
Adding search for a private website

I have a login-protected website. It's an internal application and it's not avaiable to the general public hence it's not indexed by any search engine. My application is developed on the Google App Engine. I would like to add a search engine but obviously without the need to public index it. There's any solution avaiable from Google/Bi...

What's google web master tools for and how does it compare to google analytics.

Does anybody know what google web master tools offer I have google analytics on and I just realized I could register for google web master tools. not sure if it's worth. any feedback would be welcome ...

How to capture if a visitor is from an google adwords click.

When a user signs up on my site I want to be able to store whether or not they came to my site via an Adwords campaign. I know google uses javascript to track conversions based on a cookie that is created on the users machine. Is there a way I can check this cookie so I can store the source against the user account? ...

Show an image in a fixed position in Google Maps; visibility depends on the zoom level

I have a dynamic map in Google Maps (API v2) I want to overlay an image inviting the user to zoom The image disappears when the zoom level is greater than (say) 10 Any idea how to achieve this? Thanks ...

Indexing Bilingual Sites

Hi all I have a site that supports two languages. The way the user changes the language is by clicking on a language link that will change his session language from A to B and return him to the same page. The problem that I am facing is that Google doesn't index the other language since it is seeing that the language link is the same as...

What is this for an IP in my google app engine log file?

I get many normal log lines in my google app engine application. But today I go these instead the 4-part number: 2a01:e35:2f20:f770:6c54:3ee8:67fb:df8 What is this for an format? ipv6 are 6 numbers, mac address too... Normal logfile line: - - [19/Mar/2010:14:31:35 -0700] "GET /geo_data.js HTTP/1.1" 200 776 "http://www...

Google API Hooks, is there a way to be Programmatically Alerted When a Google Doc is Updated?

Does Google have an API for registering hooks/callbacks for whenever a document is updated? That way, I could run a process on one of my servers every time a doc was updated. If they don't have that, what the recommended way to accomplish that? Cron? Anything else? ...

How google detects that u are having slow connection, and suggest u to use basic html in gmail

Guys, if you have any idea about the logic behind the slow connection in gmail ...

How does one retrieve the email address of a user with GData?

I'm trying to use GData to retrieve the email address, real name, and profile URL of the user that just authorized my site using Google OAuth. We know how to request it using Google's OpenID flow, but the OpenID flow has the severe limitation that we have to ask for a Google Apps user's domain before we know where to send them to log in...

How can I make kml data look like google maps?

I have a program that generates a .shp file, and exports this as a kml file. I would like to be able to display my output using the standard google map 'map' style (gray background, yellow streets, etc) in google earth, or in the google earth api. Is there a style guide or method that I should be using? Any thoughts appreciated - I was...

Count # of links programmatically

Is there a way I can programmatically count the number of links for a website? Does google provide an api that can I can programmatically query? ...

Any significance to Google's "expires" date being Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT?

I was looking at the response headers for my GMail account and noticed that the date Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT shows up as the value for "Expires" over and over again. I suppose this is just an easy constant to make sure the browser understands this is past its freshness date. But is there any significance to that particular date? On...

Google Map info window display previous geo result instead of current result.

hi, can someone help me out with this pretty please? i dont know what went wrong with my codes, i want to display the location address in the info window but everytime it displays the previous result instead of the current one. for example when i first click a location it adds a marker but the address displayed is undefined (which is the...

Deleting blog post using Blogger API, Javascript and Prototype

Hello, everyone! I'm trying to delete a blog post on using Blogger API via Prototype Javascript library. Here's my code: var request = new Ajax.Request( ''+remoteBlogId+'/posts/default/'+postId { method:'DELETE', requestHeaders:['Authorization', 'GoogleLogin auth='+authKe...

Does redirecting from to Avoids Duplicate Content On Google?

Hi, I heared that if i don't redirect the user from to it will causes duplicate content of my website on google & other search engines, is that happening? and What is the Mod rewrite Syntax to do it through .htaccess ? Thanks ...

Adding a conversion page trough Google Websiteoptimizer API

Hey guys, I'm developing a module which allows users of my cms to create A/B tests from my cms instead of Google's interface. I manage to create tests and add the original page and the alternative page(s) just fine using the API documented here: My issue is that i can't find documentatio...

Ruby open_id_authentication with Google OpenID

I am in my first steps of implementing OpenID in my Rails app. open_id_authentication appeared to be a fairly easy-to-use plugin, which is why I decided to use it. Logging in with my Google account seems to work perfectly, however I do not get the sreg/AX fields that I require. My code is currently as follows: class SessionsController ...

How to move a mail to SPAM ? Using Google Mail Migration API?

Hi, I am referring Link. To move migrated mails to Inbox we use: entries.MailItemProperties.Add(MailItemPropertyElement.INBOX); Similarly for DRAFT,SENT e.t.c But there is no option for spam mails. How can i move mails to spam? ...

Google single signon?

Facebook has linked accounts, where facebook logs you into facebook everytime you are logged in with your google account. So if you're logged in into gmail then visit, facebook will automatically log you in! How do you do this for your own domain so that when a user visits your website it logs you in into your domain? (Do...

HOW-TO Include movie showtimes in Google Movies

I am making the website of a movie theater, and I want Google Movies to index the showtimes I publish on the website. Does anyone know if there's a way to do this?, maybe using microformats? or exposing this information using RSS or something similar?. Thx ...