
WinInet google maps data api receive error Invalid Token

I am trying to login to Google maps data API (get MyMaps) with wininet and delphi but always recevied response: Invalid Token. I have gotten auth toke with wininet HTTPS call. What's the problem ? Please help.Here a example code : ServerURL=''; pathURL='/maps/feeds/maps/default/full'; headers='Authorization: Googl...

google API translate, only a div into page

Hi all, I have an html page, and I would use Google Translate for translate only a div into my page. <div id="google_translate_element"></div><script> function googleTranslateElementInit() { new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'it'}, 'google_translate_element'); } </script><script src="

Will Google index a site which forces HTTPS or SSL?

We are having problems getting Google to index our site. We decided it was easiest to just use https for the entire site. Do we need to change it so that the anonymous, "public", areas of the site are not encrypted for them to be indexed? ...

Search provided by Google vs custom results order

Hi, I want to use google custom search on my site - it's indexed anyway, and the search engine Google provides saves me a lot of pain re-implementing the things they alredy have. Only problem I have is - I need the results sorted my way: I got number of articles on my site, each having a 'rank'. And those that match the search query I ...

dojo and google closure compiler

I noticed that dojo 1.4.0 support google compiler in simple mode, will it eventually support advance mode anytime soon??? ...

How do etherpad & Google Docs do ChangeSets

I'm curious to learn how Etherpad and Google Docs automatically save data. When you're writing a text document the products send only the changes to the server. Any idea how this technology works and where I can go to learn more about the end-2-end? Thanks ...

Ajax word lookup from

caveat: I do not know how to write ajax or javascipt. I am wanting to use the dictionary from on my school website. Much like the custom search engine available from Google. I figure the easiest way is to use the URL and pass in the word as a parameter and have the results populated in a div located below the sea...

Google Geocoding / Airport Info

Hi, I've been looking for list of types of queries that geocoder supports beyond regular address geocoding. At this time I need to query google for airport locations. I have sumbled upon this document: but it mentions no place where I can get up-to-date list of allow...

Is there a size limit to the amount of data returned by an Ajax Request?

I've been having this problem in the Chrome browser. i use jquery's ajax post. Ajax is supposed to return a really long raw html. When I do it in FF3 and IE8 it works fine. But in chrome the data seems to be truncated. ...

How to tell that a folder has been deleted permanently

Hello, I have deleted a folder called forums from my website from 3 months. but in my Google Webmaster Tools it keeps saying that e.g. /forums/member.php?u=1092 is missing (404). is there any way to stop these messages and tell google that i am not going to re-upload it? is this going to affect on my SEO ranking? I tried this code, bu...

how to setup mkmapview to display pois at 100 meters range from my current location?

i have 200 pois in my app. i want to display the nearest pois to the user within 100 meters range in a mapview. How is this possible? ...

GData Google API Objective-C client help for iPhone

Hello. There seems to be no available documentation for the Objective-C client for the Google Data API. Google's API help webpage only has options for .NET, Java, Python, and the HTTP Protocol. I want to access data from a spreadsheet on my Google Docs account, and then add new data. I have added the correct source codes to my projec...

Google Maps Api: How to add a marker and speech bubble?

Hi there, I have managed to get a google map on my site using Javascript api of google maps.. and it works great... Can anyone tell me how i can add the Speech bubble and marker ... Pictured here... Basically my site displays a simple map but its missing the marker for where office is and a speech bub...

how to return results like google?

i wonder how you get the search results that is highlighted like Google? They search a text for the keyword you entered and then chop the text some nr of letters before and after the keyword and highlight it? How do you accomplish that with PHP. What functions should you use to search the keyword and then return a specific length befor...

How does the Built-in Bindings of Google Guice work?

Hello, I tried Google Guice the first time and find it very nice. But, when I reached the part of Built-in Bindings I do not understand the examples. For me it looks like I can use it for logging like an interceptor, but I don't know how. Could someone of you explain this type of Binding and how I can use it? And maybe (if it's possib...

Chrome Browser Action click not working

I am trying to create chrome extention, however my browser action click does not work! I've tried pretty much everything. Here is my setup: manifest.json: { "name": "blah", "version": "1.0", "description": "blah", "browser_action": { "default_icon": "icon1.png", "popup": "popup.html" }, "permissions": [ "bookmarks", "tabs", ...

Where can I find some good open source Android games to accelerate the learning process?

This question here lists some good links to general Android applications (that I'm already looking over) but I'm interested at the moment in specifically games (board-type, intelligent games rather than action - in other words, I don't need real-time). What are the best sources for applications like that? I want to look over the source ...

Style Google dictionary API results

I have no idea what I am doing, but I keep trying. I have been trying to find a way to add a dictionary search box to my school website for my 3rd grade (7-8 year olds). Most of the dictionary sites are too complex and riddled with inappropriate advertisements. I found out about google/ the other day and have been trying to...

Style JSON results from a search

If I make the search:;q=school&amp;sl=en&amp;tl=en&amp;restrict=pr%2Cde&amp;client=te I end up with a response in JSON. I am not a programmer and I have no idea where to begin to take the results and then style them and turn them into something my students can...

How do I get a search box to appear alongside my site listing in Google search results a-la Wikipedia

How can I get a search box like this listed for my website? ...