
Origin of "embarrassingly parallel" phrase

For the purposes of history on wikipedia, is anyone familiar with the origin of the phrase "embarrassingly parallel". I've always thought that it may have been coined by a random Google employee who first worked on map-reduce. Does anyone have any concrete info on the origin? ...

Using Google Analytics to Track User Session

I have a PHP (5+) based website. I want to track registered users of my site using Google Analytics. I basically just wish to grab their session id (or some way to identify each specific user)and view their movements and site usage from my Google Analytics dashboard. Can this be done? If so, any guidance would be most welcome. GF ...

How to set google map custom zoom level dynamically ?

Hi! I am working with google map. According to requirements i need to set different zoom level that is dependent to my search query.If there are multiple location on the map in country then map should focus the country. Other scenario is , if there are different locations marked in a city then map should be focused to city level. Regar...

Why doesn't GWT use gwt-dispatch?

After looking into gwt-dispatch and the Google Wave I/O presentation (Best practices) (video here), I'm wondering why the official GWT release (2.0) doesn't use dispatch (ie. the command pattern) for it's RPC calls. Does anyone know? ...

Google Analytics API Authentication Speedup

I'm using a Google Analytics API Class in PHP made by Doug Tan to retrieve Analytics data from a specific profile. Check the url here: When you create a new instance of the class you can add the profile id, your google account + password, a daterange and wh...

Website not opening in Chrome?

One of my friend's site's users getting this error. Oops! This link appears to be broken in Google Chrome Can he do something with their hosting to ensure users of his site will not get this error. ...

List of programming related conferences, unConference and meet-ups in the UK?

I really enjoy attending unconference/BarCamp type events and getting to meet developers, designers etc. from different backgrounds and sharing ideas in person. However, I have trouble finding events as there does not seem to be one place where they are listed. Does anyone know of such a place? I also want to setup a Google Technology...

Getting Google results in Java? Need help!

Hello. Right now, I'm trying to get the results from Google in Java, by searching for a term. I'm using a desktop program, not an applet. That in itself isn't complicated. but then Google gave me a 403 error. Anyways, I added referrer and User Agent and then it worked. Now, my problem is that I don't get the results page from Google. In...

Asterisk in robots.txt

Wondering if following will work for google in robots.txt Disallow: /*.action I need to exclude all urls ending with .action. Is this correct? ...

Change in google and Safari behavior with command tab

I have a question of pure curiosity, though there has been a change in google behavior, and I would love to know what it is, and if there are any workarounds. I doubt many people know about this, are rely on it, though I do. In Safari, in you put your cursor in the top right google search field, enter in some text, and press command an...

Google API to figure how many times a keyword is searched.

Is there a Google API tool to get how many times a specific term was searched between a certain interval (month/day/year)? From my understanding, what I'm looking for is similar to Google Keywords Tool, but I prefer not to fill in their captcha everytime, and I want to know only the statistics that suit the entered term. Does Google/ot...

what is Google web master

Hi can you give any reference, can you suggest any website please give as early as possible. ...

Google Analytics: Avg. Time on Site

Hi, i have a website and i have a Google Analytics code only on index.html code. What does Avg. Time on Site measure? Average time spend by visitors on all sites or average time on one website (index.html)? Regards ...

How long does it take Google to update all links from R 301 ?

I just changed the location of my blog, and have done the appropriate redirects. Does anyone have knowledge or experience for the delay in updating all the links across Google? Reason I ask, I wish to change the A record. So this will eliminate the .htaccess file, and thus null and void the redirect. How long must I wait prior to the u...

How to Edit a Google Doc

There doesn't seem to be (to my knowledge) an API to edit Google Docs (not spreadsheets, their HTML based documents). Has anyone done something like the? Maybe by downloading the HTML version, editing and uploading the changes? ...

How to get a city's Lat,Alt on google maps API having only the name of the city

Hey there. I'm trying to locate a city latitude and longitude only by having it's name. I'm trying to use only the Gmaps API and avoiding the use of the webservice that google offers for geolocation. ...

Weird characters in exported csv files when converting

Hey guys, I came across a problem I cannot solve on my own concerning the downloadable csv formatted trends data files from Google Insights for Search. I'm to lazy to reformat the files I4S gives me manually what means: Extracting the section with the actual trends data and reformatting the columns so that I can use it with a modellin...

Get google and yandex search results

Hi, I want to parse google and yandex search results for my little website analyzer utility. so i should send hundreds requests per minute. What is good practice for this issue? Is google search api a good way? ...

How can I pull a Google Doc spreadsheet into a PHP array?

Is it possible for me to access a Google Docs spreadsheet (possibly as a CSV file?) and build that into a PHP array? ...

How to add document(attachment) to Google Calendar using Google Calendar API ?

I want to add document to Google Calendar. Like we can attach document to Outlook Calendar. I am using Google Calendar API. ...