" process really trivial, but I'm a bit worried that because of the way that Google generates it's OpenID tokens it might accidentally create a new account for an existing user, giving them the...

Google Earth API vs Google Earth COM API

Hello, I want to use Google Earth in a desktop application. My question is which one of these two APIs provided by google do you think has more functionality and/or best support? Thank you very much ...

Legitimate URL Cloaking for SEO?

Hey there, I have just asked these two questions, one on flash seo url best practices and one on url redirects for seo in flash, and it got me to read more about cloaking and sneaky javascript redirects. In that cloaking and sneaky javascript redirects article, it says: "Provide the textual contents of JavaScript in a noscript tag....

Drawing area at Google Map.

Please see the image : Any idea how to do that? drawing an area. ...

Google Calendar - how to delete entries using PHP?

I'm working on syncing events from our project management DB into a google calendar using PHP. Creating events in GCal works fine, but deleting them is proving to be a real pain, especially as there aren't any examples on how to do it. Has anyone done this before in PHP (not on Zend Framework)? Thanks ...

Google Help system

I would like to create an HTML help for one of my application, based on the Google help system. Does anyone know whether the Google Help system is available outside Google corp? If yes, how to obtain it. What is the authoring tool? Is it an open source tool? If not, is there some authoring tool with the same flavour? The type of help ...

Writing Content Between Firefox Tabs

I am trying to write some values that I extract from a page (via JS/JQuery) opened in a tab in Firefox, to another opened page in a different tab within Firefox. Is this possible? Basically, I am trying to write some values I extract to a Google document that I have open in a different tab. I can see the "document" value in the DOM fo...

Google-like search query tokenization & string splitting

I'm looking to tokenize a search query similar to how Google does it. For instance, if I have the following search query: the quick "brown fox" jumps over the "lazy dog" I would like to have a string array with the following tokens: the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog As you can see, the tokens preserve the spaces with in ...

oauth vs authsub

why do we need authsub when we have oauth? ...

Google webmaster tools: Sitemaps not indexing?

I've submitted sitemap.xml files to google webmaster tools and it says that i has all of the page in total but under "indexed" it says "--"? How long does it take for Google to start indexing? This was a couple of days ago. ...

Displaying scale within the range selector of a Google annoted timeline

I want to visualize where the user currently is located on the range selector slider at the bottom of the timeline. Google uses this method on the Finance site. ...

SEO: How to best encode characters such as ÅÄÖ

In terms of SEO: what's the best way to encode characters such as ÅÄÖ? I've used , in titles etc. But in google webmaster tools they end up as: "S&ouml;k bland inkomna f&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar fr&aring;n Stockholm inom Golvv&aring;rd." Doen't google recognize these? ...

Change Element Visibility Upon Page Load

Alright, for those of you who have seen the new Google Page, I am attempting to get a similar idea going on my own webpage. Basically, I want the image in the middle to fade in upon a mouse moving on the screen. Here is the URL: This is the Jquery I am using to get most of the affect:

Different Access token every time - using Google OAuth and Authlogic

Greetings! I have some troubles enabling OAuth authentication for my web application running on Ruby on Rails. I am using authlogic and authlogic_oauth and that is, in the end, using OAuth gem and therefore I decided to ask here. So shortly: I succesfully "register" (i.e. obtain the first Access Token for the user) but then, whenever I...